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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/11)20180112 
Guest98116 In ghostscript suppose I want to scale down a pdf pages contents to 1/4th of a4 size but keep the page a4 size making the rest whitespace is it possible?05:14.45 
aiena how to convert inches to PS Points06:40.29 
  what is the formula?06:40.36 
chrisl aiena: PS points are 1/72 inch07:29.28 
aiena ok08:04.13 
  chrisl: hmm a bit confused was using an online calculator to convert inches to points. It states that 8.27 inches is approx. 595.44 points. If I calculate with the formula 1inches = 1/72 PSpoints I get 8.27 inces = 0.11486 PS points. Int my test the online calculator value seems to render the correct pdf size am I calculating wrong?12:04.06 
kens No....12:04.22 
  1 point is 1/72 of an inch12:04.30 
  Therefore 8.27 inches is 8.27 * 72 not divided by 7212:04.50 
aiena ah12:05.08 
  hmm something is wrong with this command I am trying to merge 3 pdfs http://paste.opensuse.org/view/raw/aaa5dfb9 12:09.16 
  it is saying cannot find the output file and then giving another error12:09.37 
kens Ghostscript doesn't merge PDF files12:09.38 
aiena can I append one pdf to the tail of another with gs?12:10.04 
kens No12:10.11 
  You cna make a new PDF file whcih should be visually the same, but it doens't merge PDF files12:10.29 
  Its documented here:12:10.45 
  And the error you quote is fairly obvious I'd have thought12:11.04 
  Ghostscript says it could not open the output file12:11.17 
  And then terminates, because obviously it could not open the output file12:11.40 
aiena but why it cannot open the output file12:11.54 
kens I have no idea12:11.59 
aiena it is creating the output file the permissions are fine on the dir12:12.06 
kens Possibly the directory doesn't exist12:12.07 
aiena I was asking about the second error though12:12.14 
kens Or you have no permissions to write there12:12.14 
  THe second error is a consequence of the first error12:12.27 
aiena and why is there a "." after the first12:12.30 
kens If you can't create an output file then uyou can't open the pdfwrite device12:12.38 
  Seriously ?12:12.51 
aiena ok what about the . after the file path?12:12.55 
kens Oh you;'re using '12:13.09 
  You can't do that I expect12:13.16 
  Use "12:13.19 
  Or just don't bother at all since there are no spaces in your filenames12:13.42 
aiena hmm single quotes work for the scaling command12:13.44 
  kens there may be spaces in the file names12:13.58 
kens THen use "12:14.03 
aiena a python ui is running these commands12:14.09 
  I am just testing the commands themselves12:14.21 
  ok will use ""12:14.31 
  kens: here " will not enable shell expansion right12:15.03 
kens I would start by using neither. Does it work ? If so then use ", does it work ? etc12:15.12 
  " is only expanded in scripts12:15.34 
  Not at the command line12:15.40 
  Though I am by no means a Linux shell script expert12:15.59 
  Again, when approaching propblems, simplify the problem to identify what is wrong12:16.20 
  You can add complexity later, first thing is to prove it works at all12:16.31 
aiena I knwo windows hates ''12:17.13 
kens THen you are incorrect12:17.22 
aiena yeah12:17.33 
kens Windows has no problem wih "12:17.34 
aiena has problems with single quotes12:17.50 
kens If you want to specify a path with spaces in Windows then you must use "12:17.56 
aiena no problems with double quotes12:17.58 
  that is what I meant probably the irc client shows double quotes same as single quotes I guess12:18.23 
  kens: actually the command runs ok.12:24.20 
  So it seems to append the pdfs to each other creating a new one12:24.45 
  I guess this is different from merging as such12:24.57 
  hmm single quotes work in the shell but they dont work without a shell12:31.47 
  can gs witout a shell accept pathnames with spaces in them?12:32.04 
emendelson Apologies for dumb question: Is it possible to tell gswin32c to find the title string in a PS file and use that title as the name of the PDF file created by pdfwrite?22:01.24 
  My guess is that this is something any expert can do, but I haven't found it. Many thanks for any help with this.22:02.00 
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