Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/02/16)20180217 
kens netrate as we've already said, we cna't help you with Python. It could be that you haven't added teh Ghostscript directory to your PATH environment variable (or PYPATH), or it could be whatever plugin thing you are using is itself exepcting to find Ghostscript. It 'sounds like' its looking for an installed version of Ghostscript, because its looking in the Registry, which gets updated with the Ghostscript installation directory.09:16.34 
  It may also be that the plugin wants the 32-bit version of Ghostscript, and you've installed the 64-bit version.09:16.52 
  You should go talk to whoever maintains that plugin and ask them, we can't help you09:17.29 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/02/18)>>> 
ghostscript.com #mupdf