Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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deekej chrisl: hello Chris, I have a small question about mapping of 2 current URW fonts to initial Core Font Set Level 2... Is P052 font family supposed to "replace" the old Palation font?13:33.26 
  And therefore, the C059 should be mapped to "New Century Schoolbook"?13:33.54 
  I was able to map the rest of the fonts, but I'm not sure about these 213:34.06 
  chrisl: ah, nevermind, I have found the Resource/Init/Fontmap.GS file :)13:36.57 
ml_ hi i am struggling to get my ghostscript to work on one of the computers on powerbuilder13:47.45 
kens And in what way doe sit not work ?13:48.22 
ml_ it create empty pdf13:48.38 
kens And what back channel messages do you receive ?13:48.51 
  Note; we don't support PowerBuilder13:49.04 
ml_ not sure new o it13:49.15 
kens Well then how are you using Ghostscript ? binding to the DLL ? FOrking a process ? running from the command line ? something else ?13:49.46 
  Also what version of Ghostscript, what word size, what operating system ?13:50.15 
  Well that scared him off :-)13:51.37 
jtth @kens & @chrisl: about a week or so ago the possibility of altering ghostscript to convert the pdfs and store them in memory instead of it writing to files on conversion13:54.41 
  is this still something you'd be interesting on walking me through? I'd like to give it a go13:55.03 
kens Umm, well we can try and help13:55.15 
  Your best bet is probably to start with a device that does what you want, but writes to disk13:55.30 
  I can't recall what you were trying to produce, JPEG ?13:55.48 
jtth Pdf to jpg yes. 13:56.00 
  Does Unity suffice as a device that allows me to write to disk?13:56.15 
kens RGB, CMYK or Gray output ?13:56.22 
  I have no clue about Unity, WinRT, UWP or anythign like that stuff13:56.42 
jtth My guess would be RGB13:56.53 
kens In this case we are talking about a Ghostscript device13:57.00 
jtth I feel the same way Kens. windows runtime/uwp stuff is beyond foreign to me13:57.12 
kens FOr example the jpeg device is a GS device that writes RGB JPEG to isk, hpegcmyk is a GS device that writes CMYK JPEG etc13:57.26 
  SO assuming RGB JPEG then we need to start with the jpeg device in GS13:57.46 
jtth Ok well I have a jpeg device working in Unity. Converts the pdfs to jpegs and stores each individually converted page into its own jpeg file on disk13:57.56 
kens I assume you are using the jepg device by setting -sDEVICE=jpeg13:58.17 
jtth No quite. Using this script, PDFConvert.cs - https://pastebin.com/jskvkbyz13:59.21 
  Which I found via this project, https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/32274/How-To-Convert-PDF-to-Image-Using-Ghostscript-API13:59.29 
kens Seems excessively complicated....14:00.11 
jtth I honestly couldn't tell you. About a month ago I was looking for a way to render PDFs in Unity. 14:00.54 
  That script claimed it did that. And with some tinkering it did do just that14:01.19 
kens But anyway, it still looks to me like its using -sDEVICE=jpeg, its just obfuxcated in the const strings14:01.24 
jtth GS_DeviceFormat = "-sDEVICE={0}";14:01.50 
kens Well sort of14:01.57 
  It 'looks like' it replaces that {0} with 'somethign else' at some point, probably with jpeg14:02.16 
  But I don't grok this language so I'm guessing14:02.29 
  C# ?14:02.34 
jtth C#, yes14:02.39 
kens Well I'm going to give up on uinderstanding it, it looks like its using the jpeg device anyway14:03.51 
jtth Yeah it is14:03.57 
  the script is supposed to allow the user to specify what output they want14:04.09 
  when they call the function14:04.15 
  But yes I am exporting to jpg14:04.21 
kens So look slike the devioce code i sin ghostpdl/devices/gdevjpeg.c14:04.46 
chrisl This is just for vewiing, isn't it?14:05.40 
jtth the functionality is purely to view a pdf14:06.00 
kens Then why not a Windows DIB ?14:06.13 
jtth what is that14:06.23 
kens Device Indepenedent Bitmap14:06.30 
  You can draw it natively on a GDI canvas14:06.44 
chrisl I'd be tempted to use the gs display device14:06.55 
jtth again, don't know the acronym haha14:06.55 
kens Its all WIndows'y14:07.06 
jtth gotcha.14:07.10 
  How does one use that14:07.16 
kens GDI is the Graphic Device Interface14:07.19 
  There are Win32 calls for writing to it14:07.30 
  Whether you can use *any* of this on a HoloLens I have no clue14:07.50 
jtth hololens has the windows 10 api, but limited as they didnt implement everything14:08.07 
kens But in any event, as chrisl says, the WIndows display device mechanism is (it seems to me) better suited for your needs anyway14:08.11 
