Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/11/23)20171124 
velix Has SVG been dropped as a device?03:05.17 
deekej hello guys, I'm trying to figure out what would be the minimal necessary content of the package to be able to provide Ghostscript functionality as a library. I haven't found it in docs yet (maybe I'm looking wrong). My guess is this:14:12.24 
  * libgs.so14:12.38 
  * ICC profiles14:12.47 
kens You need to build libgs.so with the rom file system14:12.51 
deekej * all the Resource/ folder content14:13.02 
kens OK those if you don't build the ROM file system14:13.23 
deekej kens: is there some 'romfs' target for Makefile?14:14.51 
kens No idea :-)14:14.58 
  I thought it was the default14:15.05 
deekej ok, I'll try to dig around :)14:15.25 
  thanks :)14:15.27 
kens Just so you know, we have a staff meeting next week14:15.41 
  So we'll be on US time and not around so much14:15.51 
deekej OK, no problem :)14:15.57 
  Is there some way I could commend you guys for your help? :D I really appreciate it. :)14:16.25 
kens Thanks are more than enough14:16.34 
  We appreciate the feedback, and you taking the time to do the packaging, which we wouldn't know how to start (or at least, I wouldn't)14:16.53 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/11/25)>>> 
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