Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/09/28)20170929 
Dmitry Hello10:05.57 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.10:05.57 
Dmitry gm version10:06.26 
  Ghostscript (Library) no10:06.35 
  buy i have had installed ghostscript.x86_64 over yum10:07.10 
kens I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't understand your question.10:08.27 
Dmitry how do i need install ghostscript that gm see ghostscript &10:08.28 
kens gm ?10:08.40 
  Games Master ?10:09.01 
Dmitry graphicsmagick.org10:09.15 
kens I cannot answer questions about GraphicsMagick10:09.44 
  If that application does not work then you need to direct your questions there.10:10.01 
chrisl Dmitry: did you install gm via yum?10:10.24 
  Or are you trying to build gm from source?10:11.03 
Dmitry i have installed gm via yum10:18.47 
  How do I can check that ghostscript had installed&10:22.14 
chrisl Type gs --help at the command line10:22.42 
  TBH, I'd expect yum to install dependencies automatically.....10:23.07 
Dmitry [root@files ~]# gs --help GPL Ghostscript 9.07 (2013-02-14) Copyright (C) 2012 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Usage: gs [switches] [file1.ps file2.ps ...]10:25.21 
  it works10:25.32 
kens That's a very old version10:25.50 
Dmitry this is key for my problem10:27.25 
chrisl Dmitry: You might want to check gm configuration file(s) - it might need to be told where the Ghostscript binary lives10:27.25 
  Unfortunately as gs is clearly installed and working, the problem looks to be a graphicsmagick one, and that's outside our wheelhouse, really10:29.17 
DomiX hi11:42.23 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.11:42.23 
DomiX I'm trying to extract pages from a pdf but it seems sPageList= has a limit Unrecoverable error: limitcheck in currentpagedevice11:43.27 
kens Its a new feature, there may be bugs11:43.43 
DomiX it's with gs 9.21 64bit on win711:43.57 
kens Yes, like I said, its new.11:44.25 
  It hsouldn't affect setpagedevice though11:44.39 
  Your best bet is to report it as a bug11:45.00 
DomiX ok maybe it's possible to delete page from a pdf ?11:45.00 
kens Ghostscript doesn't 'edit' PDF files at all11:45.20 
  Try MuPDF if you want to do that11:45.30 
DomiX I don't find the right command in documentation11:48.58 
kens Then I'd suggest tha tyou go to #mupdf and ask the developers, I don't know that much about MuPDF11:49.25 
DomiX ok no problemo11:49.38 
kens Or you oculd report the bug on Ghostscritp and someone can look at it, if you don't report it, it won't get fixed11:49.45 
DomiX the errors occurs with more ~280 page in sPageList11:57.00 
kens Well that's certainly more individual pages than I had considred anyone using11:57.27 
  But it still ought to work11:57.41 
DomiX I removed number page from a list but I could use interval. I just need to find a way in Perl11:59.30 
kens PagesList supports intervals11:59.53 
  But if you want me to look at the problem, you will need to supply me with an example file and a command line to reproduce your problem12:00.35 
DomiX I just to extract interval from an array of page number :)12:00.36 
  this specific file it's not possible12:01.05 
kens That's why I need the file and command line12:01.15 
  I cannot tell you anything useful from a description of the problem12:01.31 
DomiX http://pastebin.fr/51869 the command I used12:03.17 
kens You are aware of FirstPage and LastPage ?12:03.50 
  The error is probably due to your: 286,287288,28912:04.13 
DomiX it's a copy/paste error12:04.28 
kens There probably aren't 287,288 pages in the file12:04.29 
  You are also missing a closing ']'12:04.52 
DomiX there is 684pages it's just the error arround 280p12:04.57 
kens Hmm, no forget that, that's a different thing12:05.04 
DomiX there is no page between 98 and 101 :)12:05.35 
kens I'm not going to rummage through that list looking to see what the contiguous ranges are12:05.41 
  Right, so do 1-98, 101-12:05.55 
DomiX it's my best option12:06.17 
kens Or, as I keep saying, report a bug12:06.22 
DomiX I will12:06.30 
  I need to create a bz account12:06.41 
kens Don't forget to atttach a file and the actual command line you are using12:06.44 
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