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Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'll think about that tomorrow.00:11.16 
ray_laptop mvrhel: RobinWatts: It's hard to catch a thread causing problems. Any ideas are welcome. I KNOW that it is due to ICC color transform, both because it only happens if I enable gscms_is_threadsafe.04:08.35 
  mvrhel: Robin_Watts: the problems are always 16-bit colors being (over)written into a memory block, polluting the headers for the chunk memory manager. My concern is that when we share a link, that link has a context, but the context has a "MemPool" that it allocates small blocks from. That is *NOT* threadsafe04:12.19 
  I look forward to discussing this tomorrow. Maybe after sleeping on it, I'll think of a way to "catch" it. Note, that it may be something totally different, but from the desk view, this seems wrong04:14.09 
  In the meantime, going to try helgrind again.04:14.32 
  although I suspect that helgrind (which is designed to spot race conditions) may not spot buffer overwrites from an area alloc'ed by one thread being modified by another thread since that is a primary thread communication method04:46.56 
kens So, given the status of zlib and libtiff, do you want to review those before we do a release candidate chrisl ?10:20.26 
chrisl I'm updating zlib now. I'll take another look at libtiff in a bit10:20.58 
kens OK was just thinking ahead a bit about what to do10:21.25 
chrisl zlib, as expected, was a no effort change - so far10:21.38 
kens I'm not surprised, its always been pretty straight forward.10:21.55 
chrisl It's clustering now, and I'm just waiting on Win10 to talk to me again, so I can do a test Windows build10:22.36 
kens Given your reply about libtiff (and the nature of teh CVEs) I was wondering if its even worth bothering with it before the release. We could do it after and that would give us time to sort ou any nasties that crop up before the next release10:22.41 
  Before *our* next release I mean10:23.04 
chrisl Yes, I am inclined to not do libtiff right now, but I thought I'd double check on it10:23.31 
kens Makes sense, OK. We'll need some of Robin's time to run release tests, won't we ?10:23.59 
chrisl Hopefully just minutes here and there10:24.19 
Robin_Watts Either I need to run them, or other people can.10:24.23 
kens Yeah I thought it wouldn't be much10:24.27 
Robin_Watts It's not hard to set up.10:24.28 
  I am going on holiday next saturday for 4 nights.10:24.47 
kens I've just recalled that Henry is on vacation for the next few days, so I guess there's no rush, we'll probably need him to review the PCL diffs10:24.56 
Robin_Watts so it would probably be wise to have at least tried a test run before then.10:25.13 
kens Robin_Watts : then I guess chrisl and I need a tutorial on what you do :-)10:25.16 
  Because I think you and Henry's vacations will overlap10:25.34 
Robin_Watts kens: There is a twiki page, I believe.10:25.35 
kens I think you're right10:25.41 
kens goes to look10:25.45 
chrisl I've done it before following the twiki - it's more if we want anything special/clever doing10:26.02 
kens I think I'm happy with repeating what we did last time10:26.20 
Robin_Watts https://twiki.ghostscript.com/do/view/Ghostscript/ClusterHowTo10:26.52 
kens Hmm, can't immediately see it on the twiki, any clues ? (feel free to use #artifex)10:26.56 
  LOL thanks10:27.00 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Sure. I have time for that. My work for phase 1 of the SSE stuff is done.10:27.21 
kens Probably it would be good to do one run before Friday I think10:28.03 
chrisl Actually, there's more in that twiki page than I remember, so I think we're good10:28.07 
kens OK if you're happy then we're good10:28.41 
  I guess I'll go think about identifying paragraphs and columns10:29.05 
chrisl I'm hopeing all we'll need to do is vary the bmpcmp parameters, and whether we're culling, and that's all covered10:29.49 
Robin_Watts kens: been there, done that, had the nightmares.10:29.51 
kens Yeah well its never going to be perfect10:30.06 
chrisl <sigh> the windows bulid fails with the new zlib :-(10:42.19 
kens Well that's not good10:42.28 
chrisl But the failure is on undefined symbols that I cannot find anywhere.....10:46.23 
kens That's, odd.....10:46.35 
chrisl A grep throws up the .obj file containing the symbols, but nothing else - weird10:48.10 
kens Would it help for someone else to look too ?10:48.27 
chrisl If you have time - the commit is on master on my repo10:48.51 
kens I'll go fetch it , migth take me a fwe minutes10:49.03 
chrisl I'm going to get a coffee10:49.20 
kens :-)10:49.24 
  Yep, unresolved symbols s_error and s_verbose10:51.25 
