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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/11/19)20171120 
kens veek I'm not clear on which version of GSView you are using, 5 or 6 ? Perhaps the simplest solution is for you to opena bug report.07:57.24 
veek kens, hi -ok - checking - i just downloaded from the website08:19.47 
kens Yes but which website ? The main question is whether you are using 5 or 6, they are totally different08:20.19 
  OK so that's ours , not Ghostgum's08:20.31 
  You should open a bug report, then you can attach the file and the relevant engineer can look into it08:20.54 
enyc Hrrm... Wondering what to read to understand ghostscript units// ??resolutions // ??dpi??, especially as they affect 'bounding boxes'...16:17.28 
kens Ghostscript and PostScript and PDF all use the 'PostScript' basic unit, 1/72 inch16:17.55 
  dpi is, obviously, dots per inch16:18.10 
  And reoslution is conventionally gien as dpi16:18.27 
enyc gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=bbox [inputFILE] <- will tell you bounding boxes on existing pages of existing pdf, but at what SIZEUNITS!?!?!?16:18.45 
kens 1/72 inch, I told you already16:18.59 
enyc aaaaaaaaaaah16:19.26 
  so to figure out mm...16:19.33 
  involves mm<>inch conversion and 72 scale factor16:19.50 
  ok =)16:19.54 
  then my calculations might start to make sense =)16:20.05 
janzo im trying to pipe "pdf2ps in.pdf - | ps2pdf out.pdf -" in windows but it's not working, indevidually they work. can someone help.22:53.08 
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