Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/19)20180120 
izabera hello04:06.13 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line. If you are looking for help or infomation about MuPDF, try the new #mupdf channel.04:06.13 
izabera i'm using mupdf 1.12 which is a little old but not too old04:07.05 
  http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob;f=source/fitz/pixmap.c;h=a0abb5def4d78a8faf8c46ccb189fe60b52003d8;hb=HEAD#l905 this function04:07.36 
  fz_pixmap_converter *pc = fz_lookup_pixmap_converter(ctx, ds, pix->colorspace); <- this assigns pc04:08.05 
  pc(ctx, cvt, pix, prf, default_cs, color_params, 1); <- this calls pc passing 1 as the last argument04:08.27 
  http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob;f=source/fitz/colorspace.c;h=c099297a86204fd8cf05c93930264191b0c875e9;hb=HEAD#l1468 <- this is the callee04:09.19 
  it's checking if ((copy_spots || ss != ds) || (!da && sa))04:10.10 
  but it should probably be if ((copy_spots && ss != ds) || (!da && sa))04:10.20 
  this is causing a crash in one of my pdf files, would you please fix it?04:15.50 
  i don't know what's the recommended way to submit patches, but this applies cleanly on top of the current head (which is 9086386263154498dcb18c96f1e1630903b21a3c) https://arin.ga/cWocCo/raw04:16.46 
  Robin_Watts: ping, i see that you worked on that function before04:26.49 
kens izabera you'd probably be better asking MuPDF questions in the #mupdf channel09:39.37 
  And if you think you've found a bug, the best way to get it addressed is to open a bug report, you can put a pacth there09:40.13 
izabera ok! sorry if i used the wrong medium14:44.52 
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