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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/11)20180412 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You here?09:50.08 
Rutkay Hi there! 11:14.15 
  What is the difference between devices with fax encoding (ie tiffg4) and others (ie tiffgray)11:14.51 
kens The ones with fax encoding use fax encoding (compression)11:15.06 
  The others use the specified encoding11:15.18 
Rutkay I'm using this generated pdf files with fax operations. Should or must I use fax encoding? Is that a standard or something like?11:16.20 
kens There are a number of ITU standards revolving around facssimile transmission (fax)11:17.02 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I am here now - btw, sorry for the errant debug code.....11:17.34 
kens There are two basic compression methods for fax, CCITT group 3 fax encoding and CCITT group 4 fax encoding11:17.37 
Robin_Watts chrisl: No worries. 11:17.42 
kens They only apply to bilevel images11:17.52 
  So they can only be used in PDF files if those files contain bilevel images.11:18.10 
Robin_Watts I was going to ask about a memory corruption thing, cos it was showing up in freeing the pxl built in font list, but I think it's just random memory corruption.11:18.15 
kens (monochrome)11:18.16 
Robin_Watts Rutkay: You say you are using the generatated pdf files with fax operations...11:18.44 
kens Unless you are creating teh actual binary bits for transmission between fax machiones, you need not worry about it.11:18.48 
Robin_Watts Do you mean that you are feeding the fax files direct to some sort of fax software?11:19.04 
Rutkay No actually, I'm sending tiff files to another client. It does whatever it want 11:19.34 
  Not specified machine 11:19.42 
kens OK lets get simpler.11:19.56 
  You make a PDF file, then what do you do with it ?11:20.04 
Rutkay I have pdf files. I'm attaching a bunch of pdf files and merge them basically to send them to another remote client who I don't know anything about. While this pdf operations, I'm using ghostscript to turn this files to tiff and merge and tiff to pdf again11:22.17 
  I don't know all the details actually :/11:22.36 
kens That wasn't the question11:22.42 
  When you say 'send them to a remote client' I assume you don't print them out, make little paper aeroplanes and throw them over the fence.11:23.15 
  So how do you send tehm ?11:23.23 
Rutkay As pdf files I think, I don't know transmission details. But I see exactly what I sent on the remote client side11:24.41 
Robin_Watts Rutkay: So, let me see if I understood that correctly. Basically you're wanting to merge a bunch of PDF files together in order to be able to send them off to a remote client.11:24.56 
kens Well if you don't know the transmission details, why are you asking about fax ?11:24.57 
Robin_Watts The mechanism you are using to do this merging is to convert each PDF file to a tiff image, then to create a new PDF file from all those tiff images.11:25.29 
  Is that correct ?11:25.32 
Rutkay Because this operation is named as fax and probably files are being used to get output via fax machines 11:25.45 
  Robin: Yes 11:26.15 
Robin_Watts Ok, so that's a bonkers thing to do.11:26.24 
  Don't do that .11:26.28 
kens lunches11:26.48 
Robin_Watts if you convert from PDF -> tiff then tiff -> PDF you are throwing away data.11:26.49 
  You will lose quality.11:27.00 
  A smarter way to work is to use the pdfwrite device.11:27.36 
  Suppose you have input files in1.pdf, in2.pdf, in3.pdf etc.11:28.00 
  Then do:11:28.03 
Rutkay But in the first place, pdf to tiff causes too much loss. I think I cannot edit all the operation but at least try to not to lose too much data from the beginning :/11:28.08 
Robin_Watts gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf in1.pdf in2.pdf in3.pdf11:28.22 
  That will make you a new out.pdf that contains the 3 input files.11:28.40 
  Data loss will be as minimal as possible.11:28.51 
  If the original files contained fax encoded images, so will the output file.11:29.14 
  The only reason you should *ever* convert from PDF to a fax encoded tiff is if you are going to feed that tiff into something that requires either 1) data that is already fax encoded, or 2) a monochrome image file.11:30.53 
  That does not sound like your use case.11:31.01 
Rutkay I have too much to learn.. I have too old and fragile software to work with it. It's just sad to hear the details 11:33.16 
  Thank you guys, whenever I learn some more details I will come back 11:36.30 
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