jtth as well as windowsrt stuff14:08.15 
kens THe display device registers a callback which receives the rendered bitmap14:08.31 
  Then it chooses what to do with it. In the case of Windows, its draws it in the Window14:08.48 
  Its hte easiest way to get a bitmap in memory14:09.07 
jtth sounds like it might be the way to go. how does gs call/use t14:10.04 
chrisl https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.18/API.htm#display14:10.10 
kens wow, actually useful documentation....14:11.12 
jtth The docs lead me to this windows implementation, https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/psi/dwmain.c14:15.28 
kens That's part of it, the actual bit that does the display is in dwimg.c, but the itnerface is in dwmain.c14:15.59 
  Starts around line 10014:16.10 
jtth o.o ... this is dense14:18.07 
kens The first thing that gets called is display_open()14:18.39 
  Then display_size()14:19.10 
  Which gets the width height format etc14:19.23 
jtth ughhh... any chance this dwmain.c is good to go and just needs the user to send a call. or do i need to run through the laundry list 14:19.25 
kens Well you can try using the code as it stands14:19.51 
  I've o clue if the HoloLens supports these old Win32 API calls that we use14:20.08 
chrisl I think it highly unlikely14:20.21 
kens I would agree myself14:20.34 
  In which case you are going to need to implement the whole lot, and figure out how to render the bitmap tothe gadget14:20.52 
  Actually it looks like the dwimg.c code creates a genuine Windows BITMAP, so you 'might' be able to use quite a bit of it.14:21.58 
jtth alright well that is beyond my comprehension of this code... my other alternative if this didn't pan out was to use FileOpenPickers and somehow select the PDF that way and feed it to the code I have working currently14:21.58 
  but i have no idea how to use file pickers and i tried for weeks with no success14:22.27 
kens Can't help you with that, sorry14:22.36 
jtth Didnt think so. Are you saying dwimg.c/dwmain.c could be good to go now14:22.54 
kens Not directly, you could probably reuse a lot if it, but it depends on the HoloLens device14:23.17 
  I have no idea how you render *anything* to it14:23.26 
jtth This is how I'm using the aforementioned PDFConvert script14:25.17 
  The main call thats important is, pp.Convert(CurrentHeadPath, CurrentPDFPath);14:25.57 
  it creates the converted jpg imgs at the head path, from the pdf at pdf path14:26.37 
kens Not really, I know about that, I don't know how you draw anything. That seems to be done by something called a Texture14:26.39 
  Which you then load into a RawImage14:27.01 
jtth I'm feeding the byte data into a Texture. Its just a component in unity14:27.05 
  thats the only way ive been able to dynamically load images14:27.24 
kens Well, you could 'possibly' load the bitmap data into a RawImage, I've no idea really.14:28.03 
jtth Oop I had that mixed up. It detects if the pdf exists at the current headpath and creates the images using the pdf path14:28.35 
kens I guess its possible that the 'Texture' could read a bitmap instead of a JPEG.14:29.32 
  In which case you could just pass the data in the img variable in dwmain.c, display_page() to the Texture device in your C# code.14:31.00 
  BUt it seems like this is going to need a lot of work since that would be mixing C and C#, I can't believe that's going to end well14:31.27 
jtth I'm game to give it a shot14:32.39 
kens Have you looked at Ghostscript.NET ?14:32.49 
jtth How do I go about loading my pdf into the img variable in dwmain.c14:32.51 
  Not sure, I'm gonna guess no14:33.10 
kens It might be easier if you did. For a start Josip understands C# which I do not14:33.31 
jtth Josip?14:34.01 
kens I don't know if it can return a bitmap in memory, but he would probably be the person I would ask to tackle this14:34.05 
  Josip Habjan14:34.09 
  The autor of Ghostscript.NET14:34.18 
jtth ah14:34.41 
kens OK here's the site:14:34.45 
  Note that there's a viewer, so I'm going to guess he's solved the major part of your problems right gthere14:35.04 
  Under other featires 'allows you to rasterise files in memory'14:35.29 
jtth Yes that caught my eye as well14:36.39 
kens Note Josip isn't an Artifex eomployee or anything,14:36.51 
  He's completely independent but it looks like he has already solved most of what you are tyring to do14:37.09 
  As far as getting rendered files in memory on a c# platform at least14:37.26 
jtth Ehh, well his Viewer is an executable program, so I have to believe that won't work in Unity or hololens14:37.52 
kens No, but its open source14:38.00 
