Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/31)20170801 
kens jtth I can't really say anything about your question except that I would not have tagged it with so many tags. You've attracted the attention of one of the SO Nazis I'm afraid by tagging it with Unity3d. Since you want specific help on Ghostscript.NET I'd have left it tagged with that. If you want someone to try and help you figure out what you can do with your existing code, then a different question tagged with Unity would be sensible.07:12.32 
  AppleTODay (for the logs) and your question is what exactly ?07:12.52 
anEpiov hei11:59.43 
  I was trying to figure out the gs command line design decitions. Doesn't look like under some potent weed but more like an undiscovered type of exotic metamphetamines.12:01.28 
chrisl anEpiov: It partly stems from the fact that most command line options set values in the Postscript environment, and partly because many different people have added many different options over a long, long period of time.12:05.24 
Robin_Watts anEpiov: Though, if you can find what the designers of postscript were smoking, I'll have some.12:50.53 
dilfridge question16:28.21 
  what does one gain/lose by setting --disable-openjpeg (and removing the bundled code)?16:28.48 
dilfridge right now forces building against the system openjpeg library in Gentoo16:29.23 
  building against bundled libs is against our policies, and now some user wants that I make it optional...16:30.00 
  but I dont know what capabilities gs loses if it has no jpeg2k implementation at all16:30.51 
chrisl You no longer have a conforming, up to date, PDF interpreter16:30.55 
dilfridge heh16:31.01 
  good point :)16:31.05 
chrisl I would recommend against doing so16:31.34 
dilfridge that sounds very reasonable, thanks16:31.51 
chrisl No problem - FWIW, I can't remember what version of PDF jpx came in, but it's been in PDF for quite a while.16:32.50 
camelopard Can somebody comment on the scope of bug 692024? What documents? What languages? What rates?17:40.39 
anEpiov do consumer printers allow printing directly with gs?22:36.03 
  or better question, can gs be used to print?22:36.13 
camelopard anEpiov: On MS Windows Ghostscript can SetDIBBitsToDevice(), i.e. rasterise and print. Ghostscript doesn't use other GUI operations or printer escapes.23:17.44 
anEpiov what about on linux?23:37.58 
  more difficult?23:38.02 
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