Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/03)20180104 
deekej hello chrisl, have you had any chance to look at the patches I've uploaded to BZ? :)11:41.31 
Robin_Watts deekej: chrisl only got back from holiday today, and he's out for a few hours. Give him a mo :)12:25.13 
deekej Robin_Watts: ah, I forgot he was on vacation... :-/ sorry :)12:46.09 
Robin_Watts deekej: No worries :)12:46.32 
chrisl deekej: I'll try to make a start on them tomorrow - I've got other stuff to catch up with today!15:22.27 
deekej chrisl: no problem, I completely understand :) I'm also catching up after holidays... ;)15:23.22 
chrisl deekej: TBH, there's not a massive amount to catch up with, but I also need to remember how to work, after two a half weeks of lazing around15:25.02 
albel727 I'm curious, if there is anything special about gsapi_run_file(), that couldn't be reproduced by simply run_string_begin/continue/end()-ing file contents? Like speed of processing? Utilization of seekability?23:38.44 
  I also wonder if it's somehow possible to parse pdfs through run_string() interface, in a way that wouldn't involve having the pdfs as actual files.23:42.01 
  I assume not, b/c from irc logs seem to mention that pdfs require seeking.23:44.52 
  I guess it's unfortunate then, that ghostscript doesn't provide interface for seekable file emulation. something like gsapi_run_seekable_file(read_callback cb, void* user_data), where read_callback is something like int (*read_callback)(void* buffer, int offset, void* user_data)23:49.46 
  though it doesn't seem like gsapi_run_file() supports pdfs either, only postscript. probably running some ps code to prepare to interpret pdfs is necessary first.23:54.32 
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