Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/03/21)20180322 
youcanlinux https://ghostscript.com/Documentation.html link for latest points to 9.2212:32.07 
  please correct link for "Ghostscript 9.23" i.e. http://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.23/Readme.htm12:33.00 
chrisl youcanlinux: Done - sorry about that, and thanks for bringing it up12:37.32 
youcanlinux You're welcome. Cheers.12:37.54 
  Question: Any chance of Artifex providing SHA1 checksums for MuPDF, as it does for Ghostscript, GhostPCL, and GhostXPS? Please and thank you.12:43.58 
chrisl youcanlinux: you'd be better asking that on #mupdf13:19.17 
HenryStiles hey pedro_mac, stuart is having problems logging on, have you used his keys on another server? I've checked my end several times, maybe I'm missing something13:29.01 
pedro_mac HenryStiles: I’ll take a look - he has just popped out for lunch13:32.15 
HenryStiles pedro_mac: nevermind it's my fault, should have it fixed in a minute13:39.04 
pedro_mac is it permissions?13:39.25 
  HenryStiles: np, thanks13:39.32 
youcanlinux chris1, ok, thanks, will do13:45.27 
HenryStiles I think I've used ssh -vvv a dozen times or so troubleshooting an ssh connection and have never found it useful in finding the problem.14:13.17 
tkamppeter mvrhel_laptop, hi15:55.44 
  mvrhel_laptop, would you like to present the Ghostscript/MuPDF news on the OpenPrinting Summit may 15-17 in the Wild Palms Hotel in Sunnyvale (or by call-in). Most probably the slot would be May 15 in the afternonn.15:57.04 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: mvrhel_laptop has stepped away for a mo, I think. He'll be back in a bit.16:30.17 
tkamppeter mvrhel_laptop, would you like to present the Ghostscript/MuPDF news on the OpenPrinting Summit may 15-17 in the Wild Palms Hotel in Sunnyvale (or by call-in). Most probably the slot would be May 15 in the afternonn.16:51.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Aha. You're hiding here, but not on #artifex.17:04.36 
mvrhel_laptop tkamppeter: you still here?19:13.04 
tkamppeter mvrhel_laptop, hi21:28.25 
mvrhel_laptop hi tkamppeter 21:43.14 
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