Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/05)20180406 
sebras HenryStiles (for the logs): got 'em!01:37.09 
sags Hi all. Lately, Hotmail/Outlook.com classifies all mail form gs-commits and gs-devel as Junk. (Note: I set a filter to move those messages to Inbox, but still the Hotmail junk filters seem to have absolute precedence and those I defined are not applied.) I have no idea why, but I thought it's something you would want to know in case there is something to be done on the server side (certificates? other stuff?).09:02.57 
kens Well, I don't think we use SPF, so possibly that's why. I doubt there's anything we can do about it.09:03.30 
sags It did worke fine since recently. Maybe Microsoft changed something? In any case, it's not a problem. Thanks.09:05.51 
kens OK thanks for letting us know anyway09:06.04 
chrisl I wonder if there's been recent changes in our DNS setup - that might explain it09:06.34 
kens Ah yes, that could alos be a possibility09:06.46 
chrisl Possibly mention it to Ray when he's online09:07.27 
kens I'm not sure when he's back from vacation09:07.41 
  I'll go look in a minute09:08.06 
chrisl It's not like it's urgent, most interested parties will whitelist the mailing lists09:08.44 
kens Well, its not affecting me, so.... :-)09:09.03 
  Apparently Ray is out Mar 31 to Apr 809:09.25 
  So he shuld be back Monday I guess09:09.36 
chrisl Might be keeping gs-devel quiet - so that's a plus ;-)09:09.41 
kens :-D09:09.48 
Robin_Watts https://ghostscript.com/~robin/squeeze.html <- The results of shelly's work.15:06.36 
  That's the memory squeezing trace for owl.pcl. No leaks, no crashes.15:07.17 
kens That's nice15:08.18 
  big improvement15:08.37 
HenryStiles awesome!15:10.17 
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