Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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rIMpossible Hello :)09:49.08 
  I am using gs 9.07 with OpenBSD 6.1-stable.09:49.34 
kens Then I'd suggest you upgrade09:49.43 
rIMpossible Does pswrite cover all the other ps* devices, means autodetect if gray, rgb or b/w?09:50.15 
  kens: OpenBSD 6.2 is on it's way with new version09:50.29 
kens You can always build from source, I very much doubt that a new version of OpenBSD will haev anything like an up to date version of Ghostscript.09:51.05 
  But I don't understand your question.09:51.12 
  pswrite emits (very bad) PostScritp.09:51.20 
  You would be better off using ps2write in any event09:51.42 
rIMpossible kens: better option?09:51.54 
  ah ok09:52.04 
  kens: /usr/local/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sDEVICE=psrgb -sOutputFile=~/pOut/toPrinter.ps fromProg.pdf produces good output, device=ps2write produces one empty page (same params as before), device=pswrite produces increases time for printing, but result like psrgb, anything wrong?10:03.25 
kens Apart from using a 4 year old version of Ghostscript you mean ?10:03.58 
rIMpossible Yes :D10:04.31 
kens the pswrite device renders a load of content to bitmaps, whch means you get crappy output, the ps2write device does that much less.10:04.35 
  To the point where we no longer support pswrite or any of its variants10:04.56 
rIMpossible ... but only in newer version of gs, right?10:04.56 
kens Well obviously there are 4+ years of bug fixes in the current code10:05.16 
  Without seeing your input file there's not a lot I can say10:05.34 
rIMpossible kens: Ok, I will try to compile it myself10:06.26 
kens Should be easy enough provided you have autotools installed10:06.54 
rIMpossible autoconf, automake, m4 and that tools, yes?10:08.44 
kens I'm not a Unix expert, but that sounds right. autconf at least is required10:09.05 
  In the ghostpdl directory you do ./configure10:09.23 
  That should run the donfigure script10:09.30 
  That ought to create makefile so then you just do make10:09.43 
rIMpossible kens: ok, thank you, just installing all the tools10:12.39 
kens Unfortunately our build expert is out today......10:12.59 
rIMpossible No excuses :P10:14.42 
  Kidding ... :)10:14.47 
  I will get it done, hopefully there is no interference with pledge10:15.56 
kens No idea what pledge is10:16.22 
rIMpossible A security model based on trust in OpenBSD10:16.56 
kens No idea then, don't know how it works10:17.17 
  Well, GS doesn't call pledge()10:18.39 
rIMpossible Current version of gs is 9.22 from here? https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs922/ghostscript-9.22.tar.gz10:18.42 
kens Yes10:18.49 
  Or you can grab the absolute bleeding edge from Git10:19.01 
  Our Git repository I should say10:19.11 
rIMpossible I'm 45, I've still bleeded enough in the long past :D10:19.35 
kens Well the release is literally 2 days old, so not a lot has changed10:19.54 
rIMpossible I will report back ...10:20.22 
kens ok10:20.26 
rIMpossible Thanks for the moment ...10:20.34 
kens NP10:20.37 
rIMpossible configure: WARNING: Unable to include opvp/oprp driver due to missing or disabled prerequisites...10:55.46 
  configure: WARNING: Unable to include opvp/oprp driver due to missing iconv/libiconv...10:55.53 
  libiconv 1.14p3 is installed10:56.06 
kens Shuoldn't be a problem, unless ou need the OpenPriting device10:56.11 
rIMpossible *** Parse error in /home/sk/downloads/ghostscript-9.22: Need an operator in 'directories' (./contrib/contrib.mak:1201)10:56.43 
  *** Parse error: Need an operator in 'directories' (./contrib/contrib.mak:1205)10:56.51 
  *** Parse error: Need an operator in 'directories' (./contrib/contrib.mak:1209)10:56.54 
kens Hmmm10:57.00 
rIMpossible first was configure /second make10:57.02 
kens Well, opvp is in contrib, so that would suggest its the problem10:57.37 
  No idea what configure is whinging about though10:57.46 
  Possibly it wants a newer version of libiconv10:58.05 
rIMpossible which version of automake / autoconf / bison / m4 is needed?10:58.08 
kens I'm afraid I don't know10:58.19 
  But it doesn't look like that's the problem10:58.26 
rIMpossible I am compiling as user - not as root10:58.53 
kens Doesn't matter10:59.00 
rIMpossible make clean sucks, too10:59.20 
kens Are you using gnu make ?10:59.37 
