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ray_laptop mvrhel: Robin_Watts: I've created a file made of 6 copies of an image that is 4610x3456 on a page which if run at -r1000 has 95,551,752 colors transformed of which 83,338,169 are cache misses resulting in a total of 83,338,215 calls to TetrahedralInterp16. A profile shows it to be 27% of the processing time.04:22.07 
  so if anyone wants to work on speeding up Tetrahedral interpolation, I can provide this file (no photo copyright restrictions since I took it)04:23.22 
  note the 83m Tetrahedral calls run in 3.15 seconds in a profile build04:26.37 
kens Hmm that's not great timing for a report on RC109:12.16 
  So 123 pages of bitmaps to look at this time09:14.12 
kens begins at page 009:14.35 
chrisl Hmm, I think that's related to deekej's patch :-(09:52.18 
kens Oh :(09:52.25 
chrisl Actually, I think that might be just a ommission, so we might be okay10:00.26 
kens Well it doesn't affect the rendering tests anyway10:00.51 
chrisl No, it's not going to invalidate the testing, nor should it require a new rc10:01.45 
  I'll discuss it with deekej when he appears10:02.03 
kens OK10:02.09 
chrisl Although, I'm going to be out for a couple of hours from ~10:20.... hopefully he'll spot it on gs-devel10:02.47 
kens Yeah I'll be out at the same time....10:02.59 
chrisl I figured that....10:03.20 
  Wednesday's not a normal day for me to be out, but I had to rearrange10:03.51 
  kens: I have a concern about the release testing.....10:04.22 
kens Oh10:04.28 
  What's the problem ?10:04.33 
chrisl Given the image issues that came up last time, it occurred to me that we might have missed similar issues because of the jpeg passthrough diffs10:05.04 
kens Which one, the downscaling or the ICC profile ?10:05.27 
chrisl The downscale10:05.34 
kens Hmm, yes that's possible I guess10:05.43 
chrisl I'm wondering if it's worth doing a test with passthrough disabled10:06.07 
kens You think the JPEG passthrough shopwing diffs is hiding some of the scaling problems ?10:06.11 
  We can certainly do that.10:06.18 
  Once I remember how :-)10:06.24 
chrisl I'm not convinced it's hiding issues - but I'm not quite convinced it isn't, if you see what I mean10:06.46 
kens "unknown unknowns"10:07.00 
chrisl Yes :-)10:07.13 
kens Well, lets do the ones we have and then run another sequence, it doesn't take long to create the bitmaps10:07.43 
  I'll check the code and work out how to disable it after lunch10:08.07 
chrisl I think it's pretty easy - just set the default to 0 in gdevpsdf.h10:08.46 
kens Yeah I thought I had a command line way too, maybe not10:09.04 
chrisl Well, either way works10:09.19 
kens I'll check it later, just want to eyeball a few more pages before I go out10:09.48 
chrisl I haven't even started - just been on the phone for an age10:10.32 
kens NP I've just finished page 3810:10.59 
  OK pages 0 to 40 completed. Will do more after I get back10:13.27 
chrisl deekej: did you see the mail on gs-devel about a patch to unix-inst.mak?12:43.14 
velix kens: Did you read my flodding?13:23.03 
kens err no sorry13:23.16 
  I'm only just back13:23.27 
  OK so no, you can't just render one specific font to paths, its all or nothing13:25.54 
  You could impleent such a thing by using the exsiting code as a template, but I don't think we'll do it.13:26.17 
  We also won't attempt to 'unround' rounding errors. If that's what's in the input, that's what we'll put in the output13:26.50 
velix kens: Technical background: Some fonts aren't allowed to be embedded. That feature would ROCK office world.13:28.18 
kens If the font can't be embedded we won't embed it. We also won't extract the outlines, because that would be illegal13:28.43 
velix kens: We're not allowed to embedd our university fonts in PDF... so we're doomed.13:28.44 
  kens: it's allowed to embedd them as vector paths ;)13:29.01 
kens Use the pdfimage devices to get an image as a PDF file13:29.04 
  velix, that depends entirely on your jurisdiction. If we extract the outlines then we could be held accessory to copyright infringement13:29.42 
velix kens: I think, it depends on the license of the font.13:30.04 
  kens: kens: I'm playing around with extracting the object and mering it overlaying it with another PDF. I'll blog about it when I'm done.13:30.29 
