Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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chrisl pipitas1: the mupdf content on artifex.com is under review just now - we are aware of a number of problems with it.07:19.41 
  pipitas1: I've fixed the mupdf "old releases" link on ghostscript.com07:20.12 
  pipitas1: I don't understand: "Shouldn't you add the licensing info in relation to the Linux platform to the table in https://www.ghostscript.com/download/mupdfdnld.html"07:20.57 
  The licensing is the same across all platforms.... so <shrug>07:21.22 
pipitas1 chrisl: The table is confusing people (I just met one) in that it explicitly states licensing terms for "Android" and for "Windows 32bit", but nothing for Linux (and the Source "for all platforms" is in very small print)07:59.39 
  But the new website design indeed is very nice07:59.56 
chrisl pipitas1: we only distribute binaries for Windows and Android - hence only those are listed.08:04.38 
pipitas chrisl: Is my guess correct, that building binaries for Linux is just too cumbersome, because of the many incompatibilities on the various Linux distros, and it's too much work to build (and support!) each individually?08:08.51 
chrisl Yes, exactly.08:09.29 
pipitas has an idea how this problem could be solved, without static linking even08:17.51 
pipitas wants to create a proof of concept first and "build one Linux binary that runs on multiple distros, old and new" before he makes the concrete suggestion to chrisl and the MuPDF/Artifex team…08:19.22 
  chrisl: the thing on GitHub is just a passive mirror, right? One cannot submit Pull Requests there, or create "issues" (it's GS Bugzilla only), right?08:25.55 
chrisl pipitas: it is a passive mirror, yes, but you can do pull requests and open issues - but we don't monitor it especially diligently, do our bugzilla would be a better idea08:29.02 
  pipitas: And, frankly, you'd be better discussing this on #mupdf - Tor is the one you need to convince08:29.27 
  But since most people in the LInux world know mupdf as a viewer, that kind of cross-distro compatibility is a rather bigger problem than with Ghostscript08:30.10 
pipitas1 chrisl: sorry for frequent disconnections — unstable network here…08:37.49 
  But I read up on your irc logs your last answer. I didnt grok your last sentence though: "But since most people in the LInux world know mupdf as a viewer, that kind of cross-distro compatibility is a rather bigger problem than with Ghostscript"?08:38.28 
chrisl GUI libraries tend to be a faster moving target than libc08:38.54 
pipitas1 IS it or is it NOT a bigger problem for MuPDF?08:39.04 
chrisl It is a bigger problem with mupdf than with Ghostscript08:39.39 
pipitas1 My solution would get the GUI as well as the "mutool foobar" sub commands into one binary, and it would execute whatever name it's called via a symlink. And would work on 95% of all Linux systems, being rather fully "portable", even running from an USB thumbdrive….08:41.26 
  However, I'll join #mupdf. Thanks for the pointer.08:41.50 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: there is no way we will merge gui and non gui stuff into a single binary.08:43.21 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: Well, it's up to you. You can as well separate it into two binaries.08:44.27 
  Robin_Watts: I'm just saying that it would be possible…08:44.59 
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