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keizerflipje hey09:57.00 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.09:57.00 
keizerflipje recently discovered -dPDFFitPage09:58.07 
  is there a way to scale by percentage as well?09:58.43 
  say I'm scaling a 9x6 document to 11.5x809:59.17 
  however a part of the 11.5x8 page will be cropped, so I need larger margins09:59.32 
  so I need a 0.5 margin in addition to the margins already present in the original 9x6 document10:00.09 
  or should I setup a trimbox/cropbox for this?10:04.26 
chrisl There's a more general -dFitPage now, IIRC10:34.40 
  But no, there isn't a way to scale by a percentage10:35.11 
  keizerflipje: ^^10:35.23 
  If your PDF has one, you might be able to use -dUseCropBox to fit the page to the CropBox rather than the MediaBox10:39.19 
  (IIRC, CropBox is optional, hence the caveat)10:39.41 
keizerflipje chrisl: my source pdf probably doesn't have a cropbox11:37.44 
  there also no way to define an adding margin?11:38.31 
  something like -dMargin=0.5in -dFitPage11:38.49 
chrisl keizerflipje: Not with the way the PDF interpreter currently works11:52.22 
keizerflipje ok11:58.38 
chrisl keizerflipje: It is feasible, but more complicated to do it using some Postscript stuff: see https://ma.juii.net/blog/scale-page-content-of-pdf-files11:59.22 
keizerflipje ah I'll look into that11:59.52 
  btw, another thing11:59.58 
  when I processed my source PDF with ghostscript my output is quite a bit larger12:00.15 
  as in 70kb -> 120kb12:00.38 
kens shrugs12:00.47 
keizerflipje does -dFastWebView add so much overview12:00.54 
chrisl That's not unheard of12:00.57 
keizerflipje overhead*12:00.57 
kens yes12:01.00 
  Or at least, potentially12:01.07 
  Its a waste of time, don't use it12:01.12 
keizerflipje is there a way to visualize how much of a PDF is dedicated to what?12:01.18 
kens Not easily no12:01.25 
keizerflipje kens: why? because only acrobat reader supports it?12:01.41 
kens Even acrobat reader doesn't support it properly12:01.53 
keizerflipje oh?12:01.58 
kens hardly any consumer does12:02.01 
keizerflipje so it's mostly pointless overhead?12:02.12 
kens Its essentially pointless, and you can't use it with later versions of PDF anyway12:02.16 
keizerflipje oh it was removed from the spec?12:02.28 
kens No, but its not compatible with some features of later versions12:02.44 
  TBH I wish they had removed it in 2.012:02.53 
  Actually, I suppose I should check and see if they did :-)12:03.07 
  Nope, still there in Annexe F12:03.32 
keizerflipje btw even without FastWebView my PDF increases in size, any clue why that would happen?12:05.37 
  in general?12:05.40 
kens Could be many reasons12:05.49 
keizerflipje my source pdf was generated my XeLaTeX12:05.58 
kens extra white space, different compression filters on images, extra boilerplate....12:06.09 
keizerflipje it only has two OpenType fonts in it12:06.12 
  no images 12:06.14 
kens Without seeing the two files I can't comment12:06.39 
keizerflipje I might be able to upload a few samples tomorrow12:07.26 
  it's not a huge problem though, i'm just very curious12:07.39 
kens Like I said, its not really possible to tell.12:07.51 
  When it comes to boilerplate we add stuff that isn't strictly required by the earlier specs12:08.13 
jtth @chrisl & @kens: I fully assume nothing has been done and I've moved onto another tool but, I figured to check back and see if any progress has been made with UWP apps compatibility15:55.45 
kens Nope, its not an area we have any real interest in currently15:56.29 
  We do believe that you can build GS into a UWP application, but that's not the same as a HoloLens I suspect15:56.52 
chrisl jtth: I haven't had time to fix the build problems with post VS2012 versions, but I wasn't aware of any other issues with a gs library and a UWP app15:59.59 
jtth Link: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/32274/How-To-Convert-PDF-to-Image-Using-Ghostscript-API?fid=153329216:10.06 
  This solution implements GhostScript in its PDFConvert C# script. However even with the gsdll32metro build, which I greatly thank you for, I wasn't able to get it working on the Hololens16:10.34 
  The Hololens can't write files to memory outside of its sandbox. I was hoping there was a solution which used GhostScript but instead of writing to storage, wrote to memory 16:11.40 
  Again, no expectations, just checking if something like that came about.16:11.57 
  Note: ghostscript.net doesnt work on Hololens from what I could tell16:12.11 
chrisl jtth: the solution, in your case, is to use the display device16:18.01 
jtth Theoretically I fully understand that, but implementing, I do not. 16:18.53 
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