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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/05)20170806 
kens sebras (also for the logs) All 3 patches look OK to me, the one diff on bmpcmp you can ignore its a known indeterminate file. I think we definitely do want these on the jbig2dec master repo yes, that's the GS one isn't it ? I think it gets copied from there to other places.08:28.21 
sebras kens (for the logs): Yes I believe that the MuPDF's jbig2dec is automagically extracted from gs, so I'll go ahead and push these changes to gs now. Thanks for pointing out the indeterminate file, that one kept me worried I did something wrong. :)09:59.21 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/08/07)>>> 
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