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kens chrisl is that a partial fix for the FT [roblem ?09:48.50 
chrisl kens: that's the current Freetype code from their git09:49.15 
kens Oh!09:49.21 
  I'm struggling to see how some of those problems are FreeType, but I haven't looked at the files09:49.38 
chrisl Freetype is throwing an error on some glyphs09:49.55 
kens Ah, I guess that would do it. Presumably taht is also behind hte mis-rendereing of the PDF files09:50.16 
  It seems 'better' unless I'm mistaken09:50.40 
chrisl Yeh, the outline corruption is fixed09:51.13 
kens The rendering of the MM in Tekton in test 32 looks like a progression too09:51.30 
chrisl Ugh, no it isn't :-(09:51.36 
kens Hmm, maybe not09:51.45 
chrisl test 1809:51.55 
kens I had candidate and reference sswapped09:52.00 
  Yeah 18 was the one I was having trouble blaming FT for09:52.29 
  The corruption doesn't appear to be on a glyph09:52.47 
  Well, I suppose it could be at the extreme edge09:53.17 
chrisl Well, the only change is freetype, so......09:53.31 
kens I assumed that, hence my puzzlement09:53.41 
  Actually looking at it, I think it *must* be the extremes of the capital letters09:54.01 
  page 14 you can see its clipped to the top of the glyph Y09:54.19 
  and X though that's nto quite so clear09:54.30 
chrisl eh, page 14?09:54.54 
kens Test 18 page 14 ?09:55.07 
chrisl Oh, I was looking at 20+09:55.34 
kens Yeah been there already09:55.41 
  The missing PDF content is undoubtedly due to throwing an error09:56.37 
  We just abor thte stream in that case09:56.43 
chrisl That's what I'm looking at now09:57.08 
kens I'll stop bothering you, just curious09:57.24 
chrisl TBH, I'm rather baffled - I can't see where the numbers are coming from that trigger the error09:58.04 
kens If you want a cardboard programmer, you can shout09:58.21 
chrisl At the moment, I genuinely don't know where to start09:58.45 
kens Hmm, not good.....09:58.56 
chrisl And the debugger just crashed :-(09:59.24 
kens My only sense of urgency on this is that Werner is talking about doing a release, and given that 2.9 didn't work for us, it would be ideal if we could make sure the next one does....09:59.44 
  Which file are you working on ?10:00.34 
chrisl Bug692850.pdf10:00.49 
kens Hmm, I think I'd have been inclined to look for a simpler file :-)10:01.17 
  Actually I'd have to pull the latest FT to look at this, so there's probably no point. If you do want me to try anything, give me a shout.10:02.57 
chrisl Once I work out what actually fills in the values, it should help at lot!10:03.49 
  Test 57 is, umm, weird....10:07.40 
kens hmm, 1 sec10:07.47 
  I assumed that was a PDF error10:08.20 
  So its only partly filling the area ?10:08.32 
  It does seem odd that its even partial though10:08.41 
chrisl Oh, no, it's a Postscript error - QL files have their own error handler - doh10:08.42 
kens But its a PDF file10:09.08 
  Unless you think the error was caught during conversion ?10:09.18 
chrisl running it to pdfwrite throws an error, but not to ppmraw, I think10:09.49 
kens That *is* weird10:09.59 
  It does seem like its only the PDF file throwing the error10:10.23 
chrisl The Postscript error is caught by the QL error handler10:10.54 
  "TEST FAILEDunknownerror: .FAPIBuildChar" on the backchannel10:11.08 
kens But surely that should still result in a diff ?10:11.09 
  Maybe I missed the file10:11.39 
chrisl The *Postscript* file is throwing the error10:11.54 
kens Oh I see10:12.00 
  Odd that its only with pdfwrite10:12.28 
chrisl Actually the error is caught by stopped, but the Postscript continues after the error happens.10:13.05 
kens Yeah the QL files do that a lot10:13.21 
chrisl Oh, might be related to outline glyphs10:21.37 
  Yep.... I wonder if the glyph bounding box isn't being set correctly for outline glyphs - that might explain why I can't see the numbers being set!10:24.15 
kens Sounds like a possibility10:24.27 
chrisl Doesn't explain why this error only happens with pdfwrite, though :-(10:24.42 
kens Maybe it uses outline glyphs more ?10:24.53 
  Remember iot runs at 720 dpi10:25.13 
chrisl I tried ppmraw at 720dpi, 1200dpi and 1440dpi10:25.41 
kens Hmm, not that then I guess10:25.55 
  OMG did you see the latest email on bug #698731 ?10:26.24 
chrisl Jesus :-(10:27.40 
Robin_Watts Can anyone give me a reason why we keep penum->clip_inner ?10:48.42 
kens Checking if an object is compeltely within the inner cllip ?10:49.07 
  That is, its not clipped so we cna optimise it, I'm assuming10:49.59 
Robin_Watts kens breaks cover...10:50.13 
  OK, so what is the actually difference between the inner and outer clip ?10:50.24 
