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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/03/16)20180317 
velix Oh my. Inkscape import is messing up PDFs from Ghostscript.00:20.37 
  CMYK is going AMOK00:20.40 
  Is it possible to place Acrobat Form fields using GS ?01:41.28 
kens velix, Ghostscript creates version 1.5 PDFs by default, I don't remember why exactly but I think its to do with the fact that our ICC profiles are version 4, and that is only supported at PDF 1.5, up to that point only bversion 2 profiles are supported.08:49.30 
  You can use -dCompatibilityLevel to set a different version, and the profiles will be reduced to version 2 profiles08:49.51 
  I don't know exactly what you mean by 'place Acrobat Form fields'08:50.22 
  You can create form fields by using pdfmark operators, Ghostscript (being non-interactive) won't let you assign values to them.08:50.54 
velix kens: thx for version, I figured that out after reading the docs ;)09:42.58 
  kens: I mean, create boxes to check them.09:43.09 
  kens: I'll try with pdfmark.09:43.25 
  kens: #699126 works for you? :(09:44.40 
kens Yes but I'm using the current HEAD09:50.22 
Tokey Tip20:28.51 
velix kens: Ok, I'm on Windows.,22:48.56 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/03/18)>>> 
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