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kens Skaag there is no parameter 'Mono' for ColorConversionStrategy, you want Gray instead. Note that we don't support monochrome (black and white) at all, just grayscale. *don't* use -dPDFSETTINGS because that alters a whole load of parameters, many of which (as you've apparently discovered' will do things you don't want.07:07.34 
  The part of the command line doing the work is the PostScript (the bit in "") and that *only* works for RGB colours. It won't work for images at all and it won't work for anything in CMYK, ICCBased, Separation, DeviceN or CIEBased colour spaces. So its pretty limited. Use the defined method and set -sColorConversionStrategy=/Gray07:09.24 
  emendelson you can (in the unreleased code) have soft fonts downloaded permanently I believe. However, permanent in this case is misleading, its only permanent until you close the interpreter.07:10.42 
chrisl *If* it's the same thing (disclaimer: I know very little about PCL), then the fonts are persistent between invocations. They get saved to disk.07:12.42 
kens Oh do they ? Didn't know that, I was trying to read the code without a lot of success.07:13.00 
  No idea how you remove them though07:13.07 
chrisl Delete the files? I don't know either, tbh07:13.43 
  I'm thinking of this: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69790007:14.25 
kens Yeah that was what I had in mind07:14.40 
chrisl not sure that's the same thing as emendelson meant07:15.10 
kens Me neither, PCL is a mystery to me :-)07:15.33 
chrisl Yep, and I'd like to keep it that way.....07:15.53 
emendelson kens and chrisl - what you describe sounds very close to what I'm looking for. When the new version shows up, I'll experiment and report back. PCL is mysterious, but some of us had to learn it in kindergarten (or at least it seems that way).11:54.13 
kens The next version of the Ghostscript family is due for release in September, due to a staff meeting, it'll probably be late September11:55.07 
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