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nub3 hi everybody14:51.24 
  obviously i am too dumb to read plain instructions ... i want to strip out font information from a pdf14:54.37 
kens Hmmm, font information, actual fonts, font streams, or something else ?14:55.15 
nub3 actually i want a pure vector document in (encapsulated)postscript which i can convert back to pdf without fonts14:56.01 
kens Why do you want an EPS ?14:56.19 
nub3 PS is fine, too14:56.27 
kens Why not start with a PDF file and produce a new PDF file in one go ?14:56.31 
nub3 we havce a customer with PDFs from many different locations and producers14:56.52 
  and these PDFs need to be pushed into a CRM14:57.11 
  however the CRM somehow "breaks" the PDF which results in strange chars being displayed in places14:57.44 
kens That doesn't really explain why you want to convert PDF to PostScirpt and back to PDF14:57.56 
  Why not take the original PDF and just create a new one with no fonts ?14:58.24 
chrisl nub3: Reading this: https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.21/VectorDevices.htm would be a good start14:58.44 
kens Every conversion potentially risks introducing errors, so multiple conversions are bad14:59.02 
nub3 how would i convert a PDF to one w/o fonts?15:00.26 
kens Use pdfwrite and the command I cannot currently remember :-)15:00.43 
  NoOutputFonts or something like htat15:00.52 
nub3 been there, done that - still no luck15:01.05 
kens And how are you verifying that you have no fotns ? Also what version of Ghostscript are you using, on what platofrm and sourced form where ?15:01.37 
  You can forget most of those switches, they have no effect on pdfwrite15:01.52 
nub3 gs 9.14 on ubuntu 14.415:01.57 
kens Well then you need a newer version15:02.05 
  NoOutputFonts was only introduced recently, 9.21 or so15:02.15 
  So a version 4 years old isn't going to have it15:02.28 
  Hmm,apparenlty its older than I thought15:03.47 
  Which is three months after the release of 9.1415:04.34 
  So you need at least 9.15 and you should use the most recent version available, which is 9.21. 9.22 will be released 'shortly'15:05.15 
nub3 cant update my main system15:05.34 
kens I guess you're out of luck then15:05.45 
Robin_Watts nub3: You don't need to update your entire system in order to update ghostscript.15:13.32 
nub3 i found a ppa providing 9.1515:13.46 
kens So.. you're saying you *can* upate your system now ?15:14.07 
nub3 just tried gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNoOutputFonts -sDEVICE=ps2write -sOutputFile=in.ps in.pdf15:14.15 
  i can update single parts matching my system specs, but not my entire system15:14.37 
kens I didn't suggest you update your system, just Ghostscript15:14.52 
Robin_Watts Urm... You mention a "customer" above. Is this part of a server that the customer uses?15:14.53 
nub3 no, we do this here in order to have the documents being displayed properly in the new target system15:15.38 
kens Anyway, don't convert to PostScript, go straight to PDF15:16.00 
nub3 seems to work, thanks guys15:16.49 
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