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kens chrisl ping ?09:28.25 
Robin_Watts Ass.10:28.29 
kens Donkey ?10:28.39 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop pointed me a gen_ordered as a way of getting threshold screens.10:28.51 
kens Yep10:28.57 
Robin_Watts but I need cmyk, not just greyscale.10:28.58 
kens Then you need 4 grayscale screens at different angles10:29.10 
Robin_Watts How do I pick the angles?10:29.27 
kens Doesn't gen_ordered let you choose ?10:29.37 
  I'm not familiar with the tool....10:29.44 
Robin_Watts 0, 22.5, 45, 67.5 ?10:29.50 
kens That's one possible set10:29.57 
Robin_Watts I can tell it what angle to use, but that presupposes that I have a clue which angles I want.10:30.12 
kens If I had a memory I could remember...10:30.25 
  There are basically 2 sets that are in common use for CMYK, I just cant recall what they are10:30.41 
  0 and 45 have to be two of them10:30.48 
  I think 15 and 'something' are another possible set10:30.59 
  OK so 0, 15, 45 and 7510:31.22 
Robin_Watts (K 45º, C 15º, M 75º, Y 0º) ...10:31.29 
  yeah, thanks.10:31.33 
kens Yeah yellow goes at 0 because its the most objectionable angle, and yellow is the least commonly used ink10:31.56 
  K at 45 because that's the best angle and we use a lot of K10:32.15 
Robin_Watts ok, so I would have expected the sizes to change according to angle...10:34.02 
kens The ceel sizes ? I don't think I woudl expect them to be different10:34.18 
  Or some other size ?10:34.23 
Robin_Watts For an angle of 0, with 256 levels, I get a 16x16 cell.10:37.50 
kens Yes10:37.56 
Robin_Watts For an angle of 25, with 256 levels, can I get away with a 16x16 cell too ?10:38.08 
kens 16x16 = 256 gray levels10:38.11 
  Like I said, the cell sizwe won't change10:38.21 
Robin_Watts ok. ta.10:38.26 
kens The actual screen angle won't be precisely what you requested, it'll be approxiamte. To get actual angles, you need to use accruate screens, which involves a screen cell much bugger10:38.56 
  Beyond this point you probably need to talk to Michael :-) Its been a very, very long time since I did any screening work10:39.51 
Robin_Watts yeah, it's like totally stochastic, dude.10:46.53 
  Time to wait for mvrhel.10:46.59 
kens Oh, I thought gen_stochastic would produce that.10:47.05 
Robin_Watts $ debug/gen_ordered.exe -a 15 -d 0 -f raw -q256 -s32 -l 32410:47.18 
kens I was expecting gen_ordered to produce a standard threshold array10:47.18 
Robin_Watts Warning this lpi is not achievable!10:47.19 
  Resulting screen will be poorly quantized10:47.21 
  or completely stochastic!10:47.22 
kens Oh10:47.26 
  Maybe change the -s parameter ?10:47.40 
  Or fewer grays10:47.53 
Robin_Watts The frubble wart will be intersactually twangled.10:47.55 
  I'll wait for mvhrel rather than prod it with random guesses.10:48.19 
kens :-)10:48.23 
  Like I said, its not a tool I'm familiar with10:48.36 
Robin_Watts Thanks for you help anyway.10:48.47 
kens I could probably figure it out by debugging the code, but waiting for Micahel is probably quicker :-)10:49.20 
  chrisl you back yet ?10:49.50 
giomac Hi, i've got problems with many Centos machines with CUPS - most of them are unable to print PDF's, none of them are able to print to remote CUPS instance, some of them are unable to print to the network printer: cupsd[17574]: GPL Ghostscript 9.07: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 11:55.56 
  I've tried to debug issues as much as possible, upgraded cups, filters, ghostscript, dependendcies etc (recompiled, RPM's dependecnies etc)11:56.40 
  none worked11:56.42 
  where can i start?11:56.54 
  common thing are Canon printers, UFRII drivers11:57.45 
kens That's rather hard to say12:00.07 
  Why do you think it might be a Ghostscript problem ?12:00.15 
  giomac : have you got CUPS logs to look at ? Have you discussed this with teh CUPS developers ?12:01.09 