  kens: But the funny thing is the WMF/EMF thing in office. They're doing pretty hacky stuff there.13:30.46 
kens Its not exactly clear *what* they are doing13:31.01 
velix kens: Do you have a complex EPS? I could make some tests in old/new Office.13:31.24 
kens Off hand, no13:31.35 
velix kens: isn't there a good EPS example on the web? The tiger one?13:31.48 
kens tiger is very simple13:31.55 
velix :D13:31.58 
kens You'd want one with Separation, DeviceN, CMYK and CIE colours, overprinting, TYpe 1, 2, 3, 42 and CIDFonts with base types of al lthe preceding fonts13:32.51 
  Plus patterns, perhaps forms13:33.01 
velix Okay, I'll create one in Corel.13:33.06 
  kens: Did you know that Corel makes heavy use of Ghostscript?13:33.15 
kens Some nice shadings, type 6 and 7 would be hard to reproduce13:33.18 
  Corel uses Ghostscript ?13:33.31 
velix yes13:33.33 
kens In what way ?13:33.39 
velix since 4-5 version numbers13:33.40 
  kens: Reading several foreign vector formats.13:33.56 
kens Hmm....13:34.02 
velix kens: Of course, I can't tell you which. But I think, EPS and others.13:34.12 
kens Well technically they can do that. Presumably they are shipping a copy of Ghostscript then ? If so they must include the licence13:34.24 
velix kens: yes, they're shipping it.13:34.35 
  1 sec13:34.36 
  I think, they're either using 9.14 or 8.6413:36.02 
kens Well provided they use Ghostscript as an external process, and include the licence with the copy they ship, they are probably legal13:36.29 
velix ahh, better: https://support.corel.com/hc/en-us/articles/216513208-GPL-Ghostscript13:36.47 
  Even the sourcecode ;)13:37.15 
kens Yeah13:37.25 
  If they modify an open source product they ahve to include their modifications13:37.39 
chrisl I'm surprised they admit it, frankly13:38.09 
kens 8.64 a very old version13:38.13 
velix kens: maybe they're using 9.14 - I've got both in the gs folder. can't tell right now.13:38.34 
  kens: Need to analyze, which dlls are accesed.13:38.42 
kens The link downloads source which is 8.6413:38.46 
velix :)13:38.54 
  CorelPS2PDF.cpp ?!?!13:39.14 
  They're creating the PDFs using Ghostscript ?13:39.24 
kens Are you surprised ?13:39.35 
velix kens: chrisl is.13:39.51 
kens They've been able to create PostScript forever, making PDFs would be hard, much easier to get someone else to do it.13:40.12 
chrisl I'm surprised they *admit* it, not surprised they're using it13:40.14 
kens We get this a lot from various companies13:40.19 
velix CString strCommandLine = _T("-q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dEPSCrop -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode -sOutputFile=13:40.31 
kens Yes13:41.10 
  Calling CreateProcess so I guess they're launching a full blown Ghostscript heavyweight process13:41.53 
chrisl Well, they'd have to13:42.12 
kens Yeah13:42.22 
velix But I don't think, they're realling creating the PDFs that way. The output has OGCs and are version 1.7 13:42.22 
kens Sure, I'd guess they are importing PostScript that way, by converting to PDF first13:42.44 
velix s/realling/really13:42.44 
  kens: ahhh!13:42.50 
  Sure, -dEPSCrop ;)13:43.19 
  We talked about this yesterday.13:43.23 
kens I'm more curious about this softek product.13:46.05 
  It'll either be not very good, or using a PostScript interpreter13:46.17 
  And I only know 2 likely to be able to do this task13:46.37 
  They are *claiming* to have implemented an EPS 'parser and interpreter' which would be ambitious13:48.01 
  velix do you know which version(s) of Word shipped with this Softek product ?13:51.29 
chrisl kens: I've worked back to page 60 in gs diffs - I've a list of 8 diffs I need to investigate further13:57.45 
kens Oh :-(13:57.54 
  I'm in the 40s sometwhere13:58.03 
  And 1 I need to look at13:58.09 
  I'll carry on13:58.18 
chrisl They may not be regressions, there's 2/3 I'll probably get you to look at - color shifts in the pdfwrite/ps2write output13:58.42 
kens That sounds ominous13:58.59 
  ok just done 4313:59.14 
ray_laptop strikes me that do simplify the release, after we'd gone through the bitmaps for RC1, we could compare to that instead of the previous release13:59.15 
  that way RC > 1 would be much less painful13:59.55 