rIMpossible same as with make line 1205/120910:59.41 
kens THe makefile is generated by autoconf, so an error configure is probably what's causing your problem11:00.09 
  Which I'd have to guess is due to the missing dependency for opvp11:00.22 
rIMpossible automake-1.15p0 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator11:00.38 
kens libiconv appears to be up to 1.15 but I would have thought 1.14 would be sufficient11:00.59 
rIMpossible autoconf-2.69p2 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms11:01.03 
chrisl You don't need automake or any autotools to build ghostscript11:01.16 
kens Let me start up Linux and see what I'm using there11:01.24 
  Oh hi chrisl, thought you were out11:01.32 
chrisl I was....11:02.05 
rIMpossible chrisl: any idea on how to build on OpenBSD 6.1-stable, then I remove autoconf/automake/m4/bison11:02.10 
  amd64 version11:02.27 
chrisl Are you using GNU make or BSD make?11:02.34 
  I'm guessing by the error you posted that it's not GNU make11:03.09 
rIMpossible GNU make 1.15p011:03.09 
  sk | 0 | ~ | $ pkg_info | grep make11:03.28 
  automake-1.15p0 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator11:03.28 
chrisl Ummm, I have GNU Make 4.111:03.31 
  That automake, *not* make11:03.44 
rIMpossible chrisl: How to find out version of make? cmd line param?11:04.31 
chrisl Possibly make --version11:04.40 
  Or make -v11:04.49 
  It very depends on the implementation11:05.05 
rIMpossible all 6 versions dont show version11:05.10 
  -v -V --v --V --version --Version11:05.25 
chrisl Okay, just do: "configure --without-gnu-make && make"11:05.59 
rIMpossible I will remove and unpack again before ....11:06.22 
  *** Parse error in /home/sk/downloads/ghostscript-9.22: Need an operator in 'directories' (./contrib/contrib.mak:1201)11:07.29 
  *** Parse error: Need an operator in 'directories' (./contrib/contrib.mak:1205)11:07.32 
  *** Parse error: Need an operator in 'directories' (./contrib/contrib.mak:1209)11:07.35 
chrisl Well, that makes no sense11:09.43 
  Lines 1205 and 1209 in ./contrib/contrib.mak are commented out11:10.14 
kens make not respecting the comments ?11:10.51 
chrisl Except it *does* honour the same thing on line 120111:11.22 
kens Not a clue then11:11.30 
rIMpossible 1205 and 1209 are not commented out11:14.14 
chrisl If you look at the lines above, they end with a "\" which is the continue on next line indicator11:14.48 
rIMpossible yeah, I see, that's what is driving me crazy, too11:16.07 
kens Yeah commented out in my copy. Maybe its not properly honouring '\' for comments11:16.12 
chrisl but, as I say, it works for the one at 120111:16.28 
kens Yes I was just checking that11:16.35 
  Which is just plain weird11:16.41 
rIMpossible maybe a hidden control code?11:17.05 
  how may I activate display of hidden control codes in vi?11:17.18 
chrisl Which doesn't affect *any* other make? That's a stretch11:17.35 
kens Ther's no random binary in there when I look at it in a binary editor11:18.09 
chrisl rIMpossible: You want ps2write and co, yes?11:18.35 
rIMpossible chrisl: as recommended by kens11:18.55 
chrisl OKay, try "./configure --without-gnu-make --disable-contrib && make11:19.36 
rIMpossible working ...11:20.28 
  workX :)11:20.45 
  What's in contribution to find?11:21.04 
chrisl I don't understand the question11:22.02 
rIMpossible chrisl: What do I not have now, with --disable-contrib ?11:22.33 
chrisl Oh, mostly devices to drive specific printers11:23.00 
rIMpossible As long as it is not Brother specific, I can live with it :)11:23.47 
  ./obj/gp_getnv.o: In function `gp_getenv':11:24.16 
  gp_getnv.c:(.text+0x42): warning: warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy()11:24.16 
  ./obj/gp_unifs.o: In function `gp_open_scratch_file_generic':11:24.24 
  gp_unifs.c:(.text+0x467): warning: warning: strcat() is almost always misused, please use strlcat()11:24.25 
  ./obj/ets.o: In function `ets_create':11:24.32 
  ets.c:(.text+0xdfd): warning: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want?11:24.32 
  ./obj/jerror.o: In function `format_message':11:24.39 
  jerror.c:(.text+0x184): warning: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf()11:24.40 
chrisl Please don't post a load of warnings11:24.46 
rIMpossible chrisl: ok, sorry11:25.04 
  These have been the last outputs, is it finished or unfinished11:25.35 