kens Well the inner clip might be notihing10:50.41 
  If you consider two concenttric circles10:50.57 
Robin_Watts kens: Yeah, the best definition I've been able to come up with is "the inner clip is unhelpful" :)10:51.06 
  go on.10:51.11 
kens Actually circles may not be a good example10:51.36 
chrisl Um, is the inner clip actually used anywhere ?10:51.38 
kens Ah now *that* I don't know10:51.48 
chrisl 'Cause I can only see it being set10:52.00 
kens I was thinking that if you had a circle, then teh outer clip is the circle, while the inner clip is empty10:52.09 
  But if your clip was two concentric circles, the inner clip could be the inner circle10:52.24 
  So any object completely within the inner clip would nto be clipped at all10:52.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Indeed, penum->inner_clip is set but not used as far as I can see.10:52.45 
kens This is, of course, compelte speculation10:52.48 
  Remove ti and see what happensd ?10:53.05 
Robin_Watts kens: Ah, so the inner clip box is "if it's in here, it's trivially unclipped"10:53.36 
kens Well, possibly10:53.43 
Robin_Watts and the outer clip box is "if it's in here, it needs testing".10:53.47 
  That at least makes some sort of sense.10:53.54 
kens Well, its what it would mean if I wrote it :-)10:54.04 
  But in honesty I don't knwo that's the case10:54.12 
Robin_Watts Gah.11:04.40 
kens I assume that's something bad11:04.50 
Robin_Watts GS makes the device that I need to use in each callback after the init call to my code has been made.11:05.04 
  so I can't pass in the device at init time.11:05.10 
  Means I need to change the API to my new code a bit.11:05.21 
kens Ah....11:05.33 
Robin_Watts Currently my output is not being clipped, cos I'm getting the wrong device.11:05.40 
kens Robin_Watts : what I was going to ask yesterday, can you make that change in fitz/system.h ? SO that importing the solution to VS 2008 doesn't throw lots of errors on __restrict11:06.18 
Robin_Watts Sure.11:06.31 
kens Thanks11:06.34 
  FWIW 1600 worked fine for me11:06.42 
  I suspect I must have run into this before, because my desktop version already had it set to 1900....11:07.20 
Robin_Watts where are the errors given again?11:08.12 
kens Everhere that stdint is cinluded11:08.22 
  <sigh> typos...11:08.30 
  Everywhere that stdint is included11:08.44 
Robin_Watts OK, ta.11:09.09 
deekej hello chrisl, I was trying the patch from http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/chrisl/ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=282560f5ae3 12:07.02 
  unfortunately the build fails for me12:07.17 
  make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'psi/dxmain.c.c', needed by 'sobin/gsx'. Stop.12:07.41 
  make[1]: *** [base/unix-dll.mak:296: so-subtarget] Error 212:08.04 
  make: *** [base/unix-dll.mak:245: so] Error 212:08.04 
chrisl Did you remake configure?12:08.08 
deekej ah, that's it, probably12:08.25 
  I forgot there was a change to configure12:08.34 
  give me minute :)12:08.43 
  ok, sorry for the noise, the build has passed now12:17.58 
  I'm trying it in Koji as well right now, but it looks good12:18.13 
chrisl deekej: Assuming it all runs through okay, can you put that in the bug please? Hopefully, the homebrew guys will chip in, too12:18.56 
deekej sure :)12:19.10 
chrisl Thanks12:19.17 
  kens: got a sec?13:45.45 
kens Yes sure13:45.50 
chrisl Can you take a look at https://ghostscript.com/~regression/chrisl/compare2.html test 1513:46.02 
kens Hmm yes that one again13:46.24 
chrisl Well, the font is broken13:46.42 
kens Ah....13:46.54 
chrisl To the extent that Acrobat throws an error on it13:46.59 
kens Oh that's really quite broken then13:47.10 
chrisl The corruption is actually a / glyph, which *is* referenced in the stream13:47.47 
kens Huh, that claims to be a Smart Office bug.....13:47.54 
chrisl No.... https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69371113:48.10 
kens Oh, so it was wrong before, and wrong in a more visible fashion now13:48.12 
  Oh I can't type again, transposed 3 & 713:48.29 
chrisl I suspect this is actually freetype doing a *better* job of coping with a broken charstring13:48.48 
kens Could be, yes. I see form the bug report that I said way back then that the font was broken13:49.13 
  So it seems to me this isn't a problem, we cna accept the changed rendering13:49.29 
chrisl That's my feeling13:49.39 
kens Well, if the font is broken, all bets are off. If Acrobat won't render it then I think we're good to say that13:50.15 
chrisl Acrobat has a go.... but throws up a "can't extract...." dialogue13:50.48 
kens I think tha'ts not unreasonable13:51.00 
