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halabund I am running Ghostscript as10:21.30 
  gs -q -o outfile -dNoOutputFonts -sDEVICE=pdfwrite infile10:22.00 
  where infile and outfile are given as absolute paths10:22.16 
  Is there any chance that Ghostscript will attempt to create files in the current directory?10:22.47 
kens Well, if yo uhave that set as your temporary directory, and depending on the operating system, yes.10:23.16 
halabund Basically, I wanted to make sure that it is safe to invoke Ghostscript from any directory for as long as the input and output files are given using their absolute paths.10:24.52 
  It’s okay to write to the temporary directory10:25.06 
kens That's never guaranteed, because the input file (if PostScript) can open files and read/write to them10:25.31 
halabund I am thinking of situations where the current directory is not writeable, or where Ghostscript may accidentally leave junk files in the current directory10:25.41 
kens You can use -dSAFER to prevent access to most of the file system10:25.52 
halabund The input file is PDF. I should have said that.10:25.57 
kens I can't recall offhand if that permits writing to the current directory or not10:26.05 
halabund Didn’t know PS can access the file system though ...10:26.07 
kens PostScript is a complete programming language10:26.20 
  PDF files can contain PostScript XObjects (in earlier versions) which Ghostscritp will execute10:26.45 
halabund That I know :) But file system access sounds scary. Does PS malware exist? :)10:26.54 
kens Yes10:27.01 
  Its rare but there have been cases in the wild with Ghostscript10:27.15 
  Hence teh existence of -dSAFER10:27.31 
  Notte that SAFER *only* affects file system access10:27.42 
  If the directory has no write permission then Ghostscritp will raise an ioerror if an attempt is made to write to it.10:28.48 
kruhy hi, im using pdf creator and ghostscript 9.06. when im doing pdf and adding text as a stamp it rotates all pages. any ideas?12:58.30 
kens Probably because you have AutoRotatePages set13:00.32 
kruhy :D i used -dAutoRotatePages=/None and it helped14:53.33 
  thanks :)14:53.42 
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