  In ftgzip....10:51.34 
  Bah z_error, I can't read...10:53.09 
  And indeed, not defined or used in there....10:53.29 
  OK in zutil.h in ghostpdl/freetype/src/gzip10:54.36 
  They do seem to be defined in zlib as well, in zutil.h10:55.00 
  OK So zlib defines them is ZLIB_DEBUG is true, freetyp if DEBUG is true. I wonder if that's a problem.10:56.22 
  Oh, FreeType's zutil.c doesn't declare them at all10:57.45 
  chrisl is htis the latest version of FreeType ?11:01.32 
chrisl No11:01.43 
kens Umm, that might be the problem11:01.51 
  FreeType's zutil.c should declare z_error and z_verbose to match zlib's I think11:02.15 
  If I do that it ciomipiles11:02.21 
  I think that actually these are not used in the FreeType code, so the compiler is being dumb11:02.59 
chrisl Okay, I'm inclined to add that, and update Freetype after the release - I was planning that anyway11:03.09 
kens Does this fail on a release build ? I think it should be OK11:03.25 
chrisl I didn't try it - just used the default in VS11:04.00 
kens I'll try it in a second11:04.13 
  Just want to see where this is used (if at all)11:04.20 
  Well, that's bizarre. NOw I can't get it to fail.....11:05.46 
kens does clean and rebuild11:06.03 
chrisl Still have your change in it?11:06.06 
kens No, I removed it back to your commit to test release builds, but I ran a debug build first to check it failed. And it didn't.....11:06.33 
chrisl release build works11:08.35 
kens Yeah thought it would11:09.51 
  Drat, VS restored my change that's why it didn't fail11:10.21 
  I wonder if the clash is caused by having m,ultiple zutil.obj files11:11.06 
chrisl It hasn't been a problem before11:11.22 
kens True, but I wonder if zlib has changed11:11.35 
  z_error and z_verbose are now described with 'ZLIB_INTERNAL'11:12.07 
chrisl Ah, so they are no longer part of the ABI11:12.24 
kens The ones in FreeType aren't.11:12.25 
  Yeah that's what I'm thining11:12.33 
  I don't know if that means FT has been amended to deal with this11:13.33 
chrisl Well, I'm confused.....11:15.10 
kens I am somewhat also11:15.31 
chrisl ZLIB_INTERNAL is only defined if HAVE_HIDDEN is defined - and I can't see where that's happening11:15.59 
kens You're ahead of me there11:16.11 
chrisl top of zlib/zutil.h11:16.27 
kens Oh yes, I knew abotu the HIDDEN, no idea whare its defined11:17.06 
  Bonkers; the linker says z_verbose are undefined in ftgzip.c, function inflate_codes. There is no such function in that source file.....11:18.30 
  Its all macros, that's why11:20.54 
  Tracev() seems to use it11:21.03 
  And indeed that's back in zutil.h11:21.26 
  So we coudl 'fix' FreeType by knocking otu the diagnostic functions11:21.51 
  Just remove the #ifdef DEBUG...#else and teh #endif11:22.07 
chrisl Well, I would be happier if I understood how ZLIB_INTERNAL was getting defined11:23.06 
kens Yes that builds for me, what do you think? I feel a little happier about that than defining stuff, I'm not sure why really11:23.08 
  Yes... that's somewhat odd, I can't see it being defined immediately11:24.16 
  VS seems to think its not set11:26.30 
  But that's just the editor, so not reliable11:26.41 
chrisl As I said, it's based on HAVE_HIDDEN being defined11:27.05 
kens Yes sorry I mean VS thinks HAVE_HIDDEN is not set11:27.23 
  But its not totally reliable, I've saeen it fooled before11:27.39 
chrisl So, let's pull out the freetype diagostic stuff which we never use anyway, and then I'll update freetype after the release goes11:29.09 
kens I think that's easiest.11:29.19 
  I do wonder if its simply that we don't compile the zlib zutil.c because we already compiled the FreeType one.11:29.41 
  And the FreeType one doesn't contain the definitions of those suymbols.11:29.58 
chrisl I can look into that11:30.28 
  But then I'd wonder how it works on Linux....11:31.00 
kens I wonder where they were previosuly defined, since they clearly aren't in zutil.c in the FT code11:31.01 
  Is the compilation order different on Linux ?11:31.27 
chrisl makefiles are all the same for those things11:31.52 
kens Must admit I can't see why it would be11:31.52 
chrisl Um, we don't build the freetype zutil.c11:33.23 
kens Then I'm utterly confused11:33.36 
  Because I defined the symbols in the FreeType zutil.c and the problem went away11:34.06 
chrisl Well, it ain't in the build11:35.35 
kens I think we oculd wast e too mcuh time on this11:35.52 
  Like you said, we never use teh FT diagnostics so lets just pull that from the build11:36.06 
  While we do a release11:36.12 
  Then we can talk to Werner or check out the current FT code and see what we need to do at leisure11:36.32 