chrisl It'll return you to the command prompt when finished11:26.07 
rIMpossible after those last warnings it got back to command line11:26.39 
chrisl check the contents of the "bin" directory11:27.05 
rIMpossible only gs in there11:27.15 
chrisl Well, it finished11:27.26 
rIMpossible ok, so now I remove with pkg tools the old sys from my database and do a make install, yes?11:28.09 
chrisl To do a make install, you will need to be superuser11:28.49 
rIMpossible http://sprunge.us/ZSRj11:30.35 
chrisl Pass, it shouldn't be building anything at that point11:32.09 
  Maybe you need to unpack, build and install all as root11:33.00 
rIMpossible chrisl: ok, will try this, too11:33.15 
  chrisl: same as root11:37.44 
  unpacked, configured and make'ed as root11:38.01 
chrisl Well, I dunno - seems to me BSD's make is just broken11:38.46 
rIMpossible Build dependency: gmake 4.2.1 - installed now - how to tell configure?11:45.12 
chrisl You don't, just do "./configure && gmake"11:46.30 
  FWIW, I just tried it using gmake, and it built and installed just fine11:47.24 
rIMpossible ok, didn't know that dependency, so you were right, I used bsd make and now I first installed GNU make11:48.13 
  mea culpa11:48.23 
chrisl It's not your fault, really. There is *so* much variation between make implementations. I *try* to keep as many working as possible, but that behaviour is, um, *very* odd]11:49.42 
rIMpossible Seems so11:50.43 
  Are the gs fonts included, too. Or do I have to download separately. In OpenBSD we have the fonts as separate package11:51.25 
chrisl The fonts are in the source package, and are built in the executable11:51.57 
rIMpossible Good, one step less11:53.00 
  now as root, gmake install, yes?11:53.18 
chrisl Yes11:53.36 
rIMpossible first try - same file11:56.34 
  with ps2write11:56.44 
  :( empty page - should be 4 pages11:57.32 
chrisl Presumable this is a PDF?11:58.15 
rIMpossible chrisl: yes11:58.47 
  with psrgb and pswrite it's good11:59.01 
  with 9.07 was even 1 empty page11:59.20 
chrisl Can you share the file?11:59.45 
rIMpossible It's an eticket for my bus drive to brussels next week ... so would say no, sorry. Will try another file12:00.43 
chrisl What have you used to view the PDF previously?12:01.45 
rIMpossible mupdf12:01.56 
chrisl Okay, should be fine then.12:02.13 
rIMpossible chrisl: I have a file for you, Vaillant atmotec exclusiv12:10.03 
  I can share that12:10.09 
chrisl Can you upload it somewhere, or do you need an email address?12:11.34 
kens Sorry, chatting in another window. If you cna post the file I'll take a look12:13.16 
rIMpossible Ok, ghostscript converts 4 pages to ps, can be viewed with gs [file.ps] all 4 pages are there in the file. lpr -Plp4-PS [file.ps] gives one empty page and on the display of my Brother MFC-9140CDN (Ignore data - press cancel). With pswrite it works, but not with ps2write, the printer has the latest firmware from brother. My printcap is hand written and worked for years now. Maybe I use - for 12:17.09 
  ps2write - the wrong command line switches?12:17.16 
  my command: /usr/local/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sDEVICE=ps2write -sOutputFile=/home/sk/downloads/Vaillant-atmotec.ps Vaillant-atmoTEC-exclusiv-VCW-DE-254-4-7-HL-R2.pdf12:17.28 
kens Tha'ts about as asimple as it gets12:17.45 
  It 'sounds like' a Brother fault. We've had trouble with teh Brother printers before12:18.29 
  You could try printing each page as a separate file12:18.38 
  It has been known to have problems with large files previously.12:18.51 
  If your PDF file contained transaprency then the PostScript will consist of a large image, which may cause it trouble12:19.15 
rIMpossible kens: Have a place for sharing the file?12:20.03 
  files. Will upload .ps and .pdf12:20.19 
kens DropBox ?12:20.29 
rIMpossible I don't have a login there12:20.41 
kens We don't run a public ftp server or anything I'm afraid12:20.43 
rIMpossible frre service?12:20.46 
kens Anything you can find12:20.58 
  wetransfer ?12:21.27 
  But to be honest, if Ghostscritp can process the PostScript, I'd have to guess its a limitation of the Brother printer. Their PostScript implementation is not exactly great in my opinion.12:22.18 
rIMpossible https://ufile.io/y61hd .ps12:22.41 
kens 22MB I'd have to guess your original PDF has transparency12:23.30 
  That's a huge file for 4 pages12:23.43 
