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deekej hello guys, I'm currently in contact with our fontconfig developer in regards to the CJK fonts mappings we were discussing yesterday11:19.33 
  he offered his help to you in case you're missing some functionality from fontconfig itself11:19.58 
  he's willing to help if something is missing in fontconfig to satisfy your requirements, e.g. for the CJK fonts lookup :)11:20.58 
chrisl We can't use fontconfig for CIDFont subsitution12:23.10 
deekej chrisl: is it because of the fontconfig missing some support?12:39.51 
chrisl Partly, but mainly that the font files most commonly used for CIDFont substitution don't actually contain the information needed to make it work. Hence the need to specify the Registry, Ordering and Supplement values manually in the subsitution record12:41.42 
deekej ah, ok12:42.42 
chrisl TrueType, and even OpenType, has similar, but not directly comparable metadata12:43.23 
  Hence you just have to know/guess/hope the TTF you want to use approximates the Reg/Ord/Sup of the *actual* CIDFont12:44.11 
deekej dealing with CJK is never easy :-/12:45.06 
chrisl AIUI, fontconfig does allow for its own metadata for each font, so it could be added. But I'm frankly, against using fontconfig in this way - I wish we'd never included it in GS in the first place12:46.55 
deekej chrisl: yeah, but I guess there's no way this could be reverted now :-/12:48.03 
chrisl No, but we can avoid extending it.....12:48.24 
  Don't get me wrong, I'm not bad mouthing fontconfig, it's just it's use is better at the document *creation* time12:50.05 
deekej yes, that's what I actually told to my colleagues when discussing it :) I knew you wouldn't like to have more maintenance work, especially related to CJK :)12:50.06 
  np ;)12:50.26 
chrisl The biggest problem, even if fontfonfig added the metadata required, and an interface to access it - creating that metadata accurately for a useful body of font files would be a big, big task12:53.10 
deekej I can imagine12:53.39 
  I still want to convince my colleagues to drop the custom CJK mapping files, and just roll with DroidSansFallback12:54.18 
  their biggest concern ATM is that in each country people have different favourite typeface, and that it might break printing for them :-/12:54.58 
kens If they are fallong back to any font other than the one requested, its already broken12:55.20 
chrisl Well, they should embed their fonts: Postscript and PDF are *supposed* to be device independent12:55.34 
  FWIW, given the capability is there, I don't have a huge problem with the custom cidfmap mappings - they make at least some sense when you have control over the fonts files available on the system12:57.06 
deekej I think the main problem would be if people have some documents where the fonts are not embedded... In that case the custom CJK that are "native" for that region might help I guess. But if our files are 10 years outdated, I no longer see a point to be doing this.12:58.21 
chrisl I think that's a strong argument for your case.12:59.25 
deekej okay, thanks :)13:00.31 
chrisl There's also at least a couple of other distros that were shipping cidfmap mappings to font files they had long since dropped13:00.54 
  That didn't produce useful results either !13:01.11 
deekej yeah, this was the case for Fedora as well. People were trying to fix some issues with this approach, but they forgot to remove those files once the issues were gone... o.O13:03.54 
  I'm glad I've finally got rid of it in Fedora... :D13:04.12 
  chrisl: could you please merge this pull-request? https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/urw-base35-fonts/pull/1913:06.39 
  chrisl: the other one can wait :)13:06.51 
  this pull-request just merges some config files... I have realized that Nimbus Sans and Nimbus Sans Narrow is the same font typeface according to WPF font model whitepaper.13:07.48 
chrisl deekej: both done13:10.43 
deekej chrisl: thanks13:32.44 
  hmm, Akira Tagoh (fontconfig upstream developer) said that many people actually hated the Google Droid Sans Fallback for displaying CJK languages14:37.56 
kens Then they should embed their fonts.14:38.12 
deekej and supposedly it was replaced with Google Noto Sans CJK14:38.15 
kens Yeah but we can't (currently) use that14:38.30 
  Bluntly, if you don't embed fonts, then you will get a replacement font. If you don't want that, then embed the fonts. No excuses!14:38.55 
