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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/10/04)20171005 
deekej hello guys, congrats on new release! :)11:59.42 
  I've just read the news, and I want to make 100% sure - no API changes so far, right?12:00.18 
kens No, none at all12:21.27 
  Still struggling I'm afraid12:21.34 
chrisl deekej: to be fair, the API changes we're talking about won't affect clients of the shared lib12:42.15 
deekej okay, thanks! :)12:42.47 
chrisl That's not to say we won't change the shared lib API, it's just not the changes mentioned in the release notes12:43.46 
  *If* we do change the shared lib API, rest assured, it won't be a decision taken lightly12:44.25 
deekej chrisl: yeah, I understand :) I just wanted to make sure, because of our processes in Fedora. When there's no API change, it's easier to create a new release, because the conditions to met for it are not so "hard"12:46.23 
independentpanda anyone can tell me if i can save settings (windows position, icc profile) in GSview 6.0 ?17:33.14 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/10/06)>>> 
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