Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/03)20180404 
sebras HenryStiles: oh. that's why casper ran out of space..?02:49.14 
tkamppeter Can someone have a look at https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=699189 I cannot imagine that this problem is really caused by the "cups" output device.10:21.57 
Robin_Watts_ tkamppeter: We ask people to give us a gs command that doesn't work.10:27.14 
  We don't go digging in other peoples scripts.10:27.33 
  If we did, we'd never have time for anything else.10:27.40 
  So, if you (or the reporter) can reduce that to a gs command (and input) that doesn't work, we can comment on it.10:28.10 
  (I don't believe gs2raster is our script).10:28.28 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts_, I have tried to reproduce with the reporter's GS command line and for me it works. I have added a comment asking him for a complete command line and an input file which gives the error.11:13.21 
Robin_Watts_ tkamppeter: Thanks!11:25.43 
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