deekej kens: ah, ok. Is there any limitation for that in Ghostscript?14:38.56 
kens What Noto ?14:39.06 
deekej yes14:39.10 
kens I cna't recall offhand why we can't use it14:39.18 
  chrisl will probably remember14:39.25 
deekej kens: no problem :)14:39.29 
chrisl Google distribute the Noto fonts as OTF/CFF and we can't use those for CIDFont subsitution14:40.47 
kens Ah, there you go :-)14:40.54 
deekej ah, ok14:41.08 
chrisl It's not impossible, but it would be a fair amount of work to make it happen14:41.56 
  deekej: note that the purpose of using DroidSansFallback for automatic CIDFont substitution is *not* to look nice, or even right - it's a best guess to make the results legible14:43.38 
deekej chrisl: yeah, I understand. :) I'm just trying to find some solution that wouldn't require you to do anything, and that would be OK with people from CJK regions :)14:44.47 
chrisl deekej: From my point of view, I kind of want it to be *obviously* wrong, whilst still making the file readable14:45.39 
tor8 deekej: chrisl: kens: the Noto Sans CJK fonts are opentype/CFF only.14:59.49 
kens Yeah Chris said that15:00.03 
tor8 and they are not trivial to just convert to TTF outlines (and they're *much* bigger than DroidSansFallback)15:00.34 
  but one benefit is that they do have language specific variants15:01.05 
kens I'm, not at all sure thats a benefit for us15:01.26 
tor8 mupdf uses the noto cjk fonts (but that's only because we can use OpenType/CFF fonts in PDF, which doesn't have the same limitations as postscript)15:01.40 
  kens: it would possibly be a benefit, because then you could use the japanese flavored characters when substituting for the Adobe-Japan registry15:02.15 
kens In this case, I htink its the limitations of *PDF*, PostScript is less limited, which is why we can't use the Noto fonts15:02.20 
tor8 likewise traditional/simplified chinese for GB/CNS15:02.38 
kens tor8 : Yes, but that's a relatively small number of fotns15:02.40 
  Most of the fonts we see are /Identity15:02.50 
chrisl Including all the language variaints just means an explosion in download size - I'd prefer to avoid that15:02.55 
kens Again, if you go to a substitute font, the result is *wrong*. It may be legible, but its not what the author intended and is therefore incorrect15:03.28 
tor8 kens: yes. mupdf only uses the noto CJK fonts for fonts with the CJK cmaps15:03.55 
  kens: and we support EPUB, where you're not supposed to embed the fonts :)15:04.35 
kens Fortunately for us, we don't :)15:04.56 
tor8 if the source han sans/noto sans cjk (same fonts, different name) were trivially available as TTF I'd suggest gs try to use them as well15:05.12 
  but as it stands, I see no real world benefit over just using droid sans fallback15:05.22 
kens Its certainly not worth the engineering efrfort to replace one wrong answer with a different wrong answer, IMO15:06.01 
chrisl It's more than just being available as TTF, they'd also have to be widely used by the distros - and that's not likely now15:06.22 
  I have an open enhancement to make OTF/CFF fonts work as CIDFont subsitutes, but it's a fair amount of work, and I just haven't found the time15:07.34 
deekej chrisl: since you're planning to this work in the future, wouldn't be that a good time to check if the 'pdfwrite' could get the OTF/CFF support as well? IIRC, you said that pdfwrite is currently the only limitation why Ghostscript can't currently support OTF/CFF fully...15:15.04 
  reason why I'm asking is that it seems that almost the whole world is "planning" to migrate to TTF/OTF as tome point in the future15:15.45 
kens Not that simple15:15.48 
  pdfwrite is perfectly happy with CFF OTF fonts, when they are not being used as substitutes.15:16.07 
deekej For example LibreOffice has dropped it support for Type1 last year completely...15:16.08 
kens Yes, but that's not a problem15:16.20 
chrisl deekej: Nope, pdfwrite is what prevents us from switching the base35 to OTF, not from using OTF in general15:16.24 
deekej chrisl: ah, ok, that's actually what I meant. :) I didn't express myself clear enough.15:17.15 
kens Again, no urgency on our (or anyone else's) part15:17.32 
  Because its only font substitutes15:17.38 
  And why should anyone else care what format we choose to use for font substitution15:17.55 
deekej I see15:18.26 
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