  We could do that too, but I'm happy enough with the rendering being changed13:51.17 
chrisl It would be problematic to warn (or error) since freetype now doesn't give up. I could look at why, and if we could work around it, but I'm not feeling it's worth the effort13:52.12 
kens I really don't think its wirth the effort, broken fonts are broken....13:52.29 
  If that's the only remaining problem, then I htink its good13:53.04 
chrisl So, a small tweak in our code can work around the feetype error, and the current freetype code is fine13:53.11 
kens Excellent13:53.19 
  Shall I tell Werner or would you rather ?13:53.35 
chrisl I'm just replying now13:53.43 
kens :-D13:53.47 
  I guess when he does the next FT release we should upgrade to that, and just skip 2.9 altogether13:54.58 
chrisl That is my intent - I can't be bothered using a patched 2.9 right now13:55.22 
kens There seems little point, since Werner is talkign about an imminent release13:55.41 
tor8 kens: chrisl: what is the problem with 2.9? I know there were several bugs in 2.8 that prevented mupdf from updating, but I reported those and they were fixed.13:57.05 
kens tor8 there was corruption of the glyphs, I'm not sure if chrisl diagnosed it or just found that upgrading to HEAD of FT fixed them13:57.32 
chrisl tor8: There was some weird outline corruption with Type 1 fonts in 2.913:57.33 
kens tor8 maybe you hsould check the next release when it comes out.13:58.08 
tor8 chrisl: hm, not related to the CFF advance widths that were missing in 2.8?13:58.52 
kens The glyphs were rendering incorrectly, which doesn't *sound* like advance widths13:59.24 
chrisl tor8: No, this was genuine outline corruption - like there was a closepath in the wrong place13:59.31 
tor8 that doesn't sound like what I found13:59.44 
  and I haven't mustered the energy to go through the clusterpush bmpcmp diffs that updating to 2.9 creates...14:00.21 
kens Really ? Chris's bmpcmp was only 5 pages14:00.45 
  That's to HEAD of FT though, 2.9 had more changes14:01.03 
chrisl 2.9 had a few more - like 10-12, I think14:01.16 
tor8 kens: I saw hundreds of pages last I checked...14:01.53 
kens Oh, it really wasn't anything like that when Chris tested 2.914:02.11 
tor8 I guess I should test it again then :)14:02.26 
kens Though in fariness, I don;t know what previous version we were using14:02.28 
chrisl We're using 2.714:04.01 
  I ignored 2.8 as I remembered tor8 finding problems14:04.26 
kens Ah!14:04.36 
  So MuPDF shouldn't really be much worse than us then in going forward I'd have thought14:04.54 
tor8 mupdf is still on 2.6.3 and that may be what's causing more diffs than gs14:05.28 
kens Oh that is a little further back, I guess it could be14:05.40 
chrisl Oh, I think there were *lots* when I upped to 2.714:05.58 
tor8 the CFF code in freetype has had a lot of work since then14:06.00 
kens Chris normally keeps us up to date14:06.06 
tor8 but I guess since you use 2.7 I could safely go to that first :)14:06.17 
kens Our requirements might differ.....14:06.32 
tor8 mupdf's requirements are usually more modest.14:06.56 
kens But it does seem a reasonable position yes14:06.57 
chrisl We drive feetype *very* differently, and also don't rely on it for (all) metrics.....14:07.09 
tor8 the most unusual requirement is for us to need support for naked CFF fonts14:07.17 
  but I think gs does that too, to cope with embedded CFF fonts in PDF14:07.27 
kens defers to chrisl14:07.42 
chrisl To all intents and purposes, yes14:08.08 
  In gs they are wrapped up as Type 2 PS fonts, but they end up being passed to freetype as a "bare" cff14:09.10 
  FWIW, I don't think bare cff is *that* rare in freetype's world14:09.34 
  tor8: the first test shows the (main) issue I was seeing with 2.8: https://ghostscript.com/~regression/chrisl/14:16.26 
kens Hey Michael ? Just a reminder, Ron asked us to direct people to https://artifex.com/contact-us, rather than sales@artifex.com. Apparently they're trying to phase out the sales@ address.19:27.39 
HenryStiles sebras: I've got about 15K attachments and they compress down to 12G, seems like it should be more but maybe not. You and ken should be able to just download these no?20:33.44 
  sebras: they're in picas.ghostscript.com:attachments.tar.gz20:37.44 
  sebras: they're in picas.ghostscript.com:/home/henrys/attachments.tar.gz20:38.00 
  enough python and sql for one day for me.20:39.24 
  sebras, kens (logs) after looking at bandwidth costs (cheap) and not wanting to add more accounts to picas I decided to push the attachment data to casper, I'll let you know when it finishes23:25.43 
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