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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/09/03)20170904 
cmh1234 Can anyone help with the following error? "**** File has unbalanced q/Q operators (too many Q's) ****"17:27.38 
  ghostscript 9.10~dfsg-0ubuntu10.10 installed on an ubuntu 14.04 system17:27.51 
chrisl cmh1234: What do you want to know?17:29.45 
cmh1234 hello chris, why the error occurs and what can be done to resolve it17:32.50 
chrisl cmh1234: Um, the error occurs because of what it says "unbalanced q/Q operators (too many Q's)". It means your PDF is broken17:34.09 
  You can resolve it by not using broken PDF files....17:34.23 
  FWIW, it's likely that the rendered output is still as intended17:38.24 
cmh1234 "You can resolve it by not using broken PDF files" ha. i wish it were that easy. these aren't our pdfs and the customer has uploaded thousands of them.17:43.32 
  regardless, thank you for your help.17:43.39 
chrisl cmh1234: Well, we try to do what Acrobat does, and give a best guess at what a broken file is supposed to look like. It's just, unlike Acrobat (normally), we try to warn you there was a problem17:45.52 
cmh1234 Gotcha. Yeah the problem is trying to determine which PDF is considered broken in this haystack.17:51.21 
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ghostscript.com #mupdf