  And presumably uses Ghostscript.NET so you can look at what he's done to get the image in memory14:38.26 
  He's usually pretty approachable I've found, and I think his expertise is going to be more helpful to you than we are, because we work in C, cross-platofrm14:39.02 
  I'd certainly suggest you look at what it can do and see if you can use that, I'm guessing but I imagine it'll be easier to work with for you than trying to get Ghostscript and its devices to do what you want14:39.51 
jtth I'm confused on where exactly his viewer is used and why for14:39.52 
kens The viewer isn't (as far as I understand it) part of Ghostscript.NET. Its the same kind of setup as we use. The library is the important thing, the viewer (in our case the executable) is just a demo to show you how you can use it14:40.42 
jtth Well the thing is I've struggled through the gs for a few weeks and have it working, for the most part, its just that the hololens doesnt have access to create files in memory outside of a few known folders14:40.48 
chrisl So, use those folders?14:41.32 
kens His documentation has a 30 or so line example tht seems to rasterise to memory14:41.34 
jtth Chris, I wish I knew how. Every bloody example is using async/await methods to access the folder and I don't know how to just get the folder path as a string14:42.26 
  Looks like this14:43.09 
  StorageFolder storageFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary; StorageFile file = await storageFolder.CreateFileAsync("sample.png", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); // Do something with the new file.14:43.10 
  thats unhelpful. I apologize14:43.23 
kens jtth, from the Ghostscript,NET docuemntation:14:43.32 
  _rasterizer = new GhostscriptRasterizer();14:43.32 
  _rasterizer.Open(inputPdfPath, _lastInstalledVersion, false);14:43.32 
  for (int pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= _rasterizer.PageCount; pageNumber++)14:43.32 
  string pageFilePath = Path.Combine(outputPath, "Page-" + pageNumber.ToString() + ".png");14:43.32 
  Image img = _rasterizer.GetPage(desired_x_dpi, desired_y_dpi, pageNumber);14:43.32 
  img.Save(pageFilePath, ImageFormat.Png);14:43.33 
  which looks like exactly what you are trying to do, except that it calls img.Save instead of 'something else'14:43.35 
kens coffees14:47.50 
jtth kens, so then how is this displayed14:47.55 
kens How is what displayed ? The output from the Rasteriser class ? It isn't, it gets written to disk byt the Image.Save14:52.25 
  But I assume you could do something else with teh Image class14:52.36 
  Evenif nnot, you cold look at Josip's impleemntation of his Rasteriser class to see how he rasterises to memory14:53.02 
jtth i dont know even know where his documentation is, let alone how to tinker with ghostscript and have any success15:11.17 
kens https://ghostscriptnet.codeplex.com/documentation15:11.43 
  He returns a variable of class Image from _rasterizer.GetPage() Looking at teh class in the MSDN documentation I think you should be able to use that directly as a drawing argument to the Grpahics class for the HoloLens device15:12.44 
  Drawing Images are dcoumented here:15:13.48 
  Notice at the bottom of tht page is an example which Paints an image in response ot the Paint event for a Graphics Object15:14.38 
  The Graphics class is documented here:15:15.14 
jtth My goodness. So it returns a variable of class Image, which I can then Paint using the Graphics class?15:16.52 
kens It looks like it to me, yes15:17.01 
  I think you would use the DrawImage Method of the Graphics class though15:17.19 
  I don't know how you ouwld obtain a suitable Graphics object for the HoloLens, I assume you can already do that though15:17.43 
  So once you've obtained a Graphics object, you would rasterise the page you want using Ghostscript.Net, which would return you can object of type Image, which you would then paint by calling Graphics.DrawImage(Image, ...)15:19.19 
  Bear in mind this is speculation on my part, none of this is exactly my area of expertise15:20.01 
jtth yeah I don't know how that would work, or if it would work. This variable of class Image, is it a bitmap15:23.08 
kens Its an Image class, which is a C# class15:23.31 
  I have to guess its storing a bitmap in there somehow15:24.02 
jtth Ha, yeah I dont think thats going to work. I was hoping to fix the folder situation or integrate some sort of new solution like you were talking about by feeding in the rasterized (not even sure what that means) data into my rawimage15:25.07 
kens rasterized means the same as rendered. You take a resolution-independent vector description and create a fixed resolution bitmap from it. Its a commen term.15:25.59 
