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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/03/14)20180315 
aiena is it possible to test for PDF/X-1A compliance with gs?09:15.44 
kens No, Ghostscript doesn't validate PDF files09:16.01 
Scripkey Hi10:39.58 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line. If you are looking for help or infomation about MuPDF, try the new #mupdf channel.10:39.58 
Scripkey I don't know why Google indexed this for me when I was searching for do product of perpendicualr vectors :/10:40.53 
  See ya !10:41.07 
chrisl deekej: Howdy!15:25.59 
kens chrisl has gone all American....15:26.17 
deekej chrisl: hello :)15:26.26 
  kens: nah, he'll need more than his talk to go all American I guess... :D15:26.49 
chrisl deekej: Did you see the mail on gs-devel from Johannes Meixner ?15:27.01 
kens He can practice on staff meetings :-)15:27.04 
chrisl Y'all havin' a nice day?15:27.24 
deekej chrisl: actually, I'm not subscribed to gs-devel mailing list. I wasn't aware of it.15:27.40 
kens :)15:27.48 
deekej where can I sub to it? :)15:27.57 
chrisl deekej: It's not terribly busy.....15:28.04 
  deekej: he's asking for this patch to go in: https://pastebin.com/5xDVifbP15:29.15 
  His other suggestion was just to remove that line - which I'm not totally keen on15:31.02 
  deekej: here's the entire mail (for a tiny amount of extra context): https://pastebin.com/NSH0XbsC15:32.42 
deekej should be subscribed now :)15:34.12 
  I'll check the mailing list15:34.18 
kens Yeah but you won't ge thte old mail15:34.27 
  Do we have an archive of that anywhere ?15:34.37 
  Though just reading Chris' pastebin is quite enough15:34.53 
chrisl https://ghostscript.com/pipermail/gs-devel/2018-March/thread.html15:35.01 
deekej chrisl: thanks for bringing this up15:38.24 
  I have actually stumbled upon the same problem in Fedora when I was doing a scratch-build of 9.23-rc115:38.49 
  I didn't have much time to investigate on this, and I thought it was caused by something specific in our build process in Fedora.15:39.14 
  but now I see that this problem was dragged in with the patch I submitted to you15:39.39 
  I haven't tested Johannes's patch, I can do it now. But it seems to be sane to me15:40.12 
  IMHO, this should be fixed before 9.23-final15:40.29 
chrisl Okay, thanks. I'll hold off applying until I hear back15:40.38 
deekej the scratch-build on Fedora infrastructure is underway, but it doesn't look good so far16:01.14 
deekej is investigating16:03.04 
  so far, the scratch-build has failed on s390x, ppc64 and maybe it will fail on armv7hl as well16:07.15 
chrisl big endian?16:07.38 
kens Umm, did you get the LCMS2 art fix ?16:07.42 
chrisl http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=124b37fc65fe665d8b4a6133142784c4edb3b3bf16:07.50 
kens s309x is big-endian I think16:07.53 
deekej the fail is this:16:08.13 
  ./lcms2art/src/cmsmd5.c: In function 'byteReverse':16:08.27 
  ./lcms2art/src/cmsmd5.c:36:51: error: 'ContextID' undeclared (first use in this function)16:08.27 
  cmsUInt32Number t = _cmsAdjustEndianess32(ContextID, *(cmsUInt32Number *) buf);16:08.27 
  ./lcms2art/src/cmsmd5.c:36:51: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in16:08.27 
kens Yes that's the commit above16:08.33 
  You need that commit on big-endian platforms16:08.46 
deekej ok, but that commit is for lcms2, right?16:09.30 
kens No....16:09.36 
deekej we have a separate package for lcms216:09.39 
kens Our fork of LCMS216:09.43 
deekej ah, ok16:09.48 
kens If its wrong with lcms2 then that's not our problem :)16:10.00 
deekej will this commit make it into LCMS2 upstream?16:10.13 
chrisl Nope16:10.17 
  So, LCMS2 is not threadsafe, and has some performance problems.16:10.49 
deekej ok, this might be a problem for Fedora :-/ I might not be able to convince LCMS2 maintainer to apply this "downstream" patch16:10.51 
chrisl Our patches to solve these problems have been rejected upstream - so we're going to fork LCMS216:11.19 
deekej is there a chance that patch could break something for other LCMS2 users?16:11.25 
kens This bug can't be unique to us.16:11.30 
chrisl I suspect it is unique to us16:11.47 
kens Chrisl really ?16:11.54 
chrisl I suspect it's related to actually being threadsafe16:12.06 
kens But surely if CMS_USE_BIG_ENDIAN is true then this always fails16:12.13 
deekej if it wasn't unique for you, I don't see a reason why LCMS2 wouldn't accept the patch you have16:12.14 
kens The rejected pathces didn't include this16:12.36 
chrisl deekej: the lack of threadsafety isn't unique, and that's been rejected, so.....16:12.42 
  deekej: if you delete the lcms2art directory, it will link to the system lcms2 - and be slower16:13.17 
kens Ah, I thought deekej *was* using the system LCMS216:13.41 
chrisl Well, then that build failure couldn't happen16:14.05 
kens doens't know16:14.15 
