Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/09)20180110 
deekej Hello chrisl! I've just received a reply from our legal department and unfortunately I was told that I can't sign the legal agreement with Artifex. :-/17:44.37 
  I don't know if this can prove to be problematic in the future somehow.17:45.40 
  But for what it's worth, Red Hat has its own Patent promise (https://www.redhat.com/en/about/patent-promise) and our Upstream's first rule. We would be the last ones you could expect to create any law/patent/copyright disputes against Artifex... :)17:46.58 
  I would like to hope that Ghostscript being released under AGPLv3+ should be OK for me to still send you patches, if needed. :)17:48.49 
chrisl deekej: It's going to be a problem for anything non-trivial17:57.33 
deekej chrisl: hmm, OK :-/ does Artifex have (by any chance) signed copyright agreement with GNU project / FSF?17:59.02 
  this is the last path I could try to pursue17:59.34 
chrisl Not that I know of. The problem is, as we have a commercial aspect to Ghostscript, the copyright for any core changes must be assigned to Artifex to avoid potential future legal issues18:00.25 
deekej chrisl: I realize that. :) The problem is (IIRC), I have some clause in my contract staying something similar in regards to Red Hat, so that's where it generates conflict I guess... :-/18:02.08 
  I'll see if there's something else I could do about it.18:02.41 
chrisl Well, I'm just an engineer, so I studiously avoid legal stuff - you'd have to communicate with "head office" to settle on something acceptable to both parties18:03.55 
Robin_Watts deekej: All we can promise is that anything send to us that we use *will* be licensed under the GNU AGPL. The problem is we also need the rights to be able to license it under different terms too.18:27.24 
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