kens chrisl if you want o look at your diffs I'll press on14:01.24 
chrisl kens: I'm going to get a coffee, then I'll check them14:01.51 
kens OK14:01.57 
velix I've used it in 1997, 2003, 2007, 2010, 201314:09.36 
  ohh, and 2000 of course. I was beta tester of 200014:09.54 
kens Hmm, OK there's a reasonably recent version installed on my daughter's PC I htink (educational edition) I can look at that14:10.09 
velix kens: It has been disabled in recent versions.14:12.31 
kens I thought you could turn it back on with a registry change14:12.51 
velix yes, but I don't know if YOU would do it ;)14:12.59 
kens Well, its not *my* PC :)14:13.08 
velix Hehe ;)14:13.14 
kens Anyway, I only want to look at the software, I just need it to exist14:13.28 
velix What harmful scripts can I run in EPS to break hack the PC ?14:13.37 
kens Well you can write files to the disk14:13.57 
  And overwrite them of course14:14.14 
  But mostly these sorts of security bug revolve around crafted exectuion of memory14:15.46 
  Buffer overruns and so on14:16.07 
  Good grief, someone thinks its a smart idea to do a colour swatch as a JPEG.....14:20.26 
  chrisl I've completed pages 0 - 59. I have one file to investigate further14:24.19 
  But first, some coffee14:24.29 
velix Perhaps their implementation is bugger.14:28.01 
  oh my...14:28.04 
kens Very possibly there's a buffer overrun or similar14:28.24 
  MS probably paid them a one-off fee so they don't get support and can't fix it.14:28.40 
  Or something like that. Maybe Softek don't know how to fix the problem14:28.56 
velix kens: their website look pretty... old ;)14:29.00 
kens So does ours :-)14:29.10 
velix Sorry for asking, but can Ghostscript export EMF/WMF ?14:29.11 
kens No14:29.17 
velix kens: no, yours look nerdish.14:29.20 
kens But it would be possible to do14:29.24 
velix I had always problems to export WMF/EMF from Corel or Illustrator and place them in Word.14:29.51 
  EPS never was a problem.14:29.56 
chrisl kens: I thought PDF 2.0 dropped transfer functions?14:31.19 
velix kens: That's the Tiger in WMF, from Ghostscript website imported to Office 2010 and extracted from the DOCX (ZIP-archive): http://ge.tt/95LRlzo214:32.36 
  As you can see, the EPS is embedded in there.14:33.19 
  Wow, even Corel can read it.14:33.45 
kens chrisl yes it did14:33.49 
chrisl Huh, interesting that PDF 2.0 FTS has tests for transfer functions, than!14:34.10 
kens :-)14:34.27 
  Probably held over from the 1.x tests14:34.36 
  When I open the WMF file the tiger is not correctly rendered in Paint14:35.11 
velix PAINT ? :D14:35.20 
kens Well its what opened the WMF when I dragged it onto VS14:35.35 
velix My Paint cannot even read WMF here :)14:35.41 
  Oh, it can.14:35.51 
  It looks the same as in Word.14:36.25 
kens Well yes that does contain the EPS. I'm not sure I understnad why14:36.27 
velix So their interpretation is bad.14:36.30 
  Let me print it to PDF from Word.14:36.39 
kens Very bad if they can't even get Tiger right14:36.42 
velix Woooooow. it's correct.14:37.10 
  You know what ???14:37.12 
  I know why they embedd it !14:37.18 
  For viewing and printing on GDI images or printers, they're using some kind of translation14:37.39 
  For printing on Postscript, they're using the embedded EPS.14:37.47 
  It's exactly as it should look like.14:37.55 
kens Yes I'd have to guess its something like that14:38.01 
velix EPS in WMF. Wow ;)14:38.09 
kens I didn't know that was possible...14:38.17 
chrisl That kind of thing used to be pretty common14:38.21 
velix So we're all suprised today.14:38.36 
kens I'm baffled as to why they think an EPS in a WMF is better than an EPS14:38.53 
chrisl kens: the color shifts I'm seeing are transfer functions....14:38.58 
kens Oh....14:39.04 
velix kens: Because they don#t have to interpret the EPS at all and don't have a problem with the buffer overflow.14:39.18 
chrisl Which I didn't think we'd changed.14:39.20 
kens But we shouldn't be producing PDF 2.0 files14:39.21 
velix kens: the printer or ghostscript will have the trouble.14:39.28 
kens Compromising a printer is less of a problem14:39.43 
chrisl kens: some of these are straight to ppm14:39.43 
kens Then I'm puzzled, I didn't expect any such changes14:39.54 
  can you give me a number ?14:40.00 
velix kens: I've seen videos with Doom running on a Printer :)14:40.01 
