Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/03/10)20180311 
Datner Hey, noob question. I didn't really understand what ghostscript actually does02:48.50 
  I've been referred to its download while trying to fix a binary issue with GraphicsMagic, but I don't understand how its related02:50.04 
kens Datner (forthe logs) Ghostscript is a PostScript interpreter and graphics library. It can also interpret PDF files due to some PostScript programming. The fmaily of products includes GhostPCL, which can interpret HP's PCL lanuage(s) and GhostXPS whcih can interpret XPS files.13:35.16 
  In general the GhostPDL family are used to interpret files which are intended to be printed, and produce a bitmap from hem. The bitmaps can be sent to a print engine, or processed in some other way.13:36.13 
  The family are also capable of producing high level (ie vector) format outputs, such as PDF, PostScript and PCL-XL, as well as text extraction.13:36.54 
  Because PostScript is a programming language, many kinds of manipulations are possible within these limits.13:37.37 
rezvanov hello?15:48.05 
velix Can I make ghostscript not write xmpmeta on device pdfwrite ?17:26.49 
  Hmm.. I can merge PDFs using Ghostscript perfectly without having rectangles converted to paths or other things.18:53.09 
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