chrisl Unless the build is screwed.....16:14.26 
kens I deleted my cms2 folder when we forked16:14.26 
  SO I can't check the LCMS2 source code16:14.39 
chrisl If you use the system lib, we don't build the lcms2 source16:15.03 
Robin_Watts deekej is using the lcms2art source.16:15.14 
chrisl You link to the binary already on the system16:15.18 
Robin_Watts You can see that from the error pasted above.16:15.25 
kens Ah yes.16:15.32 
  So he needs to delete the folder to use the system one16:15.42 
  Which I assume Fedora will insist on doing16:15.55 
deekej kens: yeah, I think so16:16.03 
chrisl deekej: So, the plan is that for the *next* release, we will have a full lcms2 fork, which is threadsafe and will have performance improvements. This will get a "proper" release separate from Ghostscript/MuPDF etc16:16.24 
  Our fork will be called lcms2mt16:16.41 
deekej I'm looking at the patch you have for this, and if I understand it correctly, this would change ABI/API compatibility, right?16:16.41 
kens We've already changed that16:16.52 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right. So fedora may want to allow lcms2 and lcms2mt to be both installed as system libs.16:16.53 
chrisl deekej: It has to for threadsafety16:17.05 
deekej Robin_Watts: this is definitely something we would like to have FESCo look into16:17.26 
chrisl deekej: We'll maintain backwards compatibility with lcms2 for a while - but not for ever16:17.53 
deekej I doubt FESCo would allow to have 2 lcms2 libraries, even though one is fork of another16:17.54 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Well, maybe not for that long :)16:17.56 
  One of the things we want to do is to strip out the "half thread safe" calls.16:18.24 
deekej I will bring this to fedora-devel mailing list, to get feedback from other maintainers using lcms216:18.29 
chrisl deekej: lcms2 is broken, and the current maintainer won't fix it (or accept our fixes for it), so..... we have little choice16:18.40 
deekej to see if it would be possible to switch whole Fedora to lcms2mt16:18.42 
  chrisl: no problem, I totally understand16:19.09 
Robin_Watts deekej: That would require changes in all apps that call lcms2 to make them lcms2mt compliant.16:19.16 
deekej and I think others will see the reason behind it as well :)16:19.21 
Robin_Watts Think of lcms2mt as lcms3 :)16:19.25 
  so having 2 different versions side by side is probably the simplest solution for greatest adoption.16:19.57 
deekej Robin_Watts: yes, and the question what would remain is - how much rewrite would be needed?16:19.59 
Robin_Watts Not a huge amount, but some.16:20.12 
  The calls are basically the same, with some renamed, with an extra param (which can be NULL).16:20.31 
deekej would it be for example sufficent to create some macros for transition period which would deal with this? :) I'll have to check it :)16:20.44 
  ah, from you say it should be possible to create some macros for it16:21.06 
Robin_Watts deekej: I wouldn't promise it.16:21.21 
  suppose we have a function: cmsDoSomething16:21.29 
  Marti attempted to retrofit threadsafety by adding cmsDoSomethingTHR16:21.53 
  (which is basically the same, but takes a ContextID * too).16:22.32 
  Our intent is to remove the cmsDoSomethingTHR calls and just have cmsDoSomething which takes the ContextID *.16:22.49 
  The bloat on the API is not desirable.16:23.14 
deekej ah, okay16:30.16 
  I think if the Fedora was first to adopt your new LCMS2 fork, it would help significantly16:30.44 
  in that case calling it lcms3 wouldn't be a bad idea ;)16:30.59 
  once it would be in Fedora, it would sent a signal to other software out there to at least start considering switching to lcms316:31.32 
chrisl No, we''re calling it lcms2mt16:31.39 
deekej ok :)16:31.44 
chrisl deekej: And we'll be keeping up to date with any fixes that go into lcms216:32.18 
deekej regardless the name, Fedora needs to settle on a way of moving forward. I don't expect people to by trying to hold the change back, when the lcms2 has little to no support16:32.36 
  This seems like a good system-wide change that could go into Fedora 29. There's still time for it, so I'll try to jump on it next week16:33.45 
chrisl deekej: No! It's not there yet16:34.02 
deekej ah, yes, sorry16:35.05 
  but I will still discuss this change with people ASAP16:35.30 
  let me know once lcms2mt is officially out :)16:35.55 
chrisl Our plan is for this happen properly in 6 months - with the next gs/mupdf releases16:35.58 
deekej acknowledged :)16:36.10 
chrisl We plan to manage the code, and releases on github16:36.35 
deekej so for now, the Ghostscript on Fedora will have to built without lcms2art/ directory16:37.03 
chrisl No, you can build as you did before - as I said, for at least a while, we're keeping compatible with lcms216:37.48 
  We do want to allow time for the distro wheels to grind16:38.17 