  kens: 4214:40.05 
kens Yes, but that's just silly14:40.12 
chrisl kens: https://ghostscript.com/~regression/release__gs/compare70.html#133514:40.25 
kens Yeah that's odd14:40.49 
  Its possible I ignore transfer functions from PDF 2.0 files14:41.04 
  So that would be a difference from 9.22 let me look14:41.22 
chrisl That's it being applied now14:41.28 
kens (actually I didn't realise we had incorporated the PDF 2.0 tests yet)14:41.44 
  It wasn't applied before ? That's just weird14:42.03 
  OK so Acrobat doesn't display the star14:42.36 
  Oh wait14:42.46 
  That's an Ink annotation14:42.50 
  We didn't handle those before I added the code for PDF 2.0, now we do14:43.05 
  So I reckon that's not a transfer function, its a progression because the annotation is now handled14:43.20 
  (I believe its a 2.0 annotation)14:43.27 
chrisl Er, oh, that's the wrong link - hang on.....14:43.48 
  Here's a better one: https://ghostscript.com/~regression/release__gs/compare68.html#122514:44.04 
kens Hmm, yes OK so that's a PDF 1.7 file14:44.48 
  Interesting, Acrobat displays both images the same14:45.43 
chrisl So, maybe we're *not* applying the transfer now?14:46.27 
kens Not sure14:46.33 
  Seems to me there should be a difference, but it may well depend on the colour model, I'm just fiddling with the Acrobat settings14:46.53 
  OK going to have to check out the code in more detail14:48.05 
chrisl There's also this one, same thing: https://ghostscript.com/~regression/release__gs/compare68.html#121714:48.33 
kens I have a feeling I looked at these before14:48.52 
  Presuambly when I made the commit that caused the change14:49.14 
chrisl The last one that looks dodgy is: https://ghostscript.com/~regression/release__gs/compare87.html#160514:49.18 
kens That one looks definitively wrong14:49.46 
  It is the psdcmyk device though14:50.13 
velix kens: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecifications/dn64676514:50.16 
kens I'd try a sane device instead14:50.19 
velix kens: Microsoft released the complete specification for WMF.14:50.24 
kens Well, feel free to implement a WMF device for Ghostscript :-)14:50.40 
velix There it is: http://www.schnarff.com/file-formats/wmf/WindowsMetafileFormat(wmf)Specification.pdf14:51.00 
  Many Postscript Stuff inside.14:51.08 
  kens: I'm a PHP guy. Can I implement it in PHP? :)14:51.39 
kens Ghostscript doesn't understand PHP14:51.54 
velix "The Windows Metafile Format (WMF) POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH record sends arbitrary data directly to the driver. The driver is expected to only process this data when in PostScript mode. For more information, see the POSTSCRIPT_IDENTIFY (section ) Escape record."14:52.01 
  It's like we thought.14:52.14 
  It would be nice, if Ghostscript would support this. Since Office "offically" can't read EPS anymore.14:52.57 
kens Seems like its a variation on EPS+preview. You just need to wrap up the bitmap preview a bit differently14:53.39 
  But we can't do that right now14:53.46 
velix wow: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-seantek-image-wmf-emf-0014:54.07 
  Nice draft with good history.14:54.15 
  Hehe: "Windows Metafiles are historically very buggy." :)))14:54.58 
kens chrisl I don't think we should be applying the transfer function unless we apply the halftone14:55.20 
  Its debatable whether that should be applied in a contone output I guess14:55.42 
chrisl kens: Ah, that rings a vague bell14:55.55 
kens We have two images with halftones (type 10) applied. One has a transfer function one does not.14:57.22 
  So if we go by the rule that contone output doesn't apply the halftone, then the images should be the same.14:57.51 
  But if we do apply the transfer rfunction, even for contone output, then the two shuld be different14:58.10 
  I can't immediately see the commit which changed this14:59.15 
chrisl I can bisect it in a bit14:59.53 
kens I'm guessing it was deliberate, I don;t remember why :-(15:00.13 
chrisl This one is strange: https://ghostscript.com/~regression/release__gs/compare87.html#160515:00.16 
kens Yes I'd try that one with a sane device15:00.30 
  psdcmyk is not a sane device15:00.38 
chrisl Running pdfwrite then thru ppmraw I see the dashed line problem, but not the recycle graphic corruption15:00.55 
