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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/02/05)20180206 
sh4rm4^bnc hi, how can i open a .ps file with mupdf ?16:56.37 
kens sh4rm4^bnc : You might be better asking MuPDF questions on #mupdf, but the simple answer is, you can't. MuPDF reads PDF files, not PostScript16:57.16 
sh4rm4^bnc can i transfer .ps files into pdf format using the tools shipping with mupdf ?16:57.53 
  and thanks, i didn't know there's a #mupdf now16:58.15 
kens Not with MuPDF, no because, as I said, it is not a PostScript itnerpreter16:58.21 
  PostScript is a programming language, so you need an interpreter to execute the program, record the marking operations and create a PDF equivalent of those. You can use Ghostscript5's pdfwrite device to do so, or Adobe's Acrobat Distiller. There are other commercial offerings but as far as I'm aware Ghostscript is the only open source PostScript interpreter with the ability to create PDF files.17:00.57 
sh4rm4^bnc ah, i thought those tools/libs are built anyway during the build of mupdf17:04.21 
kens Ghostscript is nothing to do with MuPDF, they are totally separate products, different code base, etc.17:04.50 
sh4rm4^bnc :o17:05.10 
kens Which is, of course, why #mupdf now has its own IRC channel :-)17:05.16 
ray_laptop hmm.. looks like we need to change the title of the channel17:39.55 
sh4rm4^bnc could someone having those tools be so kind as to make a pdf for me from https://mercurylang.org/documentation/papers/hlc_cc.ps.gz ?18:13.27 
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