Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/02/13)20180214 
netrate can I get a question or two answered?01:15.57 
kens netrate (for the logs) you are obviously in a time zone which makes it difficult for us to talk to you in real time, your best bet is to ask your question and then read the logs. To answer your question from yesterday; Ghostscritp doesn't need to be 'installed', its portable. When installed it doesn't need to reside on the boot drive, owever you haven't stated what operating system you are using which makes detailed answers difficult.08:13.25 
netrate Is there anyone available to ask a few questions about ghostscript?22:35.33 
  I guess everyone is on uk time22:51.44 
  ok I will try again tomorrow.22:51.55 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/02/15)>>> 
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