kens That's odd then15:01.08 
  I'm sure I've not seen that problem before15:01.16 
  I'd bet the recycle graphic corruption is either a glitch, or specific to that device15:01.36 
  Funny thing about the dashed line, it looks like its anti-aliased or something, not linework15:02.14 
velix kens: This one has been generated by a cloud service, which Microsoft suggests. Not bad: http://ge.tt/8du4nzo215:02.26 
kens velix I'm kind of busy now, working on the next release15:02.51 
velix pardon15:03.08 
kens chrisl that dashed line is an image15:03.54 
chrisl Uh-oh :-(15:04.07 
  So, I better bisect that, too 15:04.46 
kens yes please15:04.53 
  I don't understand how these got missed in RC115:05.03 
  Oh, the display device renders that image correctly15:05.16 
chrisl I'm just going to try it in rc115:05.26 
kens Ah good plan15:05.35 
  Hmm, display device is still OK with that image at 300 dpi15:06.02 
chrisl You have to put it trough pdfwrite first15:06.18 
kens D'oh15:06.25 
  Hmm, pdfwrtie auto rotates the page15:07.08 
chrisl Happens in rc1, too :-(15:07.16 
kens Damn, I wonder how we missed that :-(15:07.26 
chrisl I get openjpeg warnings from that file15:07.55 
kens Non conformant codestream ?15:08.34 
chrisl Yeh15:08.39 
kens Hmm, let me try this with auto rotate off15:08.51 
  OK so if we don't rotate the page, then its OK15:09.32 
  I wonder if we're really looking at a JPEG passthrough problem15:09.50 
  Previously it got 'fixed' because we decompressed and recompressed it15:10.12 
  Hmm, but I get no warnings on the pdfwrite output file, so that seems unlikely15:10.37 
chrisl Is that a JPEG image?15:11.01 
kens Ah, D'oh, its a jp2k15:11.03 
  We don't pass those through15:11.21 
chrisl What about leaving pdfwrite autorotation, and changing the rendered orientation with LeadingEdge?15:12.25 
kens Haven't tried15:12.33 
  Not sure if I can with the display devioce15:12.55 
  Its odd that Ac robat has no problem with it15:13.47 
  rotated either way15:13.55 
chrisl I don't think the problem is with pdfwrite15:14.05 
kens You may be correct, I was slowly coming to that conclusion15:14.17 
  Can I leave you to bisect those while I go look at my other problem chrisl ?15:14.58 
chrisl Sure15:15.16 
kens OK the one I had to look at is a progression. It works properly now producing 1 page, whereas before it produced 2 pages (one being an error). Which caused bmpcmp to complain15:20.28 
chrisl The dashed line problem is caused by: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=38e0c643e62087c089c59c9ad44fc468dd09cd3715:26.13 
  Another one for Robin_Watts15:26.31 
kens Ah, well that probably explains why its different rotated15:26.35 
  Oh, its the special sekrit stuff15:27.18 
Robin_Watts hmm?15:31.47 
kens commit above causes a regression15:31.59 
velix kens: PDF-1.5 is the first version, which can do layers.15:32.13 
Robin_Watts of which file?15:32.14 
kens But only when the page is rotated15:32.19 
chrisl https://ghostscript.com/~regression/release__gs/compare87.html#160515:32.20 
Robin_Watts Ta.15:32.24 
kens You have to pdfwrite it first, so that AutoRotatePages rotates the page15:32.42 
Robin_Watts ooh, eck.15:32.43 
kens velix, possibly yes15:32.53 
velix kens: just tried it in Acrobat :)15:33.02 
kens It'll be noted in the specification which version introduced it15:33.22 
  OK so if I 'undef' the TransferFunction in pdf_draw.ps the halftone problem file it looks the same as Acrobat15:36.45 
  I'm guessing that I added code in .resolveht6 to preserve TransferFunctions from type 6 halftones, the same as the code for type 1 halftones15:38.19 
  So I believe those two files are 'correct', or at least that the PDF interpreter is correctly dealing whith them. Whether teh rendering code should be applying halftone transfer functions when its not halftoning is a different matter completely15:39.12 
  I do vaguely recall doing this15:39.21 
  chrisl I believe it is this commit:15:40.45 
  I think the PDF 2.0 transfer funxtion deprecation was only the transfer function in the graphcis state, not from halftones.15:42.05 
chrisl kens: Yep that's the commit - so I guess we're good on that15:43.22 
kens I think so yes15:43.27 
