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kens laertus sounds like your Ghostscript installation is, bascially, broken. Ghostscript is unable to find any fonts, in particular it can't fid the fallback font Courier (which is used when regular fonts are missing). The default build for Ghostscript has the fonts built into the executable in a ROM file system, clearly your build doesn't have that.07:54.53 
  If you don't have a ROM file system, then you need to tell GS where a number of Resources are. That's obviously being done, because otherwise GS wouldn't start up07:55.22 
  Normally the fonts would be in the same place, in a 'Font' folder, but it looks like the packager has opted to put them elsewhere.07:55.53 
  That's not strictly a problem, but if you do that, then you obviously need to tell Ghostscript where they aere, or it doens't know how to find them.07:56.22 
  That's what -sFONTPATH does, and the environment variable GS_FONTPATH is, of course, consulted when searching for fonts.07:56.55 
  So in short, you should probably report this to whoever created the package for Ghostscript.07:57.13 
laertus alright, thank you07:58.03 
SchleimKeim good morning. is there a switch for ghostscript that tells it not to use unix line breaks?09:47.04 
  and use windows cr lf instead?09:47.15 
kens I have no idea what you mean there09:47.22 
  Ghostscript doesn't 'use' any kind of line breaks09:47.33 
SchleimKeim hm.. alright09:47.47 
kens Can you supply more context ?09:47.54 
  Where are these line breaks ?09:48.00 
SchleimKeim hold on. let me check the englisch dictionary first 09:48.14 
  meh... 09:48.29 
  here's the thing09:48.31 
  i have a pdf that i convert to postscript with ghostscript. then i write some comments into it (for our industrial printer)09:49.02 
kens OK...09:49.12 
SchleimKeim i write those comments using the c# streamwriter 09:49.14 
kens Again, OK09:49.25 
SchleimKeim and streamwriter uses cr lf as a line feed09:49.28 
  the original postscript only has lf09:49.39 
kens Doesn't matter09:49.44 
SchleimKeim erm.... 09:49.51 
kens CR. LF, TAB, space etc are all white space in PostScript09:49.59 
SchleimKeim it does to my postscript viewer09:50.00 
kens Then your PostScript viewer is broken, I'd say09:50.15 
SchleimKeim but i get what you're saying. you say that it shouldn't matter09:50.27 
kens CR, CR/LF or LF are all equivalent in PostScript09:50.27 
SchleimKeim ok09:50.31 
  apparently not every interpreteter knows about that :D09:50.50 
kens Then its broken, like I say :-)09:50.59 
SchleimKeim yeah09:51.02 
kens You could always use Ghostscript to view the PostScript09:51.10 
SchleimKeim i can?09:51.25 
kens Well yes09:51.31 
  Its a PostScript itnerpreter after all09:51.38 
  and the display device renders to the screen09:51.50 
SchleimKeim gswin32.exe09:51.54 
kens Or gswin32c.exe09:52.01 
  On Windows the display device is the default09:52.10 
  So gswin32 <filename> will draw the result09:52.25 
SchleimKeim indeed09:52.29 
  i never knew :D09:52.32 
kens If you want a more fully featured viewer you can use GSView09:52.58 
SchleimKeim ok09:53.09 
kens Versions up to and including 5 use Ghostscript to render the content09:53.14 
SchleimKeim but then it's not true what you're saying. ghostscript also doesn't display the file until i do a dos2unix on itz09:53.32 
kens 6 and above use Ghostscript to covnert the PostScript to PDF and then use MuPDF to render the PDF.09:53.33 
  Then there's something you aren't telling me about the file :-)09:53.46 
  If GS doesn't like your file then the file is broken09:54.07 
  Try it before you apply your C# stuff and again afterwards09:54.19 
SchleimKeim that's what i'm doing right now09:54.29 
kens If it works before and not after then its the C# modifications09:54.32 
SchleimKeim the c# edited file can't be displayed until i do a dos2unix, which does nothing more than replace newlines09:54.46 
kens If you stick the modified file somewhere I can look at it09:54.47 
SchleimKeim tha'd get me fired i'm afraid. but thanx for the help 09:55.07 
kens Note that I will be going out for a couple of hours, leaving in 20 minutes09:55.08 
SchleimKeim it's fine. no need for help. i'll just replace the newlines and be done with it09:55.28 
kens Can't you create an example that isn't sensitive ?09:55.30 
SchleimKeim no, because the postscript code is really messy because the source pdf is already messy 09:56.12 