chrisl Actually, based on what you said, I suspect I *do* know the problem....11:38.22 
kens Oh, well you're ahead of me again then11:38.34 
chrisl I guess the ordering of the includes search paths means we're picking up freetype's zutil.h rather than zlib's11:39.12 
kens Ah! That would probably do it11:39.27 
chrisl But then I'm also struggling to see where that's happening, so....11:41.22 
kens I don't see how FT's gzip can work. It doesn't seem to define thos symbols anywhere11:42.34 
  OK so rlease will be OK (or anywhere when DEBUG is not defined) but that's silly11:42.59 
chrisl Well, that didn't help, so we'll go with the temporary hacking of freetype11:53.10 
kens You tried ot upgrade FT ?11:54.06 
chrisl No, I tried changing the include paths11:54.21 
kens Oh OK11:54.26 
  I'm not sure I'd fancy upgrading FT just before a release even if it did work11:55.17 
chrisl So, removing the DEBUG section from FT's zutil.h works - but I can't work out how11:57.53 
kens Well, it redefines Assert and Trace to no-ops11:58.16 
  And those are what's used in the code11:58.25 
chrisl But how are we getting to that file???11:58.37 
kens Ah, now that I cannot explain :-(11:58.48 
  I also can't explain how the code could ever work in zutil.h11:58.59 
chrisl It's path isn't in any search path I can find for ftgzip.c11:59.18 
kens Because if DEBUG is defined we use z_error and z_verbose, and as far as I can see, those not defined *anywhere* in the FT gzip code.11:59.30 
chrisl Well, we aren't using the FT gzip code12:00.08 
kens Then why are we compiling ftgzip ?12:00.20 
chrisl ftzip is a glue layer for either calling out to libz or using the included zlib bits12:01.18 
kens Hmm, OK then12:01.28 
chrisl But we aren't, or shouldn't be, using any other files in that directory12:01.48 
kens I think we build infcodes.c and friends, at the very least12:02.01 
chrisl Nope12:02.19 
kens But possibly not.12:02.19 
  I thought I saw them throwing errors when I removed the diagnostic functions12:03.23 
  But I could be mis-remembering12:03.30 
  I'll try it again12:03.36 
  I'm struggling to see anywhere in ftgzip.c which uses them12:03.47 
  Might be FT_THROW I guess12:04.16 
  chrisl so if I remove teh diagnostic section altogether, thereby droppign the definitions of Assert and Trac ect, then I get a compilation error in ghostpdl/freetype/src/gzip/infcodes.c12:06.28 
  So we are compiling some of the FT gzip modules I think12:06.56 
  And the fact that we are compiling those modules means that we need the definition of Assert and Tracev which use z_error and z_verbose12:07.26 
chrisl That just makes no sense :-(12:08.20 
kens The only place I can immediately see those mind you, is in zlib.mak12:08.21 
chrisl There isn't an infcodes.c in the VS build output for me12:09.37 
kens Yeah I think I have some out of date something here12:10.06 
  I've just cleaned everything out, reset to master and reconverted the solution12:10.22 
  Starting again basically12:10.29 
  I don't think I believe what I'm seeing here12:10.57 
  There will be a delay while everything rebuilds (again)12:11.22 
  No, I'm still seeing it build ft's infcodes.c12:12.43 
chrisl Well, not for me.....12:13.08 
kens Urk, its building it while its supposed to be building ftgzip.c12:13.12 
  What VS are you using ?12:13.32 
chrisl 200512:13.36 
kens Hmm mine's 200812:13.49 
chrisl but this is all makesfiles12:13.58 
kens What happens if you delete teh diagnostic section from FT's zutil.h ?12:14.12 
chrisl Let me try12:14.26 
kens OK so if I put the section back, then it gets past infcodes.c, and indeed the VS otuptu does not mention that file.12:16.16 
  So I think VS is lying.12:16.21 
chrisl Oh, what a pile of crap :-(12:16.49 
kens I'm inclined to agree12:16.57 
chrisl Oh, I wonder.....12:17.22 
kens Whenyou get the unresolved external symbol _z_error was it referenced from function inflate_codes ?12:17.26 
  Becuase that is in infcodes.c12:17.58 
  Even though VS says its referenced from ftgzip.c12:18.10 
chrisl #include "infcodes.c"12:18.19 
  in ftgzip.c12:18.27 
kens Yeah that would do it <sigh>12:18.29 
  Explains why the compiler was compiling ftgzip.c but threw an error onn infcodes.c12:18.50 
chrisl In which case, the solution might be very simple.....12:18.55 
kens Just don't #include it ?12:19.04 
  Oh, define NO_INFLATE_MASK12:19.50 
  Ah no12:19.58 
chrisl There's a CFLAG missing in msvc.mak12:20.01 
kens smacks head12:20.11 
chrisl Nope, still didn't work :-(12:25.47 
kens Oh :-(12:25.53 
chrisl Okay, going with the simple "fix" and we'll worry about this later12:26.05 
kens Right12:26.09 
  I need some lunch bbiab12:26.47 
chrisl Out for a bit...13:08.22 
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