  Its debatable whether we should apply the transfer function, but that's the graphics library not the interpreter15:43.43 
  And at least the type 1 & 6 halftones now behave the same, consistency is at least something15:44.02 
  SO we're just left with the one from Robin ?15:44.22 
chrisl Well, that was it, as far as the issues I saw in gs15:44.23 
kens Yeah on to PCL and XPS I guess15:44.35 
Robin_Watts chrisl: So, you could just revert that commit for the release.15:44.49 
  but I'm looking now.15:44.55 
chrisl I'd rather revert it on master, and pull that into the release15:45.27 
  kens: actually, there was this one, too: https://ghostscript.com/~regression/release__gs/compare122.html#264215:48.25 
kens That's a file which is indeterminate15:48.43 
  It often comes up in the cluster tests15:48.58 
chrisl Hmm :-(15:49.30 
kens I think we are rendering content there, and the library hands back different results sometimes, I don't know why15:50.09 
  Its a type 4 imsage or something15:50.22 
Robin_Watts I can reproduce the problem here (I rotated the PDF rather than pdfwriting it)15:50.36 
kens Either way works, just wanted you not to fall into the same error I did :-)15:50.55 
chrisl I'm not seeing anything new in PCL15:54.46 
kens No all looks clear to me, no new diffs, no changes15:55.12 
  XPS diffs, 75 is a progression I beleive15:55.48 
  As is 1915:56.05 
chrisl Um 75??15:56.30 
kens Sorry 7315:56.37 
  can't read again15:56.40 
  Too much staring at bitmaps15:56.46 
  69 I think I recall from when I did the changes, its neither correct nor incorrect, merely different15:57.11 
  And its pretty small differences15:57.21 
chrisl That's what i thought15:57.25 
kens So XPS looks fine now15:57.36 
  chrisl if you want to try a run with JPEGPassThrough disabled I believe that -dPassThroughJPEGImages=false will do it.16:28.01 
chrisl kens: I'll look into it.....16:29.25 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I think you should revert that commit.16:31.36 
  I'll work on another one to clean stuff up a bit.16:32.01 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Okay. As I said, I'd like to revert it on master, so the two branches don't go too far out of sync16:32.12 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Of course.16:32.18 
chrisl I'll do that, then - thanks16:32.42 
Robin_Watts In an image enumerator, we have 2 rectangles, "rect" (which is the area for which data is supplied), and "rrect" (the area that actually needs to be rendered).16:33.12 
  When we're using the mitchell scaler, rrect gets boosted a bit to allow for the support pixels required, and that seems dirty to me.16:33.55 
chrisl Bum... "error: could not revert 38e0c643e... Tweak bitmap interpolater patch size."16:34.17 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Let me have a go.16:34.32 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Thanks - given that it needs manual intervention, that's probably safer16:35.04 
Robin_Watts Off to a good start. Let's try using the gs tree instead...16:35.45 
  chrisl: So you're running the tests again without waiting for my fix?16:54.13 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I started them before we talked about it - you can abort them if you like16:54.51 
Robin_Watts Yeah, let me stop them for now.16:55.04 
kens This set of tests were with the JPEG passthrough disabled16:55.30 
chrisl I'm just concerned that with the jpeg passthrough touching *so* many files, it *just* might be obscuring other issues16:55.47 
Robin_Watts kens: right, but they would still have shown the stuff I'd just fixed.16:55.54 
kens Yes htey would16:56.00 
  I was just mentioning it, so that if we do them again, we get it right :)16:56.16 
Robin_Watts OK, so what I was saying before... we have rect, and rrect.16:58.07 
  I'm going to add drect too.16:58.14 
  So rect will be the area for which data is supplied.16:58.21 
  rrect will be the area for which data must be rendered.16:58.46 
  dreect will be the area for which data must be decoded.16:58.56 
  That way I won't have to guess how rrect has been munged.16:59.14 
chrisl I have to go - I'll pick things up tomorrow morning.17:12.38 
kens OK goodnight chrisl17:12.49 
velix I've updated bug #69911120:53.37 
  oops, wrong channel20:53.40 
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