rIMpossible https://ufile.io/gndxy pdf12:23.46 
  kens: this has not 4 pages, the eticket had 4 pages ;)12:24.36 
kens Well that seems to be a 24 page file, not 412:24.37 
rIMpossible but I dont share a valid eticket ;)12:24.57 
  1.2M --> 22.9M12:25.16 
kens The PostScript file look sfine to me12:25.49 
rIMpossible can you print it, that it looks like the pdf12:26.04 
kens Looks ot be getting slow. I suspect something is not freeing up VM.12:28.02 
  I would suggest printing each page separately, but if you can't even print page 1 that's not likely to work.12:28.32 
  Possibly your printer simply doesn't have enough memory for the task12:28.47 
  Hmm, no it just seems to be distiller.12:29.53 
  Its only using 64MB of memory12:30.08 
chrisl kens: any images that look 1 bit in there?12:32.50 
kens Could well be there are someline drawings12:33.04 
chrisl Our git history shows Brother printers not handling CCIT G4 compression well12:33.34 
kens Yes.... Possibly there's something we can do to stop them being compressed that way. But if its not even doing page 1 that seems unlikely to be the problem12:34.09 
chrisl "-dNoT3CCITT -dEncodeMonoImages=false"12:34.15 
kens Only 8-bit on page 1 I think12:34.17 
chrisl CIDFonts?12:35.12 
kens Not sure I haven't looked much at the file12:35.38 
  It does get very slow with other PostScript itnerpreters towards the end of the job. I suspect there may be full page images in there12:36.06 
  My 'other' PostScript rip can handle it just fine though12:36.19 
chrisl I'm reluctant to print 24 pages....12:37.00 
kens Distiller is still running. I suspect it is either trying to merge images (my other rip mentioned that) or identify duplictae images12:37.27 
  Processing large images to do either of those tasks would be slow12:37.36 
  But we know Distiller does that12:37.43 
  chrisl you could chop page 1 out and print it.12:38.02 
  I could go warm up my laser printer I guess12:38.10 
  Hmm, there can't be any *really* large images in there, it doesn't even start page 1 till about 800=% through the file12:39.05 
  Ah, I suspect I see the problem12:39.17 
  We define a *lot* of fonts12:39.37 
  all type 3 fonts, so I'd have to guess the original contains CIDFonts12:39.53 
  I expect that the Brother simply doesn't have the capacity to store all the fonts we create, because we create them all up front12:40.16 
  So printing each page to a separate file woudl reduce the burden and may well work12:40.33 
chrisl but the glyphs will be imagemasks12:40.38 
kens pswrite, of course, doesn't use fonts12:40.44 
rIMpossible wait, I will look for techdata of the printer12:40.52 
kens chrisl yes, but eahc font will use VM12:40.56 
chrisl kens: Yes, but it was bitmap glyphs in a Type 3 that caused us to add the "-dNoT3CCITT" for Brother printers12:41.31 
kens Good pooint yes, it could be that that's the problem also12:41.47 
rIMpossible 192 MB memory and 333 MHz processor12:42.19 
  can read german? so I post the link to the doc12:42.44 
kens As chris suggested you could try disabling the CCITT G3 fax compression, because we know Brother's implementation of that is poor12:42.49 
  I cna read German yes, but its not hugely useful probably12:43.07 
rIMpossible will try to get it in en12:43.30 
kens Not a problem, I don't htink the specs will help12:43.39 
  I'd try printing just one page12:43.45 
chrisl FWIW, my HP printed the first four pages of the valiant boiler document in ~30 seconds12:44.01 
kens ad use the switches Chrisl suggested12:44.01 
  Well, that sort of sounds more like its the CCITT fax problem, again :-(12:44.23 
chrisl There's a reason I keep buying HP (however much I dislike the company and their business practices)12:45.12 
rIMpossible http://support.brother.com/g/b/spec.aspx?c=eu_ot&lang=en&prod=mfc9140cdn_eu_as_cn12:45.20 
kens So:12:45.26 
  gs -sDEVICE=ps2write -sOutputFile=out.ps -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -dNoT3CCITT -dEncodMonoImages=false input.ps12:45.26 
  Sorry EncodeMonoImages not EncodMonoImages12:45.49 
rIMpossible EmulationsPCL6, BR-Script3 (PostScript ® 3™)12:46.42 
  Resolution600 dpi x 600 dpi, 2400 dpi (600 dpi x 2400 dpi) quality12:46.44 
kens rIMpossible : it claims to support PDF 1.7, so why not just send it the PDF file /12:46.55 
  You could also use the pxlcolor device to produce PCL for it instead12:47.32 
