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f-a Hello, I am ps2pdf a quite large (~300 pages, abc-notation typeset music) ps file16:37.54 
  I get an /stackoverflow in --%ztokenexec_continue--16:37.57 
kens Sounds like your PostScript is broken then16:38.16 
  Its leaving stuff on the operand stack, and eventually it fills up, leading to an error16:38.34 
f-a thanks kens , I thught maybe making the stack bigger would have make it go away16:39.02 
kens Well, it might work around the problem, but it wouldn't make the problem go away16:39.21 
  A larger file would presumably still trigger the problem16:39.34 
  Of course, this is all guesswork when we can't see the file16:39.44 
chrisl Also, the the more items on the stack, likely the slower it will get16:40.27 
f-a I can of course show, it's just quite big, (80k lines). Let me upload it16:40.30 
kens According to the PLRM typical implementation limits for a PostScript interpreter have the operand stack at 500 elements16:41.20 
  Well I get a stackoverflow only a few dozen pages in16:42.13 
  Assuming that the program is leaving stuff on the stack, and its a per-page problem, then you won't get to the end of the job unless you make the aoperand stack *really* big16:42.50 
f-a mhhh, that's interesting. I"ll drop a message to the maintainer16:43.31 
kens I haven't really started looking yet, give me a minute16:43.49 
  I need to reduce the file16:43.55 
f-a ok16:44.05 
kens Yep, each page leaves 2 strings with the content (eintro) in it on the operand stack.16:45.02 
f-a thanks for diagnosing!16:45.19 
kens NP, it does seem to be a problem with the program16:45.38 
f-a yeah I'll write abcm2ps author a line now16:45.56 
kens I notice that the end of each page has:16:46.01 
  (sintro)349.9 -65.7 st16:46.01 
  (eintro)682.1 -65.7 nd16:46.01 
  which is probably where the problem arises.16:46.09 
  Yes, the /st and /nd functions don't take any operands, which means they leave the string argument untouched on the stack16:46.44 
  That seems too be the source of the error16:47.01 
  Oh, tghe program defines those functions on each page :-(16:47.57 
f-a yeah I am checking it16:48.08 
kens If I fix them by adding a 'pop' at the end of the function I can sort each one, but it needs to be sorted properly in the producer, sorry16:48.29 
f-a ok, I guess the tunes were standalone files. thanks for your extremely quick support kens & chrisl 16:51.56 
kens NP good lcuk with getting it fixed.16:52.09 
  If you can't, then a global search and replace on /st and /nd would work16:52.29 
  Just put a pop at the end of each function16:52.43 
f-a well just so you know (maybe someone else will ask):16:53.13 
  abcm2ps is a tool that converts text files to music16:53.29 
  and the directive which is most likely causing this has a description that starts with:16:53.51 
  This command assumes a good knowledge of the abcm2ps/abc2svg internals. [...]16:53.57 
  so the author of abcm2ps is likely not at fault, but the author of the tunes16:54.20 
kens O.O assuming a good knowledge of the internals seems like a big assumption :-)16:54.29 
f-a yyyyyyyyyyyyyep ;P16:54.55 
kens I don't think its the tunes, it looks to me like the abcm2ps code that has created the functiona, and used it16:54.57 
  I would imagine for small files this is not a problem16:55.18 
  smal as in not many pages16:55.25 
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