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deekej hello chrisl :) could you please accept this pull-request? https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/urw-base35-fonts/pull/912:53.45 
  it's not necessary to create a new release for it, I will extract a patch from it myself12:54.07 
  this PR is a follow-up of a mess I have created in Fedora :-/12:54.45 
  so when dealing with it, it was suggested by fontconfig that these files will be split12:55.20 
  *this file will be split12:55.26 
chrisl deekej: Okay, done. TBH, this was the kind of nonsense that made me wary about including the metadata files with the font files, but, hey-ho......13:06.07 
deekej chrisl: thanks! Anyway, this was actually my bad, not the problem of the metadata files per se. I have just chosen wrong priority number for the URW fonts in the package specfile in Fedora.13:08.03 
chrisl deekej: I just mean it would have been nice if someone from fontconfig could have looked it over, and mentioned the issue *before* we did the release13:10.18 
deekej chrisl: I actually had the conversation about these files few times with upstream, but we still didn't realize it at that moment. :-/13:11.32 
  anyway, thank you! I really appreciate your help :)13:12.30 
chrisl deekej: NP - at least you have to deal with it, and not me :-)13:18.16 
deekej :D13:18.32 
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