  Note that BR-Script3 is Brother's own (pathetic) implementation of PostScript.12:48.10 
  We should send Scott to them and get them to buy Ghostscritp instead.....12:48.24 
rIMpossible kens: That is 9330/934012:48.30 
  I have 914012:48.42 
kens Oh OK12:48.46 
  Well you have anumber of alternatives (I cna't quite remember what the original problem was)12:49.10 
  You could carry on using pswrite12:49.16 
  You could try using ps2write with the -dNoT3CCITT12:49.38 
  You could use the pxlcolor device to create PCL output instead of PostScript12:49.55 
rIMpossible kens: The original problem was, I had 9.07 and you suggested to use 9.22 because of the better ps2write device12:50.00 
kens Yeah sadly that's not true when using CIDFonts12:50.16 
rIMpossible And then we ran into compilation/installation problems ;)12:50.18 
kens Because ps2write doesn't support CIDFonts, because they were added after the original PostScript 2 specification12:50.37 
rIMpossible kens: Ok, so I have to setup the pcl queue in printcap12:50.49 
kens So until the stalled CIDFont support in ps3write gets finished, there sis less advantage in using ps2write12:51.14 
rIMpossible ok, I will try the command you suggested above12:51.25 
kens Trying one page at a time, and then 4 pages should tell us whether its the known Brother problem with CCITT G3 fax, or simply overwhelming the VM with too many fonts12:52.17 
  I have a sneaky suspicion chrisl is correct and it will turn out to be the compression12:52.44 
rIMpossible 4 pages converted - first page empty - no following12:56.38 
  1 page converted - first page empty - no following12:56.56 
kens Well that isn't great12:57.23 
  It does, unfortunately, seem like its a Brother printer. We've got 4 other PostScript interpreters (including a physical printer) which are happy with the original file, so I don't htink its us.12:58.00 
rIMpossible but viewing out.ps with gs on screen shows the first page12:58.01 
kens Yeah its pretty clearly something about our PostScript that the Brother interpreter isn't happy about12:58.29 
  Finding out what it is could take a long time and a great deal of experimentation12:58.50 
  Unless you really want to go down that road, I'd suggest trying one of the other solutions.12:59.15 
rIMpossible know how to unpack that on unix? sk | 0 | ~/downloads | $ file BrMain485.exe 13:02.41 
  BrMain485.exe: MS-DOS executable PE for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit13:02.47 
kens A DOS executable ? I don't see how you can 'unpack' that13:03.31 
chrisl If it's a self-extracting zip then unzip ought to do it13:03.59 
kens Apparently its a driver download ?13:04.15 
  But its a Windows device driver ?13:04.32 
rIMpossible kens: its a newer firmware, thought I had latest, but end of july a new one came out13:04.48 
kens Umm, well that might help13:04.56 
  You never know, they may even have fixed a bug13:05.16 
chrisl <cough>!!13:05.27 
kens Well, when I run that here, it runs a Brother firmware update too13:06.56 
  Which searches for a printe rto update, and unsurprising.y doesn't find one13:07.12 
  But its running a Windows executable13:07.25 
  So you'd have to run it on a Windows box13:07.33 
rIMpossible kens: no there is java inside13:07.38 
kens Ah, but RAR will open it13:07.54 
rIMpossible but I rarely unpack those pe archives, and don't remember13:08.05 
  how I did in the past13:08.13 
kens Lots of XML for different languiages13:08.18 
  Quite a few DLLs13:08.30 
rIMpossible unrar x file did it13:08.55 
kens I have to say I can't see any obvious firmware in there13:09.25 
rIMpossible No, that's only the updater, they collect it from a .jp server13:11.07 
kens Right, well that would explain why it appears to be only a windows executable plus XML to configure it13:11.34 
  FWIW Distiller did, eventaully, create a PDF file from teh 24-page PostScript. I think it spent an awfully long time trying to decide if the thousands of imagemasks for the text were the same or not.13:12.22 
  Hmm, oddly the fonts in the original PDF seem to be straight type 1 fonts, not CIDFonts.13:13.23 
  We are definitely producing a type 3 fot it though.13:14.37 
  ah, they are type 1C (CFF) fonts13:15.44 
  chrisl do you recall when CFF support was added to PostScript ?13:16.11 
chrisl Thought it was Level 3, but could be wrong13:16.31 
