Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/03/06)20180307 
deekej hello chrisl, it's possible there's a new bug in Ghostscript, but it wasn't completely identified yet12:20.41 
  It's beening currently discussed at ImageMagick's github:12:20.57 
  "Is it a bug in Ghostscript? Likely, but we can't confirm other than looking at an strace and seeing the file descriptor number jumping for each invocation of the Ghostscript library with the new_instance() API call."12:21.29 
  ImageMagick is able to run out of file descriptors when doing some tests because of it12:21.56 
  but this can be an issue related to latest glibc/gcc as well12:22.17 
  (the recent comments discuss this more)12:22.51 
chrisl Hmm, when they say "the file descriptor number jumping for each invocation of the Ghostscript library with the new_instance() API call" - are they shutting down gs properly after each invokation?12:23.36 
deekej that's something I can't answer as an intermediatery12:24.12 
  it might be easier for you to ask them directly12:24.24 
chrisl It might be easier for them to talk to us directly - I'm not inclined to chase them about their problem. The best thing would be if they can create a simple C "test harness" that illustrates the problem, then open a bug about it12:25.49 
  There are *so* many variables involved12:26.59 
deekej ok :)12:28.20 
chrisl Hopefully, they're code to call Ghostscript is fairly self contained, and easy to isolate12:29.05 
  Just *please* don't let it be C++12:29.14 
  deekej: did you see the comment on https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=699068 ?12:46.15 
deekej Yes, I have answered you there. :)12:47.22 
  I'm OK with the modification :)12:47.34 
chrisl Ah, thanks - my mail client hadn't picked up the notification12:47.49 
deekej no problem :)12:48.19 
  chrisl: I guess the 9.23 is coming out soon, right?12:57.56 
  I'll try to finish the pkg-config patch before it (hopefully)12:58.13 
chrisl Too late - the release is underway - we should be starting the testing later today13:02.52 
deekej ah, ok :)13:04.04 
  Will the https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=699068 make it into 9.23 as well?13:42.31 
chrisl deekej: yes13:49.40 
deekej chrisl: ok, thanks :)13:49.50 
chrisl deekej: I hadn't pushed it and closed the bug until I was sure you were happy with the way I'd changed it13:51.30 
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