Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/02/02)20180203 
wallbroken is there some difference between binary and text in IPP?02:26.09 
kens wallbroken, this is a *Ghostscript* channel, not a channel for support of random printing products and technology.09:15.28 
wallbroken kens, i know, but is the closer channel topic to where ask09:16.25 
kens Please stop asking questions on topics unrelated to Ghostscript or the Ghostscript family of products09:17.00 
Yruama_Lairba hello,is it normal that all download link from website point tosomething in "S3.amazonaws.com" domain ?14:24.18 
  i find this suspicious as this domain is known to host many malware.14:25.18 
sebras Yruama_Lairba: what link are you talking about?14:41.58 
  Yruama_Lairba: all the links on https://www.ghostscript.com/download/ appear to be linking tohttp://www.ghostscript.com14:42.25 
Yruama_Lairba im talkin about link to download a binary14:42.51 
sebras Yruama_Lairba: can you give me the link to the page where you find the suspicious link?14:43.10 
Yruama_Lairba download link on https://www.ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html for example14:44.16 
sebras Yruama_Lairba: the first link for Ghostscript 9.22 for Windows 32-bit AGPL release points to https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs922/gs922w32.exe14:44.53 
  Yruama_Lairba: am I looking at the wrong place?14:45.16 
Yruama_Lairba no if you copie the link adresshttps://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs922/gs922w32.exe14:45.33 
sebras aha, I get it now.14:46.03 
Yruama_Lairba what the ****14:46.35 
sebras Yruama_Lairba: ?14:47.54 
  Yruama_Lairba: you are saying that we are linking to a github release download URL and that URL redirects to amazonaws.com. ok. well. I don't know how github works, but presumably they use amazonaws.com to spread the load of people downloading big releases.14:48.04 
Yruama_Lairba ok14:48.51 
  so no risk ?14:49.53 
  it's normal ?14:50.05 
sebras Yruama_Lairba: I believe that the risk is the same as for downloading any other project release asset from github, e.g. https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/releases14:52.54 
  Yruama_Lairba: in my opinion this is therefore not a risk I would personally care about.14:53.33 
  Yruama_Lairba: thanks for alerting us about something you feel is unusual though. some time it might be something we really do need to fix. :)14:54.39 
Yruama_Lairba ok, i never download binaries from github14:54.40 
sebras Yruama_Lairba: since I'm a developer I prefer to download the source code for the project I'm interested in from github and build it myself. so I also rarely download binary assets from github.14:55.59 
Yruama_Lairba in fact, i was looking for ghostscript for windows, building something for windows is not easy as for linux14:58.31 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/02/04)>>> 
ghostscript.com #mupdf