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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/04)20180105 
deekej chrisl: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=698813 - the patch should be correct now, sorry for the noise :)12:37.04 
chrisl deekej: no worries - had me confused for a few minutes :-)12:38.16 
  deekej: I think the only thing I need to double check is that not installing the examples won't break our regression testing - the rest look fine, so far12:39.45 
deekej chrisl: ok :) unfortunately I can't help you with that. AFAIK your tests are private. :)12:40.14 
chrisl Well, we have several thousand confidential test files, so......12:41.15 
deekej chrisl: wow, that's a lot12:41.50 
  but I wanted to ask before, do you have any part of your regression test suite that could be made public?12:42.35 
chrisl There are test files that can be public, I think, but that doesn't get you access to our regression testing cluster 12:44.27 
  deekej: A very limited range of tests is available by cloning: ghostscript.com:/home/git/tests.git12:47.09 
deekej chrisl: well, I'm just asking because there was this initiative last year about getting upstream test suites open sourced (if possible), submitting new tests back to upstream instead of only downstreaming them, and incorporating the upstream testsuite into Fedora's CI/CD process12:47.17 
chrisl We can't do that - a large percentage of our tests were submitted on the condition we keep the confidential, plus several industry test suites which cost a *lot* of money12:49.00 
deekej chrisl: no problem, I understand :)12:49.14 
  is the URI (ghostscript.com:/home/git/tests.git) correct?12:50.03 
chrisl Well, it's what's in the repo clone I have.....12:50.24 
deekej the only thing I see here - http://git.ghostscript.com/ - is 'testcluster.git'12:50.26 
chrisl Yeh, it's not configured to be visible on the web12:50.50 
deekej I don't have access to it :)12:52.05 
chrisl Hmm, maybe it's not public - I'll have to check12:52.11 
deekej chrisl: https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/urw-base35-fonts/issues/17 - this can be closed now I guess :)15:43.08 
chrisl deekej: yep15:43.32 
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