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deekej chrisl, kens: hello guys! I wanted to ask - would it be possible to release the IJS source code as a separate tarball on github? :) I was checking the HPLIP (HPIJS) and the source code from here: http://www.openprinting.org/download/ijs/download/09:57.36 
  But the source code you have in the git repository seems to be the latest version.09:57.57 
chrisl most things are possible. but do I want the extra work?09:59.02 
kens Good grief, we've got people posting in the SourceForge forums, despite it saying, clearly, that the site is no longer maintained and people should go to ghostscript.com10:02.09 
chrisl kens: Yes, we do. I haven't found a way to disable the sourceforge forum/bug tracker etc :-(10:08.31 
kens You would think the big words saysing 'not maintained' woudl be a clue10:08.52 
  Obviously we need a bigger clue stick10:09.02 
chrisl "Whenever you make something foolproof........"10:09.26 
kens :-)10:09.30 
chrisl I'm tempted to reply with: "Given your apparent inability to read, any meaningful reply will be somewhat lost on you......"10:10.39 
kens Umm was that in reply to my #artifex comments ?10:11.13 
chrisl no, the sourceforge thing10:11.57 
kens Oh well, there are quite a few. I only ran into it because someone on Stack Overflow said they'd posted to the forum.....10:12.19 
  On SourceForge10:12.29 
deekej chrisl: I was thinking about it more as a one-time thing, rather than something regular. But now I see that there were some updates in ijs/recently. :) In the end, the decision is up to you - and I don't want to force you into anything.10:54.54 
  (FYI: using a separate git repository just for IJS would work as well :))10:56.58 
chrisl using a seperate repository doesn't work too well for the Ghostscript build, though.....10:57.42 
  deekej: it's the very fact of how rarely the ijs changes that makes it (ironically) more work. Or, more accurately, more stuff to remember. It means carefully checking if IJS changed since the previous release10:58.14 
deekej sorry, I meant sub-repository10:58.18 
  (*submodule - I always forget the name... o.O)10:58.53 
chrisl Hmm, not going near that stuff again any time soon. I really think the git submodule stuff is fundamentally broken :-(10:58.58 
deekej ok :)10:59.08 
  I'll try to figure out something else :)10:59.19 
  (for Fedora)10:59.35 
chrisl Anyway, I'll give it some thought - we possibly could do the same thing we do with jbig2dec....10:59.36 
deekej chrisl: I might have a solution to this. But you'll have to final word if you would be okay with it. I could create a fork just of the ijs/ folder on Github, and write small daemon to keep it up to date. This way you wouldn't have to worry about it all.11:14.44 
  I would expect to add some small README.md to explain what's the purpose of the repository, and LICENSE file same as in ghostpdl.11:15.43 
chrisl deekej: That's essentially what we do with the jbig2dec repo11:25.37 
  There is already a README, and we can copy the LICENSE file into the ijs directory easily enough11:26.18 
deekej chrisl: ah, ok :) that sounds good enough for me :)11:59.49 
  personally, I wouldn't even need Releases on Github (git tags) for it, since the IJS could be build against latest HEAD commit.12:03.51 
chrisl deekej: We can do that. I may not get it done for a couple of weeks, though (we're travelling for a staff meeting next week)12:06.46 
deekej chrisl: ok12:07.01 
  for now I'll use the tarball I have created manually for it via git-archive12:07.51 
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