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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/10)20180411 
HenryStiles chrisl: oh wow didn't realize the mm fix was going to be that involved. A lot of work14:24.10 
chrisl HenryStiles: it was rather a hole in the FAPI code.... yes14:24.41 
tkamppeter Hi,16:50.56 
  I need help, I need DELAYBIND back.16:51.14 
chrisl tkamppeter: why? It's a *huge* security risk17:00.55 
  tkamppeter: ah, actually, it is back....17:01.44 
  It's still a massive security issue though :-(17:02.55 
tkamppeter Thanks chrisl, I need DELAYBIND in 9.22. Can I simply apply this change to 9.22?17:26.50 
chrisl I believe it should apply okay, I haven't tried it. You probably also want http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=c5f770b5c64cf7a2f3a0f3c447c089a089a695d117:28.45 
  tkamppeter: ^^17:28.49 
tkamppeter chrisl, I have tried it and it applies, so no problem here. So I can provide a gs with DELAYBIND in Ubuntu.17:50.39 
  chrisl, biut now I have a compatibility problem. There are scripts written in PS in pstotxt and they do not work any more, also with the fixed gs 9.22.17:51.51 
  chrisl, this is the script: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FQnR4kkjTn/17:55.03 
  chrisl, and I get this error (with a pstotext where I have patched -dSAFER out of the gs command line):https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j7TMTfM7wd/ 17:58.51 
chrisl tkamppeter: pstotext is old, broken and doesn't work very well - why bother?18:09.06 
  tkamppeter: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commit;h=bcef41ad72a16472a3003d357bf8d8680174ab8518:09.23 
  tkamppeter: I really feel that holding onto backwards compatibiility with a utility last updated 14 years ago isn't always going to be in our best interests......18:14.47 
tkamppeter chrisl, thank you very much.19:14.52 
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