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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/24)20180125 
kens Ketna this is covered in the documentation:08:03.39 
  See teh section titled 'One page per file'08:03.39 
miyalys hi! is there a channel open to helping with gs related questions?13:14.10 
kens You're in it13:14.21 
miyalys okay, it's probably very simple. I'm pretty sure this used to work: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=2 -sOutputFile=out.pdf in.pdf ...but now it complains about being "unable to open the initial device". I've read that might refer to the output file, but why wouldn't it be able to open (create) that?13:16.46 
kens Perhaps its already open, or you don't have permissions to overwrite it. Can't say from that.13:17.17 
  Oh, and you have -dSAFER set13:17.28 
miyalys so the command itself is correct?13:17.29 
kens Remove -dSAFER and see what happens13:17.37 
miyalys Seems unchanged, but I might have found the error: I was (unknowingly) on a read-only file system. Not too bright.13:21.25 
kens That'll be why it doesn't work thenm13:21.35 
miyalys thanks kens :-) i notice it seems to behave differently than normally though, ending up with a gs> prompt hm13:23.52 
kens You didn't specify -dBATCH13:24.18 
  So GS doesn't exit after processing your input, but returns to the interactive prompt13:24.37 
  You can also use -o instead of -sOutputFIle= because that sets -dBATCH13:24.58 
miyalys ah okay, thanks!13:25.01 
Dharmik Hello, Mupdf how to get text which is not Hyperlink but it simple writter ashttp://www.google.com how to detect it ?17:33.43 
  Not as Hyperlinks17:35.12 
  any one there ?17:53.14 
sebras Dharmik: if you want to ask questions about mupdf you'd better ask at #mupdf 18:08.39 
  Dharmik: if you want to copy text on the desktop version of mupdf, like mupdf-gl or mupdf-x11, you can right-click to copy text.18:09.48 
  Dharmik: mupdf for androi has a special button for copying text.18:09.59 
Hiren hi all18:33.05 
Robin_Watts Hiren: Hi. This is irc, if you wait for a greeting before asking your question, you'll be waiting a long time.19:04.13 
  Best to just ask your question, not ask to ask :)19:04.21 
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