  As I said, even if you don't want to use Josip's code, you can look at his implementation to see how he goes about creating a stored bitmap in the Image class.15:26.54 
  Starting with a working solution seems to me much simpler than trying to code this up from scratch15:27.12 
  Especially since, to be frank, we can't really help you much. The fact that Ghostscript is written in C and you need to use C# simply complicates matters further15:27.47 
jtth Gotcha. I'd never heard of it. Yes, I do have a working solution of sorts in Unity, just fails to create files in Hololens. Is his source code on the webpage you provided earlier15:27.48 
kens Yes, its all open source15:28.11 
  You can download it all from the front page there15:28.27 
jtth Alright well then I will give it a look and see if I can find it15:29.57 
kens Specifically the source code page is:15:30.01 
jtth It, being the bitmap in the image class15:30.17 
kens Huh ?15:30.40 
  The code is a C# wrapper round Ghostscript, if you don't want to use it 'as is' then you can, as I said, look at the bits that the rasterizer class uses. Since tht gets a bitmap from Ghostscript in some fashion, it must do pretty much all of what you want15:31.49 
jtth Kens, I have no idea what I'm doing, lets just be clear on that. You were saying something about bitmaps being read in, or at least thats how I interpreted what you were saying about me reading in the byte data into my texture15:32.09 
  Im trying to figure out what exactly I need from this, and I dont even know what I need/what I'm looking for15:32.40 
kens That's what you seem to be doing. If you really feel you need to continue in that mode then I suggest you look at how Ghotscript.NET rasterizer class retrieves the rendered bitmap from Ghostscript. THen, instead of creating an object of class Image from it, you can simply feed it to your existing code.15:33.24 
jtth look at how Ghotscript.NET rasterizer class retrieves the rendered bitmap from Ghostscript15:33.54 
  ok. I will try to do find this15:34.03 
  ... I can't even type. My apologies15:34.10 
kens is not in a position to complain about other people's typos15:34.25 
jtth If I get lost here, which I'm guessing, how should I contact Josip15:35.34 
kens Well, he watches the Ghostscript.NET stack Overflow tag15:35.58 
  So you could ask a question tehre. I think the codeplex site has a forum too15:36.18 
jtth https://ghostscriptnet.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Ghostscript.NET/Ghostscript.NET/Rasterizer/GhostscriptRasterizer.cs15:38.56 
  Yeah not making much sense of it15:39.02 
  I'll try an SO post with the GS.NET tag15:39.11 
kens Well it usees hte Viewer class to do the work15:39.27 
  SO you need to look into that15:39.32 
  And that's *really* complex15:39.42 
jtth ...and there in the lies the rub.15:40.00 
kens If you look at this:15:40.23 
  You will see its using the display device to return the bitmap15:40.32 
jtth looking15:40.41 
  Where do you see that15:40.55 
kens About 45% of the way down15:41.10 
jtth Ha ok so we've established that it is using the display device, but we don't know where the bitmap is so that we can access / obtain it15:42.16 
kens If you read through that code, somewhere it is registering callbacks with the display device. That's precisely what you need to do15:42.44 
  The DisplayHandler is the code that receives the callbacks from Ghostscript15:44.31 
jtth Kens why does it feel like you know exactly what you're looking at/for and are just prodding me along until I stumble upon it15:45.19 
kens THat must be some kind of illusion, all I'm doing is reading someone else's code in a language which is highly unfamiliar to me15:45.45 
  My only advantage is that I know how Ghostscript works, so I know that somewhere in here must be seomthign useful15:46.13 
jtth Ah. Well, I don't understand it as well. I'm going to draft an SO post in the meantime15:48.08 
  Very raw. Kens would you mind giving it a view to see if I included the entirety of what you understand I am trying to do?16:08.45 
  Ha well he's gone! Kens if you see this log, I'd appreciate you giving it a look. You're far more knowledgeable when it comes to ghostscript and if there's any helpful details missing I'd trust you would know them. And if that being that case, I'd like to add any and all beneficial information to my post.16:49.24 
  @chrisl are you here?16:53.50 
AppleTODay hello, I am trying to use Ghostscript inside my iOS app20:44.23 
  I found a decent library file for 32 bit version20:44.39 
  However I need to be able to support 64 bit for iOS 1120:44.53 
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