Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/24)20170825 
deekej chrisl: hello Chris, please wait a few minutes before merging the PR, I would like to add a README file there as well :)11:30.49 
chrisl deekej: okay - I'm going to get some lunch, so I'll check in when I've done that11:35.08 
deekej chrisl: bon apetite :)11:35.18 
  chrisl: sorry, something urgent came by... :-/ I have now added the README file there as well. If you wish, you can merge it now. :)13:22.29 
chrisl deekej: I'll do it shortly. Thanks13:22.50 
deekej chrisl: no worries, I'm not in a hurry ;)13:23.14 
chrisl deekej: Done13:29.21 
deekej chrisl: thanks13:44.16 
KimmyKaroo Hi. I want to use GhostScript to optimize a lot of pdfs and I noticed something interesting from the Adobe Distiller documentation called PassThroughJPEGImages22:01.37 
  I was wondering if the gswin64c command line supports or ever will support this parameter because I think it would be useful for some of my pdfs22:02.12 
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