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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/09/17)20170918 
chw hi everyone.09:11.49 
  i'm not quite sure it's a bug, so i thought i'd ask here first.09:12.07 
  when i use pdf as input pdfwrite produces invalid/corrupt metadata.09:12.29 
  command: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dBATCH -o out.pdf test.pdf09:12.40 
  dumpxml on the input is fine, on the output it throws: "Error: /rangecheck in --readline--".09:13.01 
  command: gs -dNODISPLAY -dDumpXML -q -sFile=out.pdf pdf_info.ps09:13.18 
  other validation tools also complain about broken metadata.09:13.39 
  this happens with every pdf i've tried so far.09:13.47 
  these two for exmaple:09:14.12 
  both are valid as far as preflight and verapdf are concerned.09:14.40 
  now as i said, i'm not sure this is a bug because this happens in version 9.20, 9.21 and the current git with commit fc08a2810b1594ce865190763a7831704c00846d.09:15.09 
  it seems like that would have popped up before now, especially with the dumpxml option added to pdf_info.ps earlier this year.09:15.32 
  so, is it a bug? am i missing some option?09:16.03 
  or is one not supposed to use pdf as input and expect the metadata to validate?09:16.33 
kens chw I cannot comment without seeing your file. However, I've just closed 2 other bug reports as invlaid, raised by someone using VeraPDF. As far as I'm aware, there i nothign wrong with what we produce; I'm willing to be corrected but I do not know of a problem (and for me, VeraPDF does not complain about metadata)10:07.53 
chw do the links not show up for you? i've linked two files where the metadata breaks after i ran the commands listed.10:12.54 
  and what about pdf_info.ps and the readline error?10:13.12 
kens I've literally just stepped off an overnight trans-Atlanitc flight, so I'm not exactly the brightest bulb on the Xmas tree right now10:13.43 
  There is no way you are going to get a PDF/A file from teh command line you've supplied10:15.04 
  And VeraPDF verifies PDF/A files only as far as I know.10:15.16 
  Which would, of ocurse, explain your emtadata error.10:15.28 
  Have you read the documentation on producing PDF/A files ?10:16.04 
chw you're right, it would not produce a pdf/a file as i'm not trying to produce one10:17.22 
kens Well as far as I know, VeraPDF only validates PDF/A files10:17.43 
chw the first file is pdf 1.6 not pdf/a10:17.46 
  yes, but preflight checks normal pdfs, does it not?10:18.10 
kens Which preflight ?10:18.17 
chw acrobat xi10:18.26 
kens If you mean Acrobat, tehn I know that has other problems10:18.27 
chw oh10:18.33 
kens I don't know of a single reliable preflight checker10:18.46 
  Of coruse, people only report errors to us when their preflight checker throws up errors. So I wouldn't hear baout one which didn't have a problem10:19.16 
chw true. what about the pdf_info.ps error?10:19.59 
kens To be honest, there's no point in me trying to thin about this today, and if you don't report a bug I'll simply forget it. So I'd suuggest you open a bug report10:20.10 
  I'm not convinced that pdfinfo.ps is reliable in this regard either. Its very new that stuff10:20.34 
chw i'd like to open a report, but bugzilla won't e-mail me back for some reason.10:22.17 
  i'll try a gmail account, maybe that'll work10:22.31 
kens It should we have lots of gmail users10:22.39 
  I'm afraid we've all been travelling, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow for any real help. Sorry but there's no pint in me looking at problems right at the moment, and I'm sure the other this side of the pond will feel the same way when they log in10:24.06 
chw ok, i'll try that later today. i guess i'll leave out all the validation and just go for the pdf_info.ps error, right?10:25.43 
kens Well you can stick the validation in if yo ulike, it'll all come to me anyway10:26.11 
chw ok, will do. i'm in no hurry, was just wondering if i was messing something up. thanks10:30.30 
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