giomac thing is, i had to strace cups to get logs, because only detail i see in cups logs is "Unrecoverable error, exit code 1"12:02.57 
  for both 9.07 and latest versions12:03.14 
kens The first thing you need to do, is to get the log of the back channel output from Ghostscript. The 'unrecoverable error' will be the tail end of it, that's missing any useful information as to the cause of the problem.12:03.14 
  You should also get a PDF file which fails and make that available to us.12:03.32 
  When you can get a CUPS log that should also tell you what command line is being used to start Ghostscript, we need that too12:03.57 
giomac yes, that's what i did via strace, now i'm simulating and collecting that again12:04.47 
kens if that's all you got from strace then its not the complete log12:05.04 
  There should be more there I would have thought12:05.52 
  But shout when you have a file and a command line I can look at12:06.07 
HenryStiles giomac: /etc/cups/cupsd.conf - LogLevel should be set to debug, then cups will write a log somewhere, you can "google" the reset12:09.37 
kens Ah thanks HenryStiles I've been searching our iRC logs for that info....12:10.00 
HenryStiles that's ubuntu but I imagine centos is similar12:10.13 
kens I think CUPS is all the same, though the spcific location might vary I guess. Probably not that much12:10.34 
giomac it doesn't print nor complete output, nor command run anyway, that's why i had to strace process to see execve called :))12:10.35 
kens Yes, but it should (I htink) log all the Ghostscript back channel output I think. It also will (I'm sure of this) give you the command line that Ghostscript was invoked with12:11.12 
giomac increasing ripcache didn't help too12:11.19 
kens We need that, and a file which failed12:11.20 
giomac sure12:11.36 
kens The back channel output would be nice, but the example file and command line are rather more important12:12.13 
giomac i've got d file from cups and command line options12:15.23 
kens Hmm, I'n not sure what a 'd' file is....12:15.38 
  oh typo ?12:15.52 
giomac no, not a type:12:16.01 
  cups sends file to gs, it reads it from input, this file is stored with name starting with "d" letter12:16.38 
kens OK12:16.48 
  inefficient, since GS will then immediately create a temporary file before processing it (for PDF), but there you go12:17.19 
  Anywya, so if you maek the file available and tell us the command line, we can give it a try12:17.47 
giomac cups is adding "-" in the end, which causes it to dump both normal output and error :)12:19.42 
chrisl kens: back now12:20.25 
kens Welcome back12:20.32 
chrisl I wasn't out *that* long.....12:20.59 
kens giomac, not sure I ffollow you, are you saying that you now see what the problem is ?12:21.04 
giomac yes, one guy had same problem, but i didn't catch it, now i was able to reproduce it by accident, i thought i had just a similar issue12:22.31 
  i'll check it again...12:22.44 
  nope, it's a bit different issue12:29.34 
  here's the case:12:29.37 
  i've got file and command line12:29.51 
kens minute12:29.57 
  Where's the input file ?12:31.25 
  Right so I see numerous problems in the back channel12:31.51 
giomac i have it12:32.05 
kens "Some glyphs of the font DejaVuSans requires a patented ...12:32.12 
  Then Error: /unregistered in --run--12:32.30 
  I'm going to need the input file12:32.53 
giomac where to send?12:33.05 
kens Well you can put it somewhere public, or open a bug report12:33.16 
  You can attch files to bug reports12:33.35 
giomac https://www.dropbox.com/s/vwmt2h3v8jque39/d00157-001?dl=012:35.54 
kens Your blog seems to indicate that the exact same invocation of gs (except for filename instead of stdin works....12:36.15 
giomac https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/U5fgyWqG0lP8nTtJ2F8Xuw12:37.38 
kens Well, the file you;ve sent me is neither a PostScript nor a PDF file12:37.40 
