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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/09/20)20170921 
chw good morning07:29.03 
kens Morning07:29.08 
chw i've just recompiled and retested the pdfs07:29.20 
kens Hopefully improved ?07:29.29 
chw neither acrobat nor verapdf complain :)07:29.38 
kens Well that sounds better...07:29.45 
chw yes, it's fixed as far as i'm concerned07:30.06 
kens OK thanks for letting me know, useful to get the update07:30.22 
chw the only thing left would be pdf_info.ps, but i don't think that is a priority07:30.29 
kens Ah, I had rather forgotten about that07:30.43 
chw it still failes on the file gs generates...07:30.46 
kens I should probably look at it07:30.53 
  I bet its a different problem though07:31.07 
chw semms like it07:31.26 
kens I have to write a (lengthy) n email, I'll look at iit after that07:31.57 
chw not a problem, it's just an option after all07:33.36 
kens Yeah, but its bad that it doesn''t work with our own output07:33.51 
chw yes, kinda weird too. i would have thought it was the encoding mismatch, but apparently it's something else entirely07:35.35 
kens The XMP boilerplate is differently constructed, its probably overflowing a string or something07:36.01 
chw that could be it. it dies with an error in readline07:39.27 
kens Its just a theory, I'll have to debug the PostScript07:39.44 
chw sure. the error appears to occur right after the documnetid tag at the start of the description tag.07:42.10 
deekej hello chrisl :) do you have any ETA on when the 9.22 will be released?11:13.23 
kens We'll need to do another release candidate11:13.38 
  So at least another week11:13.43 
deekej ah, okay :-/11:14.17 
  because fontconfig upstream is pushing on me to have the release of URW fonts ready11:14.37 
kens Some problems turned up, but that's what the release candidate is for :-)11:14.38 
  Sorry, you'll just have to tell them its going to be some time yet11:14.59 
deekej okay11:15.18 
kens There's still at least 2 problems to be reoslved, one of which hasn't even been looked at yet11:15.24 
  And the ones which have been fixed caused differences in approximately 1/3 of our test suite, so we'll need to look at all those outputs again11:15.56 
  anbd that takes days, even if there are no actual problems11:16.06 
chrisl deekej: If they get really nasty, I *could* do the font release early - but I'd very much rather have the releases happen together11:16.54 
deekej chrisl: I understand. I will ask them if they could wait (we need to sync the releases for now)11:17.24 
  chrisl: okay, so fontconfig upstream can't wait with the release in Fedora, since it contains other bug fix changes.12:03.34 
  chrisl: would it be possible to realease the fonts sooner, please? Otherwise the fontconfig might revert the changes that were accepted before.12:05.12 
chrisl deekej: I'll do it tomorrow12:06.01 
deekej chrisl: okay, thank you!12:06.16 
norbertj hello, just a quick question. Can pdfwrite device also generate multiple pdfs for 1 job, i.e. split on e.g. 5-10 page boundaries?14:12.05 
kens You can produce one file per page14:12.23 
  You can use FirstPage and LastPage to produce a single set14:12.34 
  You can use the Pages command to produce a single set of arbitrary pages14:12.54 
  You can't choose where to split the PDF file otherwise14:13.05 
  You would have to modify the pdfwrite device14:13.12 
  Its probably technically possible by starting with a device other than pdfwrite, execute a save, load teh pdfwrite device. Set a custom EndPage. If you hit the page count, restore to the old device, then set pdfwrite again as the device.14:14.23 
  Though thinking about it, I'm not sure that would work with the EndPage procedure14:14.43 
norbertj so when x pages are produced, then I want to tell the pdfwrite device to close the pdf and start a new pdf (with same resources like collected subsets of fonts etc)14:15.25 
kens You *definitely* can't tell it to keep the resoruces stored in the first PDF file produced, if that's what you mean. It will maintain the existing state in the interpreter, so any fonts loaded will still be present, and will be emitted (if required) in the second PDF file14:16.33 
  But you don;t do it by telling pdfwrite to close the PDF file.14:16.45 
  You do it byb unloading the device entirely, and starting a new one14:16.59 
  It would probably be easier to modify pdfwrite.14:17.17 
norbertj That's what I was thinking of. Mod the pdfwrite, but was just wondering whether the state would be preserved. You just confirmed this. So thanks again.14:18.30 
kens NP14:18.36 
norbertj bye\14:19.47 
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