deekej but s390x and ppc64 builds are failing for now16:38.43 
chrisl Because you're using the lcms2art code16:39.01 
deekej and since I won't be able to convince lcms2 maintainer to apply your patch, for those architectures the Ghostscript will have to be build without the lcms2art code, right?16:39.28 
  otherwise the build process should remain the same16:39.54 
chrisl Somewhere you have something that removes the lcms2 directory from the Ghostscript tree - change that to remove the lcms2art directory, and it will work as before16:40.26 
deekej ah, I see now16:42.45 
  so previously (9.22) the tarball contained lcms2/ folder16:43.24 
chrisl deekej: Sorry, we only firmed up these plans ~2 weeks ago16:43.34 
deekej now (9.23) it contains the lcms2art/ folder16:43.35 
  no problem :)16:43.41 
  I'm glad I understand now :)16:43.52 
  I'm gonna fix it, and try scratch build again :)16:44.10 
chrisl So, you may want to tweek your recipe to remove lcms2* from the gs tree16:44.38 
deekej I just did :) I'm trying the scratch-build again, lets see if there's something else :)16:46.45 
  so, the scratch build has passed for now17:20.00 
  there were some warnings from gcc - would you like to check them, chrisl? :)17:20.33 
chrisl Were they new?17:20.52 
kens We;'ve never been able to completely eliminate gcc warnings17:20.58 
deekej I can't tell if they are new, I have not much to compare them with17:21.18 
chrisl There should be many fewer warnings that with previous releases17:21.49 
deekej few are harmless warnings about unitialized variables etc.17:21.58 
kens Umm uninitialised variables I don't think we shold be seeing17:22.13 
deekej if you want to check, you can do it yourself here:17:22.30 
chrisl We have a bunch because the compiler doesn't understand the usage, IIRC17:22.46 
deekej you can select which architecture you're interested, and then click on build.log17:22.59 
  here's the x86_64 log: https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//work/tasks/9411/25729411/build.log17:23.21 
  the more important warning IMHO are e.g.:17:24.00 
  ./psi/iutil.c:407:41: warning: array subscript -1 is below array bounds of 'char[256]' [-Warray-bounds]17:24.01 
  w.ptr = (byte *)buf - 1;17:24.01 
kens I'm seeing unused variables, not uninitialised17:24.09 
deekej ./devices/gdevxalt.c: In function 'gs_shared_init':17:24.16 
  ./devices/gdevxalt.c:872:26: warning: passing argument 1 of 'gs_lib_register_device' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]17:24.17 
  kens: ah, sorry, I have possibly expressed myself incorrectly :-/17:24.43 
kens unused variables I would expect17:24.54 
deekej I can see this though:17:25.19 
kens We hvae some device methods which expect particular parameters, we *have* to pass them to all devices, even though some devices don't use them.17:25.19 
deekej ./contrib/lips4/gdevl4v.c: In function 'lips4v_setfillcolor':17:25.21 
  ./contrib/lips4/gdevl4v.c:1142:13: warning: 'b' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]17:25.21 
  sput_lips_int(s, b);17:25.21 
kens 'may be used'17:25.28 
  But it isn't17:25.34 
deekej yes, that's what I meant, it might not be true :)17:25.42 
chrisl FWIW, there's nothing new in there17:25.46 
kens Its not17:25.47 
chrisl I'll keep that log as a reminder - there are a few things that we never see in our "normal" builds17:27.04 
deekej sure, no problem17:27.23 
chrisl mostly the x11 ones17:27.44 
deekej if the log is gone (it might be deleted because of a scratch build), just let me know and I'll send you a new one17:27.46 
chrisl I've saved it locally17:28.04 
deekej okay :)17:28.09 
chrisl Also, some gtk+ ones I should sort out - although, I don't recall seeing those when I build that stuff17:29.03 
  "configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-dependency-tracking" - that isn't our fault ;-)17:30.08 
deekej chrisl: yeah, I checked that before :) your configure isn't using the dependency-tracking AFAICT17:30.35 
  we have that option enabled system-wide for Fedora, to speed up the one-time builds17:30.58 
  you can silently ignore it if you want, I guess :)17:31.20 
chrisl What's the point of configure scripts if they don't check deps? That's pretty much its core purpose17:31.33 
deekej but it's not worth the time to change it17:31.36 
  this dependency tracking is more for C/C++ headers dependencies rather the system/libs dependencies AFAICT17:32.19 
  it should help generate the Makefile's content automatically17:32.55 
chrisl But the makefile contents are based on what dependencies are available17:33.28 
deekej https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Dependency-Tracking.html17:33.37 
  this is what I've read about it17:33.45 
  sorry, I have to go now, I have training waiting :)17:34.11 
  bye :)17:34.20 
chrisl Bye17:34.25 
  Ah, well, we don't use automake, so.....17:35.09 
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