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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/14)20170815 
deekej chrisl: hey, do you have a moment? I might have an alternate solution for you regarding the fontconfig/ files :)15:21.33 
chrisl deekej: I have a very short moment....15:21.52 
deekej chrisl: okay - what I was thinking is that we could create a new github rebo, just for these files (it would include AppStream files as well in the future)15:22.30 
  I would be maintainer of this github repo15:22.38 
  and you would just have it as a sub-repository for urw-core35-fonts15:22.51 
  and the only change for you would be, lets say, one Makefile, which would automatically pull the newest changes before you do a new archive15:23.31 
chrisl deekej: That sounds like a plan15:23.55 
  deekej: what I might do is make the github repo a submodule15:24.53 
deekej chrisl: ok :) so can we discuss details a littlbe mit more some time during tomorrow? :)15:25.59 
  *little bit15:26.09 
chrisl deekej: sure, that'll be good15:26.12 
deekej chrisl: good, see you tomorrow ;)15:26.25 
chrisl Indeed15:26.32 
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