  and i can't reproduce such messes09:56.19 
kens Well, then there's nothign more I can suggest09:56.34 
SchleimKeim but don't worry, i'll just write a funciton to replace the newlines then it'll work09:56.41 
kens SchleimKeim : If you do that, and your PostScript file contains any binary data (such as bitmaps) then you'll probably corrupt it10:04.57 
  You may also alter stream lengths and then the PostScript will fail to operate at all10:05.16 
  CR/LF conversion is a well known way to break PostScript files.10:05.30 
SchleimKeim @kens: it worked11:41.10 
chrisl SchleimKeim: as kens intimated, you'll want to be careful with this, in the general case, since PS can contain binary. It is *often* encoded as something more friendly, but isn't required to be11:47.23 
SchleimKeim chrisl: we'll see. they look ok in the preview window11:53.55 
  i need to write a proper newline converter. but for now dos2unix does the job11:54.16 
chrisl Like I say, it'll often be just fine and, depending on the workflow, possibly usually/always be fine - it's just so you're aware, and prepared for if some files start throwing strange errors, you'll want to check for binary data11:56.20 
SchleimKeim yeah, thanks for the hint. i'll keep that in mind.11:57.03 
DomiX hi, is this possible to raise PageList param ?16:21.43 
kens What ?16:21.54 
DomiX I'm using gswin on windows to extract a long list in PageList and it fails with limitcheck16:22.34 
  No sure about the number, aproximatly 300 ranges in PageList=16:23.09 
kens Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. PagesList doesn't 'extract' a list16:23.10 
  But if you are getting a limitcheck on PageList then you are (obviously) exceeding a PostScript limit, so not you can't 'raise' that.16:25.15 
DomiX yes, it's -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPageList=$range_list_all_pages 16:25.51 
  Do you know a workaround ?16:26.24 
kens PageList is implemented in PostScript for the PDF itnerpreter. If you are getting a limitcheck then you are exceeding a PostScript limit. so you can't 'raise' it.16:26.33 
DomiX extract page then append to pdf16:26.35 
kens Ghostscritp doesn't 'extract' or 'append' PDF files.16:26.55 
  It creates new files whose content will probably ebar no relation to the original PDF file.16:27.14 
  Your best bet is to simplify the arguments by collapsing ranges16:27.34 
  Multiply processing the same file is likely to lead to a degradation in quality16:27.48 
DomiX it's already ranges :)16:27.49 
kens Start with a less complicated file then16:28.25 
DomiX it's work with a file of 600pages16:28.38 
kens You are exceeding a limit, there's no way around that16:28.43 
  The number of pages is irrelevant, its the number of ranges I expect.16:29.00 
  Offhand I can't think of what limit would be getting broken, but clearly something is16:29.43 
DomiX it depends. The pdf file is invoices, some invoices contains more than one pages. I can extract them and create a new pdf but I need a pdf with all invoice with one page in one pdf16:30.15 
  that's the last part, it's not working16:31.48 
kens You are breaking an architectural limit, if you don't want that to happen then you will have to make the problem simpler in some fashion. How you do that is up to you16:32.45 
  You are aware of the licence for Ghostscript ? And that the AGPL covers software as a service ? I only ask because this is sounding like you might be doing somethign like that16:33.32 
DomiX It's for specific internally task, I'm not writing software for selling16:35.39 
kens The AGPL covers software as a service as well, which can possibly include internal use, depending what you are doign with the output. Its not limited to selling the software16:36.14 
DomiX it's for printing usage, actually sorting is done manually (it takes 2hours) after printing pages16:37.01 
kens In any event, the answer to your original question is still 'no'16:37.16 
DomiX I understand :) I need to find another way in perl or something else16:38.26 
ray_laptop DomiX (for the logs): you may want to consider using mutool clean instead of Ghostscript. It is implemented in C, and PS limitations don't apply17:34.20 
  DomiX (for the logs): note that mutool (a mupdf based command line app) is also AGPL, but kens mentioned that above17:35.45 
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