kens Well anything later than level 2 would explain why we revert to type 3 btimaps13:16.51 
chrisl Level 2 only lists Type 0, Type 1 and Type 313:19.24 
kens Well that explains *why* we are producing type 313:19.37 
  We really could use a decent ps3write.13:19.48 
chrisl The Type 2 spec was published in 200013:21.16 
kens Pretty definitive13:21.25 
rIMpossible Hmm, I have something interesting to configure the ps queue deeper13:21.55 
chrisl And the LL3 reference lists it as a LL3 feature13:21.57 
kens OK so we would need a ps3write then13:22.07 
chrisl Well, we've been trying..... for years now :-(13:22.23 
kens is still deep in PDF 2.013:22.42 
rIMpossible https://ufile.io/0wc0h13:25.12 
kens No filter seem the correct setting to me13:26.17 
rIMpossible https://ufile.io/eusr813:26.37 
  hope all 3 are different13:26.45 
kens In all honety these seems like htings you shouldn't have to change13:27.26 
  The 3rd image seems to match the 1st13:27.44 
  Has the same name too13:27.59 
  So if you create a file with the following:13:29.06 
  and send that to your printer, what happens ?13:29.15 
  Not that it matters really. If the pswrite output worked, then so shold the ps2write output13:29.30 
rIMpossible Hope that's the right now: https://ufile.io/4x82f13:31.04 
kens Yes, but.....13:31.53 
  THe fact remains that however you had it configured and working with pswrite, it should continue to work with ps2write using the same configuration13:32.25 
rIMpossible In the printer queue settings, I didn't change anything since I bought the printer. Wanted to show you, maybe there are options to change, that it works. But seems not to ...13:34.20 
kens If it worked before, the it should continue to do so13:34.37 
rIMpossible ps2write seems not to work with brother, pswrite, psrgb, psgray does13:34.53 
kens I think you;ve simply stumbled over a bug in the Borther interpreter. Realistically we don't have time to try and figure out what's wrong with it (but we've had trouble with it before). I'd suggest you explore other alternatives as I mentioned.13:35.38 
  You could always send it to Brother as a bug, if you're feeling lucky13:36.05 
rIMpossible I have 6 queues, maybe I test the binary queue13:36.30 
  or pcl queue13:36.38 
  kens: I know, that you cannot test all printers with your software, we all 3 (including chrisl) spent time on that issue. And I will try further and report back. I believe, brother has an implementation error of the protocol, where ps2write is more strict, the ps* devices are more chilled ;)13:38.35 
kens Well the pswrite devices are much simpler. A lot more stuff ends up being rednered to images13:39.09 
  Which is simpler, but cruder13:39.18 
chrisl or worse, rectangles13:39.25 
kens and generally larger too13:39.29 
  Yeah rectangles is even more hideous13:39.40 
rIMpossible the output from firefox, printing with lpr works, but they have their own implementation13:39.57 
kens Well, seems you have some solutions anyway, I really need to get back to work13:40.19 
rIMpossible *selecting .ps as output and print to file13:40.21 
chrisl IIRC, firefox just renders an image, and wraps it in some PS13:40.52 
rIMpossible kens: thank you for spending time with that, if I can give positive feedback, I will give detailed information. I am always willing to help to improve software13:41.47 
kens Thanks, if you can figure out what's wrong we'll endevaour to fix it.13:42.06 
diverdude I have 2 pdf files. in each there is 1 page. On each of those pages there is only information on the top half of the page. Is it possible to open each of the files and cut out the top half of the page and then merge the 2 half pages into 1 full page in a new pdf file?14:40.23 
  in terminal14:40.33 
kens Yes, with some PostScript programming14:41.18 
  It would take me some time to figure out a complete solution, and I'm kind of busy at the moment14:41.52 
  The easiest way to do it is multiple passes. First set up a fixed media the size of the area you want. Set a PageOffset whch moves the content into the media space (negate the height basically)14:42.48 
  Create the two new PDF files from teh original14:42.59 
  Then do one more pass. Set the media to be the size required for the composite, then14:43.58 
  Then look at this Stack Overflow answer14:44.05 
diverdude ok nevermind...thanx anyway :)15:00.16 
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