giomac same in that case, but it's printed12:38.33 
  this is what is sent to gs12:38.38 
kens If you send that file to Ghostscript ti will throw an error12:38.57 
  Because its not PostScript or PDF12:39.04 
giomac so, for gs is it's REQUIRED to have %PDF or %!PS header? 12:39.58 
kens When I run that file through Ghostscript it gives me an entirely expected error "Error: /undefined in <binary>"12:40.05 
  giomac No12:40.14 
  But the content *has* to be either PostScript or PDF or the interpreter doesn't know what to do with it.12:40.32 
  The file you;ve sent me is neither12:40.39 
  So, unsurprisingly, t throws an error.12:41.02 
  Note that its not the same error as you pasted. Given the log file I do not beleive this is the file that was sent to Ghostscript12:41.23 
giomac this is the same file, 100% and i've got same error with that command line12:42.00 
kens The file I get from your dropbox begins 0xCD 0xCA 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x6B12:42.36 
  That's not PostScript and its not PDF12:42.44 
giomac with a "gs d00157-001" i'm getting Error: /undefined in12:42.45 
  i'll check with the cups guy, why does it send file to the ghostscript12:43.05 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok I am back if you want to talk about screens15:13.32 
Robin_Watts Thanks.15:13.41 
  So I looked at gen_ordered, and it needs all sorts of things I don't understand.15:14.00 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: you should be able to generate some simple ones15:14.22 
  with it15:14.23 
  let me look at the readme15:14.33 
Robin_Watts After a bit of googling and consultation with kens, I figured that angles of (K 45º, C 15º, M 75º, Y 0º) would be good.15:14.48 
mvrhel_laptop yes15:14.55 
  so that is the target_angle15:15.34 
  dot_shape just make round15:15.41 
  you want ps output I think15:15.52 
Robin_Watts Debug/gen_ordered.exe -a 0 -s 16 -d0 -f raw looked plausible.15:16.17 
  similarly: Debug/gen_ordered.exe -a 45 -s 16 -d0 -f raw15:16.29 
  $ Debug/gen_ordered.exe -a 15 -s 16 -d0 -f raw15:16.53 
  Warning this lpi is not achievable!15:16.54 
  Resulting screen will be poorly quantized15:16.56 
  or completely stochastic!15:16.57 
  The frubble wart will be intersactually twangled.15:17.18 
mvrhel_laptop ok let me run this thing....15:17.36 
  Robin_Watts: so don't specify -s instead say you have -r 600 (the device resolution) and maybe a desired lpi of 3315:20.56 
  That should work better for you15:21.06 
Robin_Watts Ok. I have no clue what lpi "means"15:22.33 
  "lines per inch" obviously.15:22.48 
mvrhel_laptop lines/inch15:22.48 
Robin_Watts but I have limited understanding in what that means.15:23.01 
  At some point adding some "here are some suggested calls to make screens" to the README might be good.15:23.26 
mvrhel_laptop think of it as a measure of how far apart the dot centers are15:23.42 
Robin_Watts It seems odd to have both lpi and resolution default to the same value.15:23.42 
mvrhel_laptop the printer resolution is greater than the dot center spacing15:23.55 
  as the dots grow they connect15:24.09 
Robin_Watts When one would assume that they should be significantly different in most cases.15:24.13 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: hey, the documentation is almost as good as MuPDF ;)15:24.55 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Is there a 200 page book I can read on this? :)15:25.16 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so does a little table display when you run the program?15:25.44 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: A table ? No.15:26.05 
mvrhel_laptop It should show the actual angle achieved and the LPI and the number of quantization levels15:26.06 
Robin_Watts I get no output at all.15:26.20 
mvrhel_laptop hmm maybe ray turned that off 15:26.22 
Robin_Watts I just get a file dumped out.15:26.26 
