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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/11/29)20171130 
kens terryd we've removed the DELAYBIND option01:44.23 
  You should get the maintainers of the application to talk to us about it, to see if there is another solution.01:45.14 
deekej chrisl_laptop: hello Chris, here's the patch for what we discussed yesterday: https://pastebin.com/52Kcwv5e16:42.33 
  do you think this is sane enough? or should I rework it somehow?16:43.25 
  maybe add an output message from ./configure to log that unversioned path was used?17:02.50 
  damn, something's wrong with that patch :-/17:23.56 
  it was working yesterday, but after I changed something there it stopped... :-/ need to figure it out17:24.21 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/12/01)>>> 
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