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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/03/15)20180316 
HenryStiles ray_laptop: I am seeing a new (against the previous release) valgrind problem in 23-02 and a few other files. uninit read in gscolor2.c:92 ... I should probably bisect that15:08.41 
kens That sounds more like it would be me15:09.56 
  I htink I meddled in there recently15:10.10 
  You could try a git blame on the line in question ?15:11.38 
HenryStiles it's old code ray 201415:12.06 
kens Oh15:12.11 
  I admit I can't see any changes by me there.15:12.20 
  I did change some other colour files, maybe a change rippled through ?15:12.31 
HenryStiles but if somebody has fooled with where say ccolor_valid is initialized ...15:12.54 
kens Indeed15:13.01 
  Which could be me15:13.05 
  I've definitely fiddled with colours15:13.13 
  Is this PCL or PostScript ?15:13.31 
HenryStiles PCL15:14.04 
kens The gx_dc_is_pure in there looks sort of familiar15:14.08 
HenryStiles I'll do a bisect in a bit15:14.17 
kens I seem to remember having to look at that15:14.20 
chrisl Ah, pfft,. who cares about another valgrind warning....?15:16.07 
kens If I broke, it I do :(15:16.20 
chrisl Just put it in bugzilla, and ignore it there15:17.04 
HenryStiles we have made pretty some progress on hygiene since we started to give it more priority, but we could do better15:19.23 
  My money is on the fix for PXL error messages... we'll see15:21.16 
kens HenryStiles : yes that's a possible one15:30.38 
HenryStiles kens: started with http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commit;h=7a708d9fdcba9efbe21f236830e47eb4f408567216:01.31 
kens Yeah that was one fo the times I messed with colour16:01.58 
  Can you open a bug report for it please ?16:02.11 
HenryStiles will do16:02.24 
velix I really like "-dNoOutputFonts". I know can make my PDFs print-ready without caring about fonts.23:39.36 
  I just wonder, pdfwrite convertes my v1.4 PDFs to v1.5 :)23:39.54 
  It also flattens my OCGs. Nice nice nice.23:40.10 
  kens: I tried latest Inkscape to port my EPS to WMF/EMF. No fun at all.23:48.44 
  kens: I think, I need to write my own application, which wrapps EPS into WMF, like Microsoft did.23:49.05 
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