mvrhel_laptop he did some changes15:26.27 
  hold on15:26.30 
Robin_Watts Ah. -v ?15:26.32 
mvrhel_laptop yes15:26.35 
  -v 115:26.49 
  that should show you some interesting things that are traded off in terms of resolution vs quantization15:27.17 
  I think it should be on -v1 by default15:27.42 
  Robin_Watts: I will see if I can improve the docs in this15:28.48 
  Maybe write a bit of halftone theory in there15:29.04 
  It is a bit sparse....15:29.23 
  but first... grabbing my data off of chains15:29.59 
Robin_Watts Debug/gen_ordered.exe -a 15 -l 33 -q 256 -s16 -d 0 -f raw -v 1 appears to have gone into an infinite loop.15:30.22 
mvrhel_laptop hmm don't specify -s with that command line15:31.20 
  that is a bug though...15:31.29 
ray_laptop "find fonts in your fonts" Clearly my coffee hasn't hist yet :-/15:32.02 
mvrhel_laptop maybe specify a printer resolution15:32.05 
  too 15:32.08 
  default is 30015:32.15 
  I think15:32.16 
  let me try this though15:32.27 
  oh I see15:33.23 
  Robin_Watts: obviously this need someone poking at it like yoy15:33.48 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Idiot Testing(TM).15:34.05 
  ooh, and another question...15:34.40 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: if you want to use the screens with Ghostscript, -fps is best since GS can load them for you.15:35.06 
Robin_Watts I'm trying to get the gs integration of the halftoning stuff working (being careful to mention no names, cos public channel etc)15:35.20 
  ray_laptop: This is not for gs. It's for the simple standalone test harness.15:35.42 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK.15:35.54 
Robin_Watts And so I'm looking at mvrhel's integration.15:36.04 
  In halftone_init, you do:15:36.15 
  if (penum->pgs != NULL && penum->pgs->dev_ht != NULL) {15:36.34 
  ctx = ipa_init(&ipa_allocs, penum->memory->non_gc_memory);15:36.35 
  if (ctx == NULL)15:36.37 
  return NULL;15:36.38 
  penum->ipa_ctx = ctx;15:36.40 
  If penum->pgs == NULL || penum->pgs->dev_ht == NULL then you fall through and try and halftone without having created the lib instance.15:37.06 
  Am I right in thinking that penum->pgs and penum->pgs->dev_ht should NEVER be NULL at this point?15:37.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: should you be mentioning ipa here ?15:55.31 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I thought it was OK since ipa didn't mean anything to anyone.15:55.59 
ray_laptop true15:56.08 
Robin_Watts but I've been scolded by mvrhel and StevePhillips already :)15:56.12 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so the results with the new run are a little surprising. The Altona Visual file in particular. I may redo this all one more time to verify that these results are correct16:28.07 
  Realize 2 things changed here16:28.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No benefit? Or greater benefit than you expected?16:28.31 
mvrhel_laptop 1) I am now going to a different output CMYK color space forcing more conversions especially for the visual file16:28.52 
  2) we slowed the clock 16:28.59 
Robin_Watts Right.16:29.07 
mvrhel_laptop The visual file is showing 80 + percent improvment16:29.14 
Robin_Watts Well, that's a good thing :)16:29.28 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:29.31 
  The images file is also interesting16:29.41 
  If I use the min value I am around 8 percent16:29.52 
  which is similar to before16:30.03 
Robin_Watts min value? 8% of what?16:30.14 
mvrhel_laptop if I use the average we are up 18 percent16:30.16 
  fastest time of 10 for each run with a particular thread number used16:30.43 
  hence the min16:30.49 
Robin_Watts D'Oh. I see. sorry.16:30.52 
mvrhel_laptop vs the avg. over 1016:30.54 
  I am going to run the visual test again just to make sure16:34.54 
  since that one is of the chart16:35.00 
