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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/09/18)20170919 
halabund Hi kens 08:11.25 
kens Morning08:14.59 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I saw some discussion regarding overprint.14:32.50 
  one of the things my overprint_sim branch does is to pre-scan the file (much as we do for transparency) to see if it needs the overprint simulation compositor14:33.43 
  it also checks if the page has spot colors if so14:34.03 
  and, it only does the overprint simulation for non-CMYK devices or CMYK devices (non-DeviceN) when the device has spot colors14:34.52 
  and, it only does the overprint simulation for non-CMYK devices or CMYK devices (non-DeviceN) when the FILE has spot colors14:35.00 
  and it only does this (currently) when -dSimulateOverprint is set, although we could change it if we want to make it the default to true and -dSimulateOverprint=false to disable it14:36.13 
  and, put_image passes alpha, and if the device returns 0 from that call, it processes the alpha and then calls put_image again without the alpha14:37.58 
  put_image also passes tags if the device has tags14:38.12 
halabund Is there a way to suppress printing the standard copyright and license info when running gs?15:32.20 
  It would make it easier to extract the error message, if there is any.15:32.32 
chrisl -dQUIET or -q15:33.13 
halabund Will that suppress any errors as well? I am already separating stderr from stdout, so if it just shuts up stdout, then I won’t use it. I noticed that some errors are printed to stderr and some to stdout.15:34.59 
chrisl *Warnings* should go to stdout, all errors should (now) go to stderr - I think15:35.45 
halabund In the errors that this guy is complaining about, https://stackoverflow.com/q/46272914/69513215:37.35 
  The “****Unable to open the initial device, quitting” line goes to stdout15:37.45 
  Is that a warning?15:37.56 
chrisl Hmm, no, that should be an error15:38.45 
kens Oh him again15:40.24 
  I'm completely unable to come up with any way to produce that error...15:40.51 
chrisl We should have that error go to stderr15:41.01 
kens Yes that would make sense15:41.12 
  I'm a but surprised it doesnt15:41.18 
chrisl (**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.) = flush 1 .quit"15:41.27 
kens If I recall its in the OS-specific code15:41.28 
chrisl The "Could not open temporary file" should be going to stderr (it uses emprintf)15:42.34 
kens Right, that's what I expected, I didn't realise the other one was from PostScript15:42.57 
chrisl Actually, there are several errors in the Postscript code that use "= flush"15:44.17 
kens We should probably fix them, if you raise a bug I'll look at it, but I really must send an email to Kate and a couple of other thigns, before I fall asleep on my keyboard15:44.54 
halabund chrisl: Yes, the "Could not open temporary file” *is* going to stderr15:45.07 
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