Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/02/15)20180216 
netrate Hi, I think I have ghostscript installed on my network system. I just would like a little help testing it please18:06.36 
chrisl Well, run it, if it works, then it works18:09.08 
netrate I have it installed in pycharm, with the libraries, but it doesn't seem to recognize the command gs18:10.17 
  so I am guessing it isn't installed properly or something. I used the method for installing libraries PIP, but maybe being on a network is preventing so18:10.46 
  somethings from functioning properly.18:10.53 
chrisl Well, on Windows, the command isn't gs, it's going to be gswin64.exe or gswin32.exe18:12.30 
  And I don't know what pycharm is or how it works18:12.55 
netrate pycharm is an IDE for python.18:13.15 
  ok, I will keep trying on my own. Thanks anyway18:13.24 
chrisl Maybe ask on a channel for python/pycharm about calling exes18:14.19 
netrate ok thank you I will look into that also18:14.36 
ray_laptop These "false" clueter timeouts are bothering me: My last run had 1 new timeout (on beards) but running a DEBUG build on peeved (which is a slower machine in terms of the number of jobs it completes) it finished in 105 sec19:39.00 
  Now another job that habitually times out is tests_private/comparefiles/Bug690449.pdf.psdcmyk.300.1 and it take 700 s on peeved DEBUG19:39.58 
netrate I am not sure if this is a pycharm or python question , but I have managed to get ghostscript as part of my libraries in pycharm, but when I run commands for ghostscript it say19:46.18 
  it cannot find the dll, does this means that is needs to be installed first, even before find the libraries?19:46.36 
  in pycharm, when it finds the libraries, and you select it, it installs it for you, or at least I thought it did 19:47.08 
  I tried it again, and pycharm says "installed successfully", but when I try a command, it cannot find it.19:48.22 
  raise RuntimeError('Can not find Ghostscript DLL in registry').19:48.31 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/02/17)>>> 
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