Robin_Watts Is it worth doing some quick profiles on your desktop machine to check that 80% is reasonable ?16:35.35 
mvrhel_laptop well I can do a quick check on chains16:36.08 
  just a single run16:36.13 
  good point16:36.18 
Robin_Watts runs on chains aren't profiles.16:36.27 
mvrhel_laptop no, but I will have the timing values16:36.36 
  an verify I did not use the wrong file :)16:36.55 
  or setting16:37.07 
  but I can do it on my machine here too16:37.21 
  as another sanity check16:37.27 
Robin_Watts Right, but if you run it on your desktop, and you find that the old version only spends 20% overall in the cms code, then an 80% increase overall seems unlikely ?16:37.30 
mvrhel_laptop ah I see16:37.41 
  it spends about 50 percent of its time in lcms16:38.20 
  for that file from my earlier check16:38.30 
  actually no16:39.00 
  42 percent16:39.07 
Robin_Watts So, I'm confused.16:39.19 
mvrhel_laptop 30 percent creating links, 12.5 percent transforming colors16:39.24 
  Me too ;)16:39.29 
Robin_Watts If the old code took 100 seconds to run, and it now takes 20 seconds to run, that'd be an 80% increase ?16:39.38 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:39.45 
  and 42 percent of the run time is spent in lcms16:40.16 
Robin_Watts So if the old code was spending 42 seconds in cms code out of that 100 seconds, even if we optimise that all away to 0, the best we can hope for is a 42% speedup.16:40.33 
mvrhel_laptop ah. one thing is I may have been looking at that with the new code....16:41.01 
  i.e. 42 percent with lcms-mt16:41.14 
  let me go back and get all of this straight16:41.31 
Robin_Watts Right. Knowing the percentage of time spend in the code in the original would be a really good thing to know independently of all this.16:41.36 
  (cos it gives us a "maximum possible" figure)16:41.46 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:41.46 
Robin_Watts Gah. I've clearly got something screwed with this halftoning code.16:42.16 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I was definitely in the new code when I had those numbers16:42.16 
  I have to head out for a bit to run a few errands16:42.28 
Robin_Watts the 90 and 270 degree rotations are flipped.16:42.30 
mvrhel_laptop oops16:42.35 
Robin_Watts HTF have I managed that :)16:42.47 
ray_laptop if the old code took 100 sec and the new code takes 55 sec, THAT's an 80% performance increase (1.8x)17:01.27 
  we should state in terms of performance increase, not time decrease. 17:02.18 
  that's how we would look at it for printer PPM17:02.44 
  or to avoid confusion just state performance is 1.8 times 17:04.13 
Robin_Watts An 80% improvement is a 5 fold improvement. (We do 5 pages in the time previously taken to do 1)17:06.40 
  Michael is clear in the paper about his claims, so whatever is fine, I feel.17:07.32 
kens Robin_Watts : you still about ?18:41.29 
  OK for the logs then. I discovered I didn't have MuPDF on my laptop, so I followed the git clone instructions on mupdf.com. Opened the VS solution file, updated it to VS 2008. Selected build solution18:43.21 
  13 failed to build. Problems all of the form:18:43.56 
  2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include\stdlib.h(599) : error C2485: '__restrict' : unrecognized extended attribute18:43.56 
  source line in stdlib.h is :18:44.33 
  _Check_return_ _Ret_opt_bytecap_x_(_NumOfElements* _SizeOfElements) _CRTIMP _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC _CRTNOALIAS _CRTRESTRICT void * __cdecl calloc(_In_ size_t _NumOfElements, _In_ size_t _SizeOfElements);18:44.33 
  Kind of puzzled by that, any ideas ?18:45.07 
  FWIW every line in stdlib.h that includes _CRTRESTRICT seems to throw the error18:47.14 
Robin_Watts kens: For the logs, I suspect it's the #define restrict __restrict in fitz/system.h22:28.19 
  kens: Probably line